Chapter 7

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Jungkook left me alone in the cabin that night. He told me to stay there and keep quiet until he came back. He had held my hand when I cried after he told me my stepfather was the mafia boss. And stayed with me until I calmed down.
I wasn't sure why Jungkook had helped me through it all, because he was the one who kidnapped me in the first place. I know it was an order from my stepfather, so I didn't really blame him anymore.
Even though he told me he didn't cry, I saw his tears when I woke up. He had cleaned my wound, made me food, warmed me next to the fireplace. I used to be disgusted and scared of him, but now... every time I thought about Jungkook i felt my heart beat faster.
I crawled up the bed and covered myself with the blankets. I slept very deep that night. The next day I spent waiting in the cabin for Jungkook to get back.
I didn't know why I didn't just leave the cabin and find my way back home. But that would be stupid, since I couldn't walk properly after getting shot in the leg.
Why had I trusted Jungkook? Why did I care if he came back or not?
Later that day I decided to clean the cabin a

bit. I think Jungkook didn't use it often, because it was very dusty. Even though I could barely walk and my body was still sore, I managed to clean the cabin.
"You shouldn't be walking around" I suddenly hear from behind me. Jungkook closed the door behind him and locked it. I turned around and Jungkook stepped closed to me.
"I... thought I should clean the cabin", i replied. "No, you should rest. I brought you more clothes and food", he said while putting a bag down on the floor.
He was standing close to me. I checked if he was hurt, before asking".. is everything okay?". He slightly smiled and put his arm around my back to lead me to the couch. He sat me down and sat next to me. He was wet.
It was still raining outside.
"I need to know your name". I looked at him and hesitated, but since the mafia boss is my stepfather, my name didn't matter anymore.
"It's...Kiara He smiled and put his hand on my cheek.
He moved closer to me and looked in my eyes. His thumb caressing my cheek and his breath on my skin. My heart was beating faster. My stomach was turning upside down.
"Kiara ?", he asked. I hummed in response. "I think I might kiss you".
"Then do it", I replied.
(POV: Jungkook)
Ever since I had kidnapped her and brought her to my house, I couldn't stop staring at her. She was beautiful in ways I couldn't describe. I would have lied if I said I didn't think of kissing her every single day.
I slowly leaned my face closer to hers and kept looking in her eyes. I slid my hand behind her back and pulled her body closer.
She swallowed. She was nervous. Before my lips touched hers, I pushed a piece of hair behind her ear and kept my hand there.
Never had I felt this way. Never had I felt like stars exploded around us. It was as if finally all the planets had aligned, like the earth was spinning slower for us, like the moon was shining brighter tonight.
Our lips parted, our noses still touching. Our breathing was in sync. Her fingers were caressing my tattooed arm. "Beautiful", she whispered. I leaned back to look at her face, her beautiful face. "Yeah, very beautiful" I said, but not about my tattoos...
"I wish I could stay here with you, but I have to go back. Leaving for too long will only be suspicious", i said and she nodded slowly. I pecked her lips lightly before leaving and she had waited at the door to wave me goodbye.
I drove off back to the house. It was almost midnight. The pitch black sky had made the stars pop a little more. When I arrived at the house the guards opened the gate and I drove up the driveway.
There was a car in the driveway. I couldn't see whose car it was. The frontlights were on and someone was standing in front of it. My heart skipped a beat when I saw it was my boss' car.
What did he want this late? Why was he here?
I walked up to him and stopped a few feet away.
"So Jungkook, where have you kept my stepdaughter?"

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