Chapter 6

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(POV: Y/N)
My heart was beating fast. I was running from the house through the garden, to the gate. I don't think i've ever ran this fast. All I saw was the gate getting closer and closer. Not once did I look behind me. That would only slow me down.
I kept thinking about my original escape plan and realized I would have never been able to

escape if it wasn't for Jungkook's help.
I think my heart skipped a beat when I reached the gate. I wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. With all the strength I had in my body I pulled myself up the gate and threw my body to the other side.
I landed on my back, but the adrenaline eased the pain. I got up and started running again as I slowly started to feel my back hurt. I had escaped! I did it!
But the relief of escaping was only for a few seconds before... A gunshot... and something sharp hit my leg.
It started raining heavily. My blurry eyesight caused my tears and rain didn't help me at all.
All I could see was red. All over my leg.
I didn't know if I was still alive or not. Maybe I was dreaming. Maybe I was hallucinating. But the pain felt real. The pain was real.

(POV: Jungkook)
Both of my hands resting at the back of my head. I looked in the direction she should have come. Nobody. Not a single soul walked up to me. My head started making up scenarios of my guards stopping her, shooting her, hurting her. A shiver went down my spine. I started regretting the whole plan.
We planned on meeting at 1:37AM and it was already 2:01AM. Just 5 more minutes, I told myself. Just 5 more minutes I'll wait here and if she doesn't come I'll have to be prepared for what waits at home. Just when I was about to step in my car to drive back I saw something in the distance.No, not something. Someone. She was soaking wet by the rain, shivering from the cold..and I saw blood. A lot of blood.
Before I could even think or speak or react she dropped to the floor. Laying there in the rain, blood pouring out of the wound on her leg.
It took me less than a second to realize that we were in deep shit. If she got shot, it means the guards were already going outside the gate to look for her.
I ran up to her and my heart broke seeing her small body in the mud. I picked her up and carried her bride style while running back to the car.
I carefully put her in the backseat and drove off as fast as I could before anyone could see.
"Are you awake?? Answer me!" I yelled while driving. "Please! Answer me!" I tried again, no response. I felt guilty and... sad. Something I didn't think I'd feel for her. I kept on driving, going to my planned destination.
Driving was as fast as I could. It was raining so hard, it looked like the whole ocean fell out of the sky. I think we would have died in this weather with this speed, but all I could think of was getting her safe. As soon as possible.
Her blood was on my hands, on my clothes. I felt dizzy. We arrived at the cabin in the woods. It was far enough for my boss not to find it.
I stepped out of the car and the rain had soaked me aswell. Without wasting time I picked her up again and ran towards the cabin. I carefully put her on the couch and started to shake her body. "Please, wake up.
Wake up", I whispered. When I trained with my boss to shoot, he had also taught me to clean up and heal a gunshot. I knew exactly what I had to do, since I had been shot multiple times in the past and cleaned it myself.
After cleaning her up and myself too, I made her soup. Stayed by her side and looked at her beautiful face again and again. I couldn't grow tired of the sight. My eyes teared up. As I watched her a teardrop fell from my eye onto her cheek, making her flinch.
(POV: Y/N)
My whole body hurt. I had passed out, unconscious for a while. When I opened my eyes I saw we weren't at the house or under the bridge anymore. We were in a small cabin, maybe twice the size of my basement room.
I looked to my side and there was Jungkook. His eyes were red and puffy. His hair was all wet. "were you crying..?" I said . "No.
Ofcourse not.", he lied. "Where am I? Am I alive?". He chuckled lightly at my questions.
"You're in a cabin in the woods, far away from the house, so they won't find you here". He pushed away the wet hair from my face and stared at my face. "You should eat the soup.
You eat too little", he said.
After eating the soup together, he had made a fire in the little fireplace. We were mostly quiet, but all I could think of was that I had escaped and survived. "My boss won't be able to find you here. I have to go back in an hour, so they won't get suspicious. You have to stay inside and wait until i come back tomorrow.
There is enough food-" he explained but I cut him off... "who is your boss? What did he want from me?" I asked with furrowed brows. A
He scanned my face again. I was curled up in a blanket near the fire. "I don't know what he wants from you exactly, I think i'll figure that out when I go back. His name is Junghwan.
Moon Junghwan. He's the CEO of a lawfirm in your city, but secretly one of the biggest mafias in the country".
My heart dropped to my stomach and I think I was about to vomit the soup on the floor.
My... stepfather??

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