Chapter 10

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Kiara's pov
It's been 24 hours since I last saw Jungkook and my stepfather in the cabin. I had turned my whole apartment upside down. I had gone to our old house and asked if the new residents had seen files. But nothing. I couldn't find files. None.
I only had 24 hours left and all I could think of was go to the vault at the bank my dad had once given me the key to. My dad was also a CEO of a lawfirm and had put the key to that vault in his will. He didn't leave me any money in his will, only a key.
For the past years I had kept the key in my wallet, not thinking I'd ever go and look at what he left in that vault. Partly because I was too sad to even think about my parents. My relationship was so good with them. Losing them was the hardest thing I had to go through.
And even today, I'm still not over it.
It took me a few hours to get into the vault.
Apparently my dad had wanted it to be very secure and only I could enter. After identifying myself the man at the bank who seemingly worked for my father escorted me to the guarded vault and opened it with the key. I gave him the key, because my hands were trembling so much. I was scared of what I would find in there. I was scared of the memories that it would bring up again. The man understood and told me that he'd unlock the vault.
"I'll give you some privacy, miss. You only get 5 minutes in here. I'll come and get you when the time is up. If you have any questions, I'll be waiting outside", he had said. I took a breath and opened the vault door. I couldn't waste time. I needed to see Jungkook again.
To my surprise there was only a letter in there along with with a map of files. My hands were shaking heavily and it took me a while to read the note my dad left me. Tears streaming down my face.
It was true what my stepfather had told me in the cabin. My dad was indeed a mafia. He told me to burn the files and that I could have the money in the back account.
He told me that mom and dad loved me. I sobbed quietly and quickly took the files inside the vault and left.
Burn the files or give them to Junghwan and save Jungkook? That question kept repeating in my head. Burn the files. Save Jungkook.
Burn the files. Save Jungkook. My head was aching. Who do I trust when everything in my life has been a lie?
(POV: Jungkook)
48 hours almost had passed. I was worried about Kiara . I had wanted to shoot everyone and take her with me. I wanted to run away with her. Leave everything behind. Every time I thought about her, my chest hurt.
I was put in a small room. Waiting for Kiara to bring the files. Every now and then a guard. would come in and check up on me.
Sometimes beating me up to keep me scared.
To let me know that I was now weak and that I couldn't go anywhere.
Junghwan let me hire my own men and maids. Before Junghwan caught me helping
Kiara escape, I had told Sumin, the maid, about Kiara . I had told her that I loved her and Sumin had told me that she'd not tell anyone.
She helped me pack clothes and food for Kiara , when she was still in the cabin.
I hoped Sumin would have noticed something being wrong. I had hoped she would call someone, anyone. Even if it was the police.
But that would have been a miracle. She wouldn't and couldn't have known about the situation and she'd probably be too scared to call anyone for help.
I sighed and waited. Only a few more hours.
Kiara... where are you? I hope you're okay. I

hope you get to escape and never come back.
All I want is for you to be okay and free. My mind going over and over the situation.
Hoping. Waiting.
(Kiara's POV)
It took us a few hours to get back to the cabin.
The two man who escorted me the past two days brought me there and waited outside for Junghwan and Jungkook. I was trembling.
Out of my mind. It felt like I was dreaming.
Like none of it was real. I hoped I'd wake up from this nightmare soon.
Two cars arrived outside the cabin. Both of the armed men looked at me and back to the cars. Junghwan ordered a man to bring Jungkook inside. My eyes widened at the sight of Jungkook. Beaten up. Coverer in blood. Old and new blood. A tear slipped from my eye and I quickly wiped it away.
Trying not to show any weaknesses. I held my head high as Junghwan walked in. Despite my heart beating like crazy.
"Do you have the files?". I nodded and held a map in my hands. He chuckled, "good girl". I gritted my teeth and looked at Jungkook. "Let him go first", I demanded. Junghwan raised an eyebrow, "you're calling the shots now? Do you not know I can put a bullet in his head faster that you can blink?".
I kept my head high, and said "you won't. I called the police before coming here. The minute your men didn't look. You have enough time to take these files and leave without getting caught. But not if you don't let Jungkook go. I'll fight back. You'll get caught". It was a lie. I didn't call the police. I just needed him to think I did.
All of that I said without stuttering, but I think I might have peed my pants. I tried so hard to keep my hand still and not show I was shaking. He just laughed and stepped closer.
He looked me in my eyes and parted his lips to say something.
But right before he could, police sirens went off. His eyes widened. "Let. Him. Go", I demanded. The men holding Jungkook dropped him and quickly ran outside to leave, afraid of getting caught. Junghwan snatched the map out of my hand and took his gun.
For a second. Only a second. I died. I died and my soul had almost left my body. For only a second I didn't mind. I would have gladly died and left this cruel world. But it was Jungkook who kept me here.
I widened my eyes as he pointed it to Jungkook. Before I could move a shot went off and Junghwan drove off. Leaving me with Jungkook who was bleeding heavily from his stomach.

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