Chapter 11

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(POV: Jungkook)
I remember when Junghwan and Kiara's dad were working together and when everything went down. I was young back then, because i'm a few years older than Kiara . Junghwan hated Kiara's dad with all his life. It made him more reckless than he used to be.
That's why he almost got caught when Kiara's said she had called the police. He'd been so eager to get his son out of prison, that he didn't think his plan through. All I know about the drama between them, was that both Junghwan and Kiara's dad were the CEO's of lawfirms. When Junghwan's son hadn't tied up his loose ends while on a mission, he got caught.
Junghwan asked Kiara's dad to represent him, so he did. But Kiara's dad went behind their backs and made Junghwan's son loose the case and sent him to prison. The files Kiara's dad left were fake evidence and buried evidence, along with the signatures of a lot of people who wanted Junghwan's son in prison or dead.
It wasn't smart that Kiara had given Junghwan the files, because once Junghwan's son is set free from prison, he will make sure they all get killed. Including Kiara, because she's the daughter of the man who put him in prison. I had hoped Kiara wouldn't give him the files...
but what is done, is done.
Junghwan snatched the map out of Kiara's hands and pointed his gun to her. I feared for her life. That split second I prayed. I wished that Kiara wouldn't get hurt. That it would be me, instead of her. After all, I deserved it. For all the things I had done in the past for Junghwan.
I don't remember what happened after praying that Kiara wouldn't get hurt. All I remember was a sharp pain in my lower abdomen.
(Kiara's POV)
I screamed after hearing the shot and seeing Jungkook bleeding. His eyes were closed. My knees were shaking, my cheeks wet of tears.
Junghwan had left. Police sirens sounded in my head and lights were shining through the windows of the cabin. I was dizzy. So dizzy. I heard a sharp beep in my ears, my eyesight was blurry.
All I remember was dropping to my knees next to Jungkook and pressing my hands against his wound. Looking at his face one last time, before losing consciousness.
(Time skip: two weeks later)
I don't remember much of that night in the cabin. Even though the police had started an investigation and contacted me a hundred times, I couldn't remember. I told them all I knew. Junghwan and his men were all arrested in the woods that night, a police officer had told me. Junghwan's son was also not released from prison, because I never gave Junghwan the files. I had burnt them like my father told me to do, right before going to the cabin. The map Junghwan snatched from me was empty. Jungkook was taken to the hospital after getting shot. I wasn't allowed to see him or talk to him, since the investigation was still going. The morning I got called to the hospital, saying Jungkook was free to go for now.
I knocked on the door. "Come in", a male voice said from behind the hospital room's door. I opened the door and there he was.
Sitting on the edge of the bed. Next to him bag. My Jungkook. He immediately got up with tears in his eyes. I felt my eyes get watery too. "Jungkook please sit down , you're gonna hurt-", I said before getting cut off by his lips crashing into mine.
He wrapped both his tattooed arms around me, squeezing me against his chest. His lips pressing against mine with so much passion, so much love. I kissed him back. Feeling my stomach tingling and tears roll down my cheeks. His soft lips moved in sync with mine.

"I'm fine", he told me after parting our lips.
He held my face with both of his strong hands and wiped my tears with his thumbs. He stared at my face and I stared back at him.
"Are you sure..?" I asked and he nodded with a smile. "I'm better than fine, baby", he whispered. My heart fluttered hearing him say that.
"You saved me", he said. I furrowed my brows and looked up at his face. I never saved him...
"w-what are you... talking about?", I asked. "If you hadn't called the police, I'd be-", I cut him off by saying. "I never called the police..
I lied. I didn't know how the police got to the cabin that night. I prayed for it, but... it wasn't me...
He looked confused. But then he smiled.
"Sumin...", he whispered. He didn't need to explain, I understood. I understood that Sumin had called the police and saved us both. After all, Jungkook treated Sumin very well and now she'd done something in return for him. For me. For us. Jungkook intertwined his fingers with mine and stared at me, while I stared back at his handsome face.
A knock on the door took us back to reality.
Two male officers stepped inside. They were here to take Jungkook. "Kiara... I love you", he said. "I'm being sentenced to 5 months in prison for what I've done. I arranged for you to get picked up. You can stay at my house if you want. Until I get set free again", he explained. Tears left my eyes, I sobbed. 5 months we'd have to be apart. "Sumin will take care of you. Kiara, I love you", he said again. I smiled through my tears.
"I love you too, Jungkook", I whispered against his chest. The police officers had given us from privacy and stepped outside.
Jungkook kissed me again. His hand sliding from my back to my waist. Pulling me on the bed. My hand went through his hair. We made love to each other after that. He had told me he loved me between every gasp, every moan. And I had told him I loved him with every drop of sweat forming, with every breath. "Always and forever", he whispered.
(Time skip: a month later)
I got picked up from the hospital by Jungkook's friend that day. Sumin had prepared a room for me upstairs. He asked if I wanted to stay in Jungkook's room, but I declined. I wanted to wait for Jungkook to get back from prison. The room was beautiful and big. Nothing like the basement room I had once stayed in.
"You're back". Sumin had greeted me upon arriving. She hugged me and told me she was glad to see me again. I thanked her for everything. From that day on Sumin and I got very close. Even though she was the maid, I spent a lot of time with her. She was preparing dinner in the kitchen one night. I felt nervous. I walked down the stairs and knocked on the door. "Sumin? Are you in here?", I asked. She told me to come in and looked at me. "Is something wrong Kiara ?
Everything okay?", she asked.
A tear slipped my eye. I wasn't sad at all, just nervous and surprised. She hugged me and asked again. "sumin... I'm... Pregnant", I said. He eyes widened. A smile formed on her lips. "A-are you sure...?" She asked and I nodded.
I had missed my period and after taking 4 tests, to be 100% sure, it turned out I was pregnant. With Jungkook's child.
(Time skip: the day Jungkook finished his prison time)
After 5 months of being apart from Jungkook and carrying his son, yes it was a boy, finally the day arrived that I'd see him again. All these months I had spent in his house, reading, painting, gardening, helping out Sumin. Well, Sumin usually got angry with me for not resting because of my pregnancy.
Jungkook would arrive today. I had been so nervous. He'd be home any minute now. I was sitting in the livingroom when Sumin called me "Kiara , sir Jungkook has arrived in the driveway". Even though Sumin told me not to run, I ran outside the door and up the drivewav.
There he was. Standing right in front of me. I ran up to him and stopped before him.
His eyes widened and he held my hands tightly. "Y/N... Y-Y/N... are you...?" he sobbed. I smiled and nodded. He dropped to his knees and held my body. He kissed me, about a hundred times. I kissed him back and chuckled. "I missed you, I love you", I told him. He cried. "Thank you baby, for waiting, for loving me, for carrying... our child".
His eyes sparked. "It's a boy", I whispered. He smiled through the tears. "Our boy..." he replied. We held and kissed each other in the driveway and told each other that we loved each other.
He held my face and looked at me with teary eyes. "Beautiful Y/N...", he said and I smiled.
"My Y/N... will you... marry me?". My eyes widened and I sobbed. I couldn't control my tears. I nodded excitedly. "Yes, Yes Jungkook", I burst out.
He held my hand and looked at me. "My family. My precious family", he said and kissed my lips.
"Always and forever"

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