Chapter 9

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(POV: Jungkook)
When my boss Moon Junghwan came to know about me helping Kiara and falling in love with her, he had beaten me up. He didn't order anyone else to do it... he did it himself.
He wanted me to feel what he could do to me, what he was to me, what power he held over
I tried to hold on. I tried to not show that I was hurt. I tried to seem careless, like he had taught me. I tried to seem careless about Kiara too. If he saw how much I cared about her, he would take her away from me. He would make sure I saw her suffer.
At some point, all I could see was blood. My mouth had the taste of blood. I was wondering whether I was dead or not. All of this... because he was spying on me. He had said "you really think I trust you? You really think I don't have eyes on you 24/7?". That made my stomach twist. I was about to vomit at the thought that all this time he had known and seen.
And now I saw standing here, in the cabin.
Two of Junghwan's men were holding me up while I was still bleeding in pain. My heart started beating fast when I saw Kiara . She fought back, called him out, spit in his face.
But then... she fainted. Blacked out, right after he told Kiara that he murdered her family.
My heart aching for her. She had done nothing but be a beautiful, perfect girl. She was happy, until boss Junghwan came into her life.
"Enjoy the show Jungkook", he said.
Junghwan looked at me and stepped in front of me. "You think I'll have mercy on you, Jungkook? You think I'll let you go!? I will be your biggest nightmare. I will make sure you suffer, just like your abusive father made you suffer!", he yelled in my face.
I looked up at him, and still tried to keep a blank, bored face. This way he wouldn't suspect that I was dying to save Kiara. Dying to hold her. My nose was still bleeding and I felt the blood drip on my lip. I decided to stay quiet. And wait.
(Kiara's POV)
I woke up in the same place, on the floor. My stepfather was yelling at Jungkook. His face was bleeding and he was still held up by two men. "Drop him", my stepfather ordered and Jungkook fell to the floor. His eyes immediately went to me. Jungkook... after all he had gone through, the first thing he did was look in my direction, to see if I was okay.
Not him. Not anyone else. No, he looked for me.
"Please... let him go. I'll give you everything.
Please Stepfather...", I tried to beg again.
Maybe he'd give me mercy. He chuckled and looked at me "so you're awake again. Stupid girl. If I let him go, he'll only be coming back for you. Look at him. He'd risk his pathetic life for a stupid girl like you. We'll dump his body once we're done here. Now... give me it", Junghwan said. I furrowed my brows and asked "give you what..?". His face changed. He looked angry.
"Are you honestly that stupid?" He asked, "do you have any idea why I got together with your mother? Why I killed them? Do you think you matter to me that you could move in with me? Why do you think I gave you a job at my lawfirm? So I could keep my eyes on you, stupid girl".
"What...? All this time... all these years... Y-you've lied to me? For what? What do you want??". I said with tears in my eyes.
His face got calm. His lips parted to speak, but something was holding you back. He looked at my leg. The wound was wrapped.
He looked back at my face. "I want my son back. I want my son to be set free from prison after your f*cking father put him there", Junghwan said. My eyes widened, and so did Jungkook's. I didn't know what to say or do. "M-my father? B-but what... what do you want from me.?". I asked and swallowed.
"You're going to help me get my son back", he said with a harsh tone. "Your father and I had a long history together. You see... he worked for me. Just like your precious filthy boyfriend. He also betrayed me and put my son behind bars. For 10 years he has been in prison for a crime your father committed.", he explained.
I didn't believe that. That couldn't have been true. My dad? A mafia...? "I didn't plan on killing your father in the car crash. Only your mother. I wanted him to suffer. To see you hurt and get killed. I wanted to see your father beg on his knees for me. But this is good too. He can watch from whatever hell he is in and see how he's not able to protect you.
You'll all be dead". I felt something sting in my chest. Was I dreaming? Is he lying to me? My head hurt and I couldn't wrap my head around all of this information.
He pointed his gun to Jungkook. My heart clenched. I widened my eyes. "Tell me where your dad put the files!", he yelled. I started crying when I saw him pointing his gun at Jungkook. "Please! Please! Tell me what files and I'll bring them to you... p-please don't hurt him!", i cried. He scoffed.
He scanned my face. "Bring me the files. And I won't shoot him. As of now. Your father has left them somewhere for you to find. I will have my men follow you. Go find them. Take them and bring them here. If you want to see your boyfriend again, at least. You have 48 hours", he said.
After that he left with his men and Jungkook.
Leaving me there crying. Two heavily armed men were to escort me back home to find the files. I had no idea where to look..

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