➵ twenty six

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[A/N: Short because I have a headache rn :( Sad. I know.]

Luke woke up alone in Calum's room and he wondered where Calum was, he got up and winced at his pounding headache "God." he groaned and walked to the bathroom and Calum wasn't there, he went downstairs and there was no sign of his best friend. He decided to go home and get cleaned up before he went to Michael's house [A/N: Dun dun dun!] He showered and brushed his teeth and put on a black shirt and some black sweat pants and paired them up with his Nikes and he walked to Michael's house, he felt like shit, he regretted hogging up all the alcohol last night but he doesn't know that there is something that he will regret even more.

When he arrived at Michael's he knew exactly where to go and that is Michael's room, when he opened the door he was surprised to see Calum sitting on Michael's bean bag and Michael sitting on his desk chair, both boys stared at him "Hey, so what's up?" Luke asked "Luke, why don't you share what happened last night?" Michael smiled sweetly at his boyfriend but on the inside all his rage was building up "Oh, Calum and I just had a drink and I think I passed out after that, I literally feel like shit right now." Luke said with a chuckle 

"So, Calum, tell us what you guys did." Michael turned to Calum who was pale and sweaty, he was running his fingers along his knuckles "Luke, I ran here to Michael's last night." Calum said, Luke was confused "Why?" Luke asked "Because, I told him something that happened last night that I was not proud of." Calum said "What even happened last night?" Luke asked, Michael crossed his arms over his chest just waiting 

"Luke, you kissed me last night, on my bed and that's why I left." Calum said "You're kidding right? I did not kiss you last night." Luke said "Well you did! Do you think he would run here at 2 in the morning for nothing?!" Michael yelled at Luke, this was the first time Michael yelled at Luke, Calum's eyes widened "Calm down Mikes." Calum said "Michael, I was pissed drunk last night and you should be blaming him." Luke pointed at Calum "Me?! I said we share it! I even have a shot glass for both of us but you hogged it all and got yourself drunk so don't blame this all on me you fucking asshole!" Calum literally jabbed his fingers on Luke's chest "Michael, baby, I was drunk and I wasn't myself. I know Calum is Bi but I don't like him, sure I like him as a friend but not as much as I love and like you Baby." Luke tried to approach Michael "Luke, Calum likes you a lot and I'm thankful he's not the type of person who wants to ruin a relationship even though he was a fucking dick to me in school." Michael said

 "You like me?" Luke questioned Calum "I do but I'm okay with you and Michael." Calum said timidly "Please, it was just a drunken mistake. I'm sorry Kitten." Luke begged Michael trying to hold his hand, Michael was hesitant but he couldn't resist the boy he loves "One chance Luke, one last chance, you fuck this up and I am dropping everything and leaving you."

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