Chapter 2

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Kiara's  house

Kiara's  house

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(Kiara's POV)

My alarm clock rang and it was 8:00 in the morning it's the usual time I wake up in the morning for work. I usually get to work around 9:55 and I start my shift at 10 . I got up brushed my teeth put my hair in a high ponytail. I went to my closet and I picked out a normal pair of black jeans and a white button up shirt I put them on the I went to my closet and I got my apron and put it on.

 I went to my closet and I picked out a normal pair of black jeans and a white button up shirt I put them on the I went to my closet and I got my apron and put it on

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(If you don't like it you can imagine something else)

After I got ready I went downstairs and made some toast and bacon and eggs I looked at the watch and it read 9:40. So I finished my breakfast and got my phone and my AirPods. I went outside my house and locked the door then i got in my car and started to think about my parents.

My Mum and dad bought me this car on my 19th birthday before I graduated high school I haven't seen them in about 5 years

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My Mum and dad bought me this car on my 19th birthday before I graduated high school I haven't seen them in about 5 years.

(Flashback 5 years ago)
The day of my birthday.
"Good morning", I said. to my parents. My brothers Leo and Noah are away for college. Leo went to Harvard and Noah went to Princeton university, they will be back in about 2 or 3 years I miss them so much especially my twin. I didn't want to go to college, so I just found a job and I've been working as a waitress for a few weeks and I love it .  "Good morning Kiara". Both mum and dad said. "Do you have any plans today mother and father, I was thinking we could hang out today after I get off work", I said. "I'm sorry honey but I got stuff to do today maybe another day". dad said In a sorry tone. "I would love to hang out with you we can have a girls day we haven't had one in a while text me when you get off work and I'll meet you here". Mum said. Wait how am I supposed to get here I live like an hour away from work are they gonna make me walk. I gotta ask. "Mum how am I supposed to get here". I said.
Both mum dad looked at each other and smiled I looked at them weirdly. " do you wanna tell her or should I".mum said. " I will" said dad. "What's going on".I said. "Well as you know it's your birthday today and we wanted to give you your surprise, come on sweetie follow your mom and I down stairs" dad said. I was so confused "ok"I said. They told me to put on a blindfold and handed me one so I took it and put it around my eyes while they directed me downstairs and while we walked downstairs carefully. I didn't know where we were I think it was the garage but why.
"Ok you can take your blindfold off now sweetie". Mum said. As I took it off but what I saw next it made me so freaking happy.


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"NO F*CK*NG WAY YOU BOUGHT ME A CAR ".I said. They laughed, i jumped up and down, I smiled over at my parents and I hugged them " I love you guys so much". I said.
"Now I got to get to work where are the Keys". I said. They handed me the keys and gave them one last hug before I got into my new car. "I love you guys see you after work mum". I said. "Bye sweetheart love you too". Mum and dad said.
(End of flashback)

That was the last time I saw my parents no one knew what happened to them or where they went. I had tears coming down my cheeks I quickly whipped my cheeks and started the car, and turned on my favorite song it's called Rip Coach-by XXXtentacion I miss him so much he was my favorite rapper. When I got to work it was 10am and my shift has just begun. I took a lot of orders and when it was my break I ordered a cappuccino.

(Time skip to 7pm)
I took my belongings and took the elevator to the underground parking. It seemed as if most people were long gone and only the janitor was walking around. After driving out of the parking I realized I left my phone in the office. Stupid stupid stupid. Now I'd have to go ask the janitor to let me back in and go upstairs to get it. I stopped the car at the side of the road in front of the main entrance. It was a lot easier to take the main entrance rather than the entrance from the parking.

I got out of the car when suddenly I heard a male voice from behind me, "get back in the car. Now". I froze hearing the deep male voice talking close to my ear. I could sense him being taller than me and when I heard the gun click I realized I had no chance of escaping. I couldn't turn around and see who it was. I was too scared. Feeling the gun being pressed against my head made me shiver. "Do as I say or I'll shoot your brains out. Step.
Back. Into. The. Car.", the male voice said again. I couldn't think of a way to escape and my best option was to do as he said. Once I stepped back into the car the man ordered me to put both my hands on the steering wheel and keep them there the entire time. He opened the passenger seat and went to sit next to me, still holding the gun at my head.

I didn't dare look at him, but I could see the gun and the tattoos on the arm holding the gun. "Drive.", he said coldly.
"Where to s-sir?", I managed to get out with a little stuttering. He made me drive and told me the way. During the ride i kept thinking of escaping, but every plan seemed too risky.
Stopping the car, driving off, jumping out of the car, all of them bad ideas. So I was stuck, with a man and his gun, still against my head.
10:45PM. 11PM. 11:30PM. Finally, after driving for what seemed like an eternity, he said "stop the car here and close your f*ck*ng eyes". I, again, did as he said after quickly scanning my surroundings. It was dark, but it was clear we were in the driveway of a house surrounded by woods. Literally in the middle of nowhere. With tattoo guy still pointing his gun in my face. I closed my eyes, trying to get my breathing back to normal. In. Out. In.
Out. It was still not steady. What would he do? Why did I need to close my eyes?

Jungkook, you're back already?", said a male voice, but it wasn't the guy sitting next to me with the gun who was talking.
"Yeah, it was easier than I thought it would be", the guy next to me said coldly. From what I could hear and put together, the tattoo guy was called Jungkook. "I hope the rest will go smoothly aswell", Jungkook said.

My very first chapter is done please
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