Chapter 4

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"You snore in your sleep". I opened my eyes and shot up in the bed. There was a woman in her 30s taking clothes out of my closet and putting new clothes in.
"Excuse me? Who are you?" I asked with furrowed brows. She chuckled and took the laundry basket in her arms "the maid. You'll be seeing me a lot from now on, i guess. My name is Sumin, what's yours?" She said a bit

My name? What if they would use it to track me when I find a way out? I stayed silent, while she was still standing there. "It's funny how you are so loud in your sleep, yet so quiet when you're awake" she laughed and walked up the stairs, but stopped at the top "Sir Jungkook expects you to be dressed and seated in the diningroom at 7:30AM for breakfast. Don't be late. He hates that".
After bathing I changed into the clothes
Sumin had put in my closet. I walked up the stairs and put my hand on the doorknob.
I was nervous to see Jungkook again. Last night, when I didn't let him speak, he seemed mad. I took a breath in and opened the door, which wasn't locked like yesterday. I stepped into the hall and the guy who had hurt my arm last night was standing there. "I'm to bring you to the diningroom", he said without coming near. I nodded and he led the way. As we walked I looked for windows and doors, counting the steps from my room to the diningroom. It was a beautiful room, with painting on the wall. A large table in the middle and chairs covered in black velvet.
The guy left me in the dining room and closed the door behind him. I look at the room, the windows, the doors. Maybe it would help me escape, even though Jungkook had warned me not to try.
"The chairs are for you to sit on", jungkook said as he walked in. I looked at him as I got a little startled. He sat down and lifted one brow to let me know sitting down was an order. I kept staring at his face. He was handsome, very handsome. His hair was pushed back and he was wearing a white blouse. The sleeves were rolled up so his tattoos were visible. I took a seat as he started eating.

"Why? Why am I here? Why am I ordered to eat with you? Why are you giving me food at all? Are you trying to poison me?" I blurted out, regretting all the words I said a second after. He must think I'm stupid for asking these questions.
He smirked "well, I wouldn't have done all of this effort to get you here if I wanted you dead. I would've just shot you in the driveway. I am ordered to keep you here and alive until..." he said but stopped talking.
Until what? Who ordered him? What will they do to me? He looked at me again, my eyes were watering as I thought of how they could hurt me.
"You see... my boss, he's a mafia. You apparently are worth a lot to him. You seem to have something he wants. The problem is. he's on a mission and I am ordered to keep you here until he arrives", he explained. "I-i will give it to you, please let me go. I-i will give whatever you want, just please-" he cut me off by standing up. "Save your words. I don't have time for this". He took his coat and put it on. He looked at me again and told me he would be gone until tonight.
During dinner we were both quiet. I wasn't very hungry and stared at my plate. "You're not eating" he pointed out. "I... i'm not very hungry". He looked up from his plate. "I just want to go home, please" I whined. He gave me an annoyed look. He got up from his chair and stood next to me. "Get up". I looked at him and got up immediately, thinking he was going to hurt me.
He grabbed my wrist. "Please, don't hurt me.
I won't ask to go home again. Just, please... don't-" i tried to speak without tearing up.
He came close to me, just a few inches away.
He scanned my face. Then my neck. My heart was beating fast. He hadn't let go of my wrist.
His eyes fell on my shoulder and then on my arm. He looked at the bruises on my arm. "I never apologized. For my employee hurting your arm last night". He looked into my eyes again and leaned closer. Close enough to feel his breath on my skin. "It won't happen again" he said softly.
I nodded and my eyes got watery. He looked genuinely sorry. "Can i-i pl-please go to m-my room..?" I asked with tears in my eyes. He stepped aside "ofcourse"
(Time skip 2 weeks later)
It's been two weeks since I got kidnapped.
Every day was the same. I lived in fear knowing Jungkook's mafia boss was to arrive and hurt me any day now. I didn't know who he was or what I had that he wanted.
During the two weeks I spent all my time in

the basement room to figure out an escape plan. I ate breakfast and dinner with Jungkook and ate lunch alone because he had to work. Sumin checked up on me now and then and tried to figure out my name. After two weeks I still hadn't told her my name. I gave her a fake name, but she didn't believe me and kept asking.
One evening Jungkook didn't come home for dinner, so I ate alone. It was almost 10PM
when my door opened. I was sitting on the bed with my escape plan and quickly shoved it inside of a book. I pretended I was reading.
To my surprise Jungkook walked down the stairs looking tired. As if he had been in a fight. He works for a mafia boss afterall.
"You're still awake" he said quietly. I looked up from the book and nodded. "Is that okay?" I asked. He looked into my eyes with some sort of worried look. The past few days we had some conversations over breakfast and dinner. He didn't reply to any of my questions, but he told me a few stories and I did aswell. Nothing too personal, just everyday-conversations.
This was the first time for him to come to my room. I was confused and surprised that he came to my room. He kept scanning my face and then he finally spoke the words I was afraid of hearing...
"They're going to kill you. Tomorrow".

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