Chapter 3

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His hands were warm and soft. He held them before my eyes as he took me out of the car and pushed me to walk. "Walk faster" and he pushed me again.
I tried to count how many steps we took, maybe it could help me when I try and find a way back. During the ride I also tried to remember the signs at the highway, so I could find my way back.
He stopped behind me and removed his hands. We were standing on the top of a staircase that led to something which seemed like a basement.
I started panicking when I saw a bed and a bathroom when we walked down the stairs.
Would he keep me here? What would they do to me? What do they want from me?
"Please, take me back. Please! I-I'm sure you have the wrong person. I'm a n-nobody. I have no money, nothing-g. Please-" he cut me off by a laugh. "I'm certain you're the person I was looking for. Shut up and freshen up. I'll be back in 30 minutes". He said before pushing me in and closing the door behind him before I could look at his face.
Despite the room being in the basement, it was a nice room. It was little, just big enough for a bed, a closet and a little desk with some books on it. There was a small bathroom attached to the room, which was separated by a white door.

Ignored his order to freshen up and went up the stairs to the door. I started banging on it.
"Please! Let me out!! Please, open the door!
I managed to scream and kick for about 5 minutes before getting tired. Tears were streaming down my cheeks at the thought of what he could do with me. I was scared and alone. Locked in a room in the middle of nowhere.
After I calmed down I stepped into the shower and put on the clothes that were hanging in the closet. I might aswell follow orders and not get on their bad side.
No one had come to my screaming and knocking, but indeed after 30 minutes the door opened and a male walked down the stairs.

I scanned his arms for tattoos, but it wasn't him. It wasn't the guy who kidnapped me.
"Are you ready?" The male said. His voice was low and scary, unlike Jungkook's voice. His voice was low too, but not scary.
"Re-ready..?" I whispered while looking the guy up and down. He harshly grabbed me by my arm and dug his nails in my flesh. I yelped. Pulling me up the stairs with a gun in his other hand, he led me to a livingroom.
It was beautiful and luxurious. Spacious and decorated peacefully. It had the same aesthetic as the room in the basement.
"Y-you're hurting me. Please. Sir" i tried to get out without stuttering. "I told you not to touch her! Can't you follow orders?!" A familiar voice yelled. Jungkook.
Immediately the guy let go of my arm and apologized for not following orders. He left after Jungkook waved his hand to the door, a sign for the guy to leave.
I rubbed my arm, which was now black and blue. The handprint still dug into my skin.
He sat down. Scanned me up and down. He kept silent as he looked at my face. I tried very hard to keep my eyes from watering, because I didn't want to show any signs of weakness.
I swallowed and opened my mouth to say something, but he was faster. "You're to stay in the basement room. You're to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner in the diningroom when you're called for. The maid is available if you need-" he wanted to continue but I cut him off by saying "sir, please let me go. What do you want from me?"
A tear escaped my eye and rolled down my cheek. I tried to hold his blank stare. As if he

was annoyed for me cutting his sentence.
He pushed himself out of the chair and pushed back his hair. The tattoos on his arm were a confirmation for me that it was really the guy who kidnapped me.
"I'm sure you'll regret cutting my sentences short. I advise you to listen and to behave.
You'll only make things harder for yourself."
He said coldly while walking to the window and looking outside.
"As I was saying... The maid is available if you need something. I expect you to stay in your room and not do anything stupid, like trying to escape." He said and his eyes found their way to mine. "Go to your room. Sleep. I'll be seeing you tomorrow at breakfast." and before I could even open my mouth he was gone.
That night was horrible. The bed was uncomfortable and the basement was cold. I fell asleep after tossing and turning for 2

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