ROM 27

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RELY ON ME : Chapter 27


ing was discussing the slogan of the advertisement with Phi Lee when he received Meen's por’ call. He could not turn around for a moment and promised to go out to meet them in a muddled way. When he hung up, he asked for leave and hurried to the coffee shop where he had made an appointment. He just began to get nervous before he saw anyone, trembled to call Meen. Just when the phone was connected, a couple pushed the glass door and came in. He pressed off the phone, fearing that he would call back, so he shut down.

Ping had not passed this way in his life, straightened his waist, bowed slightly, and raised his mouth 15 degrees, 

‘Uncle Porsch, Uncle Arm.’

The pretty man who was called as Uncle Arm's laughed, looked magnificent, 

‘Ping? You look like your Papa, sweet guy.’

and the another man who was called as Uncle Porsch just nodded, waving his hand and saying,

‘Sit down please.’

Ping didn’t sit down until they had sat down and called the waiter to order something. Uncle Arm ordered a cup of macha and a schwarzwald cake. Mo followed by a cup of macha while Uncle Porsch just ordered a cup of espresso.

‘Ping, how's your Papa doing?’ Uncle Arm asked with a smile.

Ping nodded, ‘Very well, my Papa asked me to thank you if I had the chance.’

Uncle Arm waved, ‘Don't mention this. Your papa helped me a lot when I was young. Besides, Meen must have been taken good care of by you.’

Ping was a little confused, he didn't know whether Meen had tell their relationship to his family, so he didn't dare to guess what their purpose. He could only use a smile and polite words to prevaricate: 

‘No, he was taking care of me.’

Uncle Arm laughed and said, ‘He took care of you? Don't mention it. I know what kind of temperament my son has. You're already amazing to get along with him.’

Ping laughed without a reply. He couldn’t just say yeah, yeah, and I think your son is very difficult to get along with.

The waiter interrupted their conversation by delivering drinks and cake.

Uncle Porsch, who had kept silent, took a sip of espresso and said, 

‘Are you lovers?’

Ping was shocked by such a straightforward inquiry and hesitated to answer.

Uncle Arm kindly relieved the siege: ‘Don’t ask in this way? The little boy is shy.’

Ping, who was shy smiled awkwardly, ‘Yes.’

Uncle Arm stretched out his hand and clapped Ping’s hand. 

‘That's the way you kids are. You don't even tell your family about such a big thing.’

Ping could only laugh embarrassingly, 

‘We’ve just started, and haven’t time to say that, it’s our fault.’

Uncle Arm reassuringly patted Ping’s hand and said, 

‘Nothing. Meen won’t say that until we forced him, It’s so wonderful that you’ve been together, doubly related.’

Ping was struck by the phrase ‘doubly related’ and could do nothing but to laugh.

Uncle Porsch, who was serious, said again, 

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