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Chapter 3: Rely On Me

Having clearly said to go at 10 o'clock, James, a man with a springy heart, had to get up and toss at 8 o'clock. He looked at the mirror and dolled himself up. Nobody would say anything if he didn't make any noise, even if he is painted himself like a big cat. But he mustn't and kept dropping his eyeliner and liquid foundation. What's worse, he would give voice to every action - 'Oh, my eyeliner.' 'Oh, the eyeshadow dropped.' 'Ah, foundation solution.'

Prom, who had a shallow sleep in the dormitory was not happy, 'You have been muttering endlessly, just to meet a lover brother!' Prom's original name was Theepakon Kwanboon, a skinny boy from Chon Buri province, we all decided to give him a strong nickname to show that he comes from easthern.

'Don't say nonsense.' James is also in a coy mood.

Ping take a look at his cell phone, and the time is only 8:20! His anger came up in a flash. He did not sleep well last night, because James had been tossing and turning over the whole night. What's wrong with him this morning? Did that face deserve two hours?

Taking two deep breaths, opened his mouth and said, 'James, if you're in such a hurry, you can go first, there is need to wait for me. You'd better go out as soon as possible. Don't leave your friends waiting. we'll make up for sleep then.' After that, he turned over and went to sleep again.

James was very aggrieved. His nose was sour and he wanted to cry, but he did not dare to. Then he went on with his makeup. This time, he made little noise.

At about 10 o'clock, Ping was awakened by a cry of 'Ping,Ping' Opening his eyes, he saw James standing at the head of the bed and asked carefully, 'Ping, it's 10 o'clock. You're not getting up?'

Ping looked at the pitiful boy, and sighed in his heart. He said while getting up, 'Wait ten minutes.'

Ping sent a message to Net upon getting on the bus. Net called back quickly and said, 'Ping, I was trying to call you again. Be careful on the bus. Call me two stops in advance.'

'Ok.' Ping was too sleepy to talk with him and hung up the phone.

He leaned his head against the glass window and looked at the rows of high buildings retreating back. All of a sudden, he was wondering on how he could be in this city. A strong sense of wandering suddenly surged into his mind. This feeling had happened to him in his freshman year, when he fell asleep in a public class and woke up a little confused, as if he were still in the high school classroom, the countdown of the college entrance exam could be seen with a turn of the head and... Net's smiling eyes.

Shaking off his dull head, Ping turned his head and saw James fixing his hair with a mirror. In fact, James looked very good, with fine eyebrows, eyes and mouth, and grace that comes from the easthern of the Jomtien beach. He seemed like a boy who's coming out of an ink painting, but he had too heavy of makeup, making him look not very coordinated, like a mixture of ink and oil paintings. Suddenly, Ping wanted to laugh, because he remembered the words in Mulan, 'By the window l combed and coiffed my cloudy hair, before the mirror l adorned my forehand with a yellow pattern'

It's sure enough that men dress up for their beholders. Looking down at his casual clothes, he shouldn't have cared about it long time ago.

Before getting off the bus, Ping received another call from Net, 'Didn't I ask you to call me? Where are you now?'

Well, he's forgotten to call him.

Ping hung up the phone, jumped out and waved to Net at the station. He rushed over in a rage and said, 'I have tried to call you every minute, but I don't get your call, neither could I get through to your phone.'

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