Chapter 8

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(Kiara's POV)
I was sitting next to the fireplace with a blanket wrapped around me. He had kissed me and I had kissed him back. Everything seemed to fall in place and I all I could think about was him. His lips. His tattooed arm.
His scent.
I spent my time alone in the cabin, reading a book and snacking on some cookies that Jungkook brought over. An hour passed and I started getting tired. It was passed midnight so I decided to get ready for bed.
As I got up and walked over to the bed, I suddenly hear a knock on the door. I got a little startled because I didn't expect anyone to come this late. Not even Jungkook. He told me he'd be back, but not this soon. My palms got a sweaty and I felt my heart beat in my chest.
I was silent. Another knock. Jungkook had told me no one knew this place and indeed it was too far in the forest for anyone to be here.
It must have been Jungkook. I swallowed and put my hand on the doorknob.
Again, a knock, but harder this time. It's probably Jungkook I reassured myself. But as soon as I unlocked the door, someone burst inside, pushing the door in my direction. I screamed and the door hit my head, making me fall to the floor.
I sat up quickly, trying to see who it was. "W-who are.. you?? G-g-get out!" I screamed at the person. It wasn't Jungkook. It was a man, wearing a black suit and pointing a gun in my direction.
My cheek felt wet. I wiped at my face and realized I had a cut right below my eye from the door that had hit my face. I shivered. "P-please, don't sh-shoot. Please...", I begged. I had felt disgusted that I had to beg, but all I could think of was Jungkook and the kiss we shared. It replayed in my mind over and over again. I didn't want to die. I wanted to see Jungkook again.
"Shut your f*cking mouth!" He screamed at me, making me flinch and shift back a little.
The man was still standing in the doorway. I peeked behind him. Outside cars were arriving. I was still on the floor, trying to figure out what to do. My mind was blank.
Only Jungkook. I was only thinking of him.
I was still. Not a word. Obeying the man seemed like the only smart thing to do. Once I saw someone else walk inside tears had left my eyes. My throat aching. My hands shaking. It was someone I had trusted for a long time. Someone I had lived with and looked up to as a father figure. My stepfather. A
"Now you know", he spoke. I was still crying on the floor. He stepped closer to me and bended down a little to reach my height.
"Stupid stupid girl", he scoffed.
Men were surrounding us. Walking all over the place. Searching inside the cabin. Holding guns in my direction. My stepfather was still looking down on me and laughed while tears were running down my cheeks. Jungkook.
Jungkook. Jungkook. Where was Jungkook? "Don't bother looking for your boyfriend.
He'll be here soon. I'll make him watch the whole thing for betraying me. After all I've done for him, he still chose this brat over the one who saved him from his abusive parents
-", I cut my stepfather off my spitting in his face. It had taken me a lot of bravery to do that, knowing they might aswell shoot me right then and there. I knew he wouldn't though, since he still needed something from me.
He only chuckled and wiped his face. "Brave girl", he said. "What do you want from me??" I asked. He walked over to the couch and sat down. Still looking at me, sitting on the floor with my back to the wall.
"Bring him in", he said and gave me an evil smile. Two large men walked in holding someone. Jungkook?? I gasped and put my hand over my mouth when I saw Jungkook all beaten up. Half conscious with his head lowered. "You see, this is what happens when you betray me, Jungkook", my stepfather said.
"Please let him go! Please! I'll give you what you want from me, please just let him go!" I begged and cried. They all laughed at me begging. "Yes, you indeed will give me what I want from you", he smiled.
"You know, you look a lot like your mother,
Kiara . Well, before she was killed, at least", my eyes went from Jungkook to my stepfather. I felt dizzy. "Such a shame she had to die. After all, she was a phenomenal woman". I looked at him with watery eyes. He brought up my dead mother? Why?
"Shut up.." I said under my breath. "What did you say?". "I said SHUT UP!", i screamed at him. He laughed again, as if it was all funny to him. "Yeah, exactly like your mother. Full of love. Full of fire", he said. "Why are you talking about her? Don't you put my mother's name in your mouth!", I yelled.
He got up. "Kiara, before I kill you and then Jungkook, I need you to know something".
He stepped closer and squatted down before me. "Your mother, you father, I killed them.
The whole carcrash was a set-up. I made my men drive into their car on purpose and kill your precious parents", he said with a deep voice. I started trembling and crying. He had killed my parents??? I lived in the same house as the murderer of my parents?
My head was spinning. I couldn't see clear.
All of what I thought was real, everyone who I trusted... it was all fake. All of it...
"It was me who killed your parents. And it will be me who kills you and your precious boyfriend"....

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