Blood and Oil

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"We've been pre-booking tickets for months. The park needs a new attraction every few years to reinvigorate the public's interest. Ms. Rengler's dimorphodon attraction was the most recent. Corporate felt that genetic modification would up the wow- factor."

"They're dinosaurs, wow enough," Owen said as Claire led the two up the stairs.

"Not according to our focus groups. The Indominous Rex makes us relevant again."

"The Indominous Rex," Owen chuckled throughout the term. Claire heaved a frustrated sigh.

"We needed something scary and easy to pronounce. You should hear a four-year-old try to say archaeornithomimus."

Ari tried to mouth the word herself and failed as the three walked into the observatory. "You should hear you try to say it."

"So what's this thing made out of?" Owen asked, looking out into the dense mini-jungle.

"The base genome is T-Rex, and the rest is classified," Claire said, adjusting her stupid haircut.

"You made a new dinosaur and you don't even know what it is?" Ari asked incredulously.

"The lab gives us finished assets and we show them to the public, can we drop a steer please?" She ordered a worker sitting at a desk, and he complied and pressed a button.

Just above the observatory, a massive carcass was moved into thepaddock from a crane.

"How long has the animal been in here?" Ari asked. She took the lead on asking the questions. Owen stayed silent and paced around the observatory.

"All its life," Claire answered.

"Never seen anything outside these walls?" Ari confirmed.

"We can't exactly walk it."

"And you feed it with that?" Ari pointed at the carcass as it disappeared from view under the tree line.

"Is there a problem?" Claire seemed offended by the ongoing questions.

"Animals raised in captivity aren't always the most functional," Owen called out from across the room.

"Both of your dinosaur groups are raised in activity."

"With siblings," Owen said as he walked around. "They learn social skills. And we imprinted on them when they were born. There's trust. The only positive relationship this animal has is with that crane. At least she knows that means food."

"Sooo," Claire started. "She needs a friend? We should schedule playdates? That sort of thing?"

Ari, still looking at the window, said,  "Probably not a good idea."

Claire huffed before tapping on the glass, confused. "Where is it?" She asked quietly.

"Is it in the basement?" Owen asked sarcastically. "Is there a downstairs? Maybe it's in the rec room."

"It was just here," Claire mumbled. "We were just here."

She tapped on a tablet next to her, and a noise sounded as the screens behind the worker lit up with the words: "No Thermal Signatures Detected."

"Oh shoot..." Owen mumbled from across the room., but nobody was paying attention.

"That doesn't make sense," the guard said. "These doors haven't been open in weeks."

"We're those claw marks always there?" Owen called our attention toward him, where he was pointing at the paddock wall.

Claire and I walked toward him.

"Do you think it..." Claire trailed off. "Oh god. Umm, she has an implant in her back. I can track it from the control room!"

She rushed out of the room and down to her car as fast as she could. Ari walked to Owen and gasped when she saw the gigantic claw marks that decorated the walls. Not just one part, but all the way to the top.

1st person:

Owen, Eric, Matt (yes I named the workers idk), and I slowly walked into the paddock from a ground door.

It was littered with bones, all picked clean of any flesh. I ran my hand along those ominous claw marks, they were almost longer in diameter than my arm.

"That wall is 40 feet high," Eric said. "Do you really think she could have climbed out?"

"Depends..." Owen responded.

"On what?" Eric asked.

"What kind of dinosaur they cooked up in that lab," he finished.

Suddenly, frantic noises sounded from the walk-in talkie on Eric's shoulder.

"Paddock 11 do you copy?"

"Yeah, what's the problem?" Eric answered.

"It's in the cage it's in there with you!"

"GO!" Owen shouted. He didn't have to tell me twice. We all ran back to where we came in, but I stopped Eric before he could run any farther. Matt and Owen had continued to run.

Loud stomps sounded from in front of us, and the animal clawed through the underbrush and revealed itself.

"Owen!" I cried as Eric and I ran to the paddock gate. Eric slammed his hand on the pad and entered a passcode. The gate opened in front of us as we sprinted through. I ran toward a car and slid under it, keeping myself hidden.

Owen sprinted through the doors and apparently had the same idea and was able to slide under soon after me, but not before the animal escaped and destroyed the gate. Luckily it went left.

We watched as it stalked around another car and I winced when I saw Eric hiding in front of it. He sobbed and kissed the cross on his necklace.

The animal kicked the car over as if it was turning over a stone. Owen shielded me from the shower of glass as the windows shattered in front of us. I looked back up just in time to see Eric be snatched up by the gigantic mouth of the Indominous.

Owen quickly turned onto his back and sliced open a valve on the car with his knife, spraying the both of us with gasoline.

"Ugh-" Before I could make another noise, Owen clapped his hand over my mouth. It walked toward us, and Owen lay in front of me with his arm around my waist, keeping himself between me and the dinosaur.

We stayed completely still as the thing leaned right next to our car. Even through the gasoline odor, I could smell the blood on her teeth. Or maybe that was an illusion.

She sniffed around, and Owen squeezed his eyes shut as she got closer. She huffed and roared, but then she walked away.

She walked away...

Owen's muscles relaxed and he rested his head on mine as the sound of her stomps faded. He finally let himself breathe again and we stayed there for a couple of minutes where he was basically spooning me. If it weren't for the fact that we were almost eaten, I would have been so embarrassed, but at the moment I just found comfort in his presence. I was able to handle all but one tear as it slid down my cheek along with droplets of gasoline.

"We need to go," Owen finally said to me as he clutched me harder for a moment. "We gotta do something."

I cherished the fleeting moment of security before slowly moving from underneath the car and helping Owen up.

Just In Case (Owen Grady- Jurassic World)Where stories live. Discover now