Chapter 5

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Never in my life have I felt so scared.
Jungkook had told me that his boss was coming tomorrow and that I would get killed once I gave them what they wanted from me.
(POV: Jungkook)
Two weeks I have kept her here. I wasn't allowed to ask her name, so I never did. I asked Sumin to figure out what her name was. Sumin had tried, because she didn't get direct orders from my mafia boss. But still, we didn't know her name. I had already kidnapped a other people for my boss and kept them until my boss had killed them. I didn't want to, but I couldn't go against my boss. He had saved me from my abusive parents when I was young. He gave me a place to stay and trained me to fight. I was his highest employee, his right hand.
I was young when he started teaching me to kill, so I got used to it. I didn't care about the other two people who got killed, but this girl.
She was young, just graduated from University. She was very quiet and beautiful too. Especially her eyes, I just couldn't stop staring at them.
I came home late today and couldn't eat dinner with her. I got a call from my boss that he was in town and that he'd come to kill her tomorrow. Never did I question him, but this

time I asked. This time i needed to know why he wanted to kill this beautiful innocent girl.
He answered me with "you'll know tomorrow". My heart ached for the girl, seeing her in fear. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't let her go, because he would kill me.
Some part of me didn't want to care about her, but I did.
(End Jungkook POV)
(Kiara's POV)
Once Jungkook told that his boss was going to kill me tomorrow I couldn't stop my tears from falling. I was so close to escaping but I wouldn't have enough time to perfect my plan
before tomorrow.
Jungkook's eyes fell on the book in my lap when a teardrop hit the paper. His eyebrows furrowed. "Let me see the book", he ordered.
Shit... I had put the paper with my escape plan in the book before he came into my

room. "Give it now." He said.
He came closer and I handed him the book with trembling hands. That's it. I was going to die for sure without my escape plan. He ripped the paper out of the book and stared at the escape plan. His eyes slowly looked at me.
I was still crying.
He started walking around in my room. Back and forth, back and forth. He stopped, looked at me again, and said "do it. Escape. Tonight".
I wasn't sure if he was joking or making fun of me, but his face was blank and serious.
"What- what?" I stuttered. "Escape. Go. Don't stay here. Escape tonight during the guard shift. I'll get my car and wait for you outside the gate. You'll have to-" he told me, but I cut him off. "Is this a test?" I asked.
He looked confused. I think he was hesitating, but then he said "no. You're going to get killed

tomorrow if you don't escape. They'll kill me if I let you go, but if I say I had to run errands and you escape during that time, I can blame my guards"
My head started spinning as I got up. My knees felt weak and I quickly grabbed the desk chair to stay up. He looked worried.
"You... you should have eaten more. You eat too little", he said softly.
I looked at him and asked "why are you helping me?". He stayed silent and scanned my face. He stepped closer and put his hand on my cheek to wipe my tear away. I looked down at the tattoos on his arm and swallowed nervously.
"I don't know why I'm helping you. I don't know why I care at all. But I.... I do care" he mumbled. I looked at his handsome face with confused eyes. He pulled back his hand and sat me down. He explained what I had to do in order to escape. He told me exactly what time the guards would change shifts and how to run. He would wait for me outside the gate in his car so he could drive me off.
(Time skip to time of escape)
I was shaking. My palms were sweaty and my heart was beating fast. 7 minutes. Exactly 7 minutes to escape and run to the gate without getting caught.
This was my only chance. If I failed, I'd be killed tomorrow. If I escaped, chances would be Jungkook was lying to test me. I couldn't trust him. But this was my only chance. So i agreed to the plan and repeated the plan in my head a hundred times.
The hardest part would be climbing over the gate. It was a high gate, just above my head. I could make it, but I had to be fast.
(POV: Jungkook)
I told my men I needed to deal with something and took my car. I drove off to the place we agreed on. I'd wait there for her.
1:30AM. It was past midnight. She had exactly 7 minutes to get out. I felt bad for her, that she had to escape alone. But I had done everything I could. If I was seen helping her, they would kill me and then kill her. This was our only chance.
1:34AM. 4 minutes passed. I waited for her.
My heart was beating fast. I prayed that she'd make it out in time.
1:36AM. "Please be in time" i whispered to myself. 1:37AM. She still wasn't here. My heart skipped a beat. I was worried. I had never felt like this in my life. I was taught to hate and be careless. I was taught to kill and fight. Yet, with this girl, I couldn't get myself to hate her or hurt her. 1:40AM. The 7 minutes were over and she still wasn't here. Please please please. Where is she? Why is she late? Did she get caught?

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