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[A/N: First of all, Michael talks sometimes but it consists of whispers and mumbles but sometimes he talks regularly so don't comment something like this "The title is 'Michael isn't Talking' but why is he talking?!" I write the story not you. This is boyxboy so if you don't like boyxboy then don't fucking read it! I'm not forcing you to read it! Anyways, enjoy!]

Michael's breath fasten as he walked the crowded halls of his school, even though he was almost graduating, he still gets anxious about school. He clutched his books closer to his chest as he kept his head down 'Just three more months Michael' he thought to himself and he just kept on walking until he got to his class and he realized he was 5 minutes late "Well, Mr. Clifford why are you late?" his Economics teacher asked, everyone stared at Michael and he just kept digging his fingers on his book "Michael Gordon Clifford speak up." his teacher's voice got more stern but Michael didn't talk causing his classmates to whisper "Mr. Clifford, I know for the fact that you are not deaf nor mute so would it kill you to speak up!" Michael took a step back, his back hitting the door, his eyes were brimming with tears

"For Gods sake Michael, I just want to know why you're late." his teacher sighed rubbing his temples "Just go sit down because if you're not going to talk then you are just wasting my time." Michael did as he said, he walked to the back of the classroom where he always sat and just leaned his chin on his arm while biting his bottom lip and paid attention to the lecture until he felt his hoodie being pulled back together with his beanie and that made him hiss at his seatmate causing the whole class to look at him "Mr. Clifford, are you a cat?" his teacher raised his eyebrow which made Michael sink down on his seat and he continued with his lecture, Michael didn't move anymore "Michael, are you a cat?" his seatmate teased "What's wrong Michael? Cat got your tongue?" his seatmate laughed silently but Michael had enough, he sat up straight and looked at the boy dead in the eye and immediately scratched his cheek

"Holy shit! What the fuck Michael?! You're fucked up!" his seatmate screamed "Michael Gordon Clifford! I will not tolerate your behavior anymore, go to the-" he was cut off when Michael swung his backpack hit him right at the side of his head and ran out of the classroom.

Michael ran and ran until he got the the forest just a few minutes away from his school, he sat underneath one of the trees and bawled his eyes out, he took off his hoodie together with his beanie 'You're fucked up Michael!' he thought to himself 'You're not even a normal boy! You have fucking cat ears!' he thought to himself and buried his head on his knees, his parents are surely going to kill him for what he did at school, he just assaulted two people and one of them was his teacher "You're in trouble Michael." he whispered to himself. Michael talks but it would only consist of whispers and mumbles and he would only say a word when his parents are talking to him.

Michael has been through a lot, he is adopted, left on the doorstep of a nice, young couple with a piece of paper attached to his baby bag and the only thing written on that paper was his full name and birthday, nothing else. To this day he stills wonders why his adoptive parents kept him even though he was a freaking hybrid! His phone vibrated in his pocket and when he opened it his eyes widened it was his Dad "Shit." he mumbled and put on his beanie and covered his head with the hoodie and he started running home.

+ + +

"Young man, you are in trouble!" his Dad yelled sternly "Louis, calm down, I'm sure he has an explanation." Harry, his other dad tried to calm down Louis "Fine! Michael explain what happened." Louis said trying to calm down "This kid started taunting me and I scratched him, that's it." Michael mumbled fiddling with the sleeve of his hoodie "Are you sure that what happened Michael because the Discipline Officer called and told us you assaulted two people at school, who was the other one?" Harry asked rubbing Michael's back to try and calm him down "The teacher." he squeaked

"Oh my God Michael. Why would you do that?" Louis asked rubbing his temples and Michael just looked at him with blank emotion "Go upstairs, you look like you've had a long day." Harry said kissing the top of Michael's head, Michael didn't say another word and went upstairs to his room pulling off his hoodie and beanie and sat down on his head as his hands reached up to his cat ears "You're a fucking freak Michael." he said to himself as tears streamed down his cheeks "Michael, you are not a freak, don't ever say that." Harry went inside Michael's room "But I am. What kind of person has cat ears?" Michael cried, Harry cupped his son's cheeks wiping away his tears "You're just unique Michael, you're different but you are not a freak. I don't want to hear that word again."

Michael isn't Talking ➵ Muke [Hybrid]Where stories live. Discover now