ROM 26

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RELY ON ME : Chapter 26

After removing Net, who was an obstacle. The problem left between Ping and Meen was whether he should go to Uncle Sam's arms.

Ping knew this problem had to be faced sooner or later, but he just wanted to put off, burying his head in the sand like an ostrich, whether the hair on his buttocks was pulled out or not. But Meen was also annoying, discussing this problem with him all day long, affecting his plan to pull out the hair. In order to make the plan well implemented, every time Meen mentioned it, he devoted himself to diverging from the topic, covering his ears and playing tricks when he couldn't diverge.

Meen was so angry at Ping unscrupulous behavior in implementing the ostrich program but he could do nothing about it. Anyway, he had already decided not to go a long time ago. For him, the reason why he applied for MIT was that he couldn’t find anything more meaningful to do at that time. He just wanted to challenge himself. Now that the challenge was successful, it is not meaningful for him whether to go or not. Moreover, with concern, how could he go far. He has recognized the reality a long time ago, and he needn’t struggle.

Ping went out to shoot advertisements with Phi Lee and Dew today. The shooting location was relatively remote. There were fewer man made issues which could have postponed the shoot. It was just over 11 o'clock when the shooting was finished.

After the work was completed, Ping simply went home after being approved. Unfortunately, Meen wasn’t at home, and didn't answer the phone. He was supposed to be in the laboratory. Ping didn't think much about it and sent him a text message: I'm back, and I'll cook for you if you can come back earlier.

After he simply solved his lunch, he practiced writing the advertisement on the tea table in the living room. Just as his thoughts flowed, the doorbell rang constantly. He thought Meen had forgotten to take the key, so he dropped his pen to open the door, complained while opening the door. Unexpectedly, there was a beautiful woman standing at the door. Ping paused for a moment before he realized that it was Max’s mother. Although she was a neighbor, the chances of meeting her were very few. It was estimated that the time for them to and from work was staggered.

Max's mother apparently had not expect Ping to open the door, and the smiles piled on her face was rigid, stuck embarrassingly. Ping pinched the cold sweat for her, and kindly helped her out:

‘Sawadekrub, Max's mother? What's the matter?’

The beautiful woman laughed twice hollowly and said, ‘Yes, that…is Meen there?’

Ping shook his head and said, ‘He's not here. Is there anything I can convey?’

The beauty said: ‘Actually nothing, he had helped me repair the computer before. I made some food specially to thank him, you can just help transfer it to him.’

Then Ping found that she had a small pot in her hand. He was embarrassed to have kept himself appreciating the beauty just now. He took over the pot and said,

‘Okay, thank you on behalf of him.’

Suddenly the beautiful woman smiled charmingly and said, ‘By the way, my name is Mook Worranit. You can call me sister Mook later. Don't call me Max’s mother, which made me old. I'm about your age.’

Ping smiled and nodded, ‘Sister Mook, would you like to come in and have a sit?’

Mook shook her head. ‘No, Max is alone at home. Just let Meen bring the pot back later.’

Ping closed the door, lifted the lid of the pot, it was cold noodles in sauce, the same amount of food as what Meen usually ate. It seemed that it was not the first time that he had repaired the computer. Besides, the meal was delivered when Ping was not at home, there is something fishy behind this..

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