➵ fourteen

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After school, Michael headed to the forest, he needed some alone time. He climbed up a tree and sat on the branches, he swung his legs as he fiddled with some of the fallen leaves "I ruined a friendship. I'm a bad person." he whispered to himself

 "I'm a bad person." tears prickled his eyes as he recalled what had happened earlier. Luke and Calum aren't friends anymore because of him, he sniffled, yes, he hated Calum but he never wanted to break a friendship or anything, his phone vibrated in his pocket, he took it out and it was Luke, he bit his lip debating if he should pick up or not, he closed his eyes tightly and hit ignore, he sighed and finally enjoyed his time alone. Luke doesn't need a hybrid in his life.


"Hey Kitten, your boyfriend was here earlier." Ashton chuckled as Michael arrived "He's not my bloody boyfriend." Michael gritted through his teeth "Woah, I was just kidding." Ashton raised his hands up in surrender "I'm trying to avoid him, if he comes tell him I've gone to Cheshire for a while." Michael instructed his brother 

"What about school?" Ashton asked "Tell them I'm sick." Michael replied in a low voice as he went upstairs. He took off his beanie, locked the door and windows and closed the curtains and he turned off his lights, he doesn't want to see Luke at the moment because it makes him guilty. He plopped down on his bed with his phone in his hand and his other hand fiddled with his cat ears "Why do you have to make things difficult?" he said pulling at them and he hissed "I'm an idiot." he said rubbing his ear and his phone vibrated again, he hit ignore and turned to his side facing the window and he tried to block Luke out of his mind.

"Michael. I know you're in there." a tap on his window woke him up, he checked his phone and it was 10 at night and Luke flooded him with calls and messages "Shit." Michael whispered as he put on his beanie "I'm coming in Michael." Luke said and Michael can hear him pick the lock, Michael picked up his beanie and ran out of his room trying so hard to keep quiet, he was out of his room and he ran inside Ashton's room, slamming the door and locking it "What's gotten into you?" Ashton raised his eyebrow "He's in my room." Michael whispered "I'm gonna call the police." Ashton stood up "No. Just tell him to go away." Michael said "And don't wake up our Dads, especially the curly one." Michael said, Ashton walked out of his room leaving Michael trembling. Ashton went inside Michael's room and Luke was in there sitting on the desk chair

 "Luke, what are you doing here?" Ashton asked as if he didn't know what was happening "I came to see Michael, is he okay? He wasn't answering my calls, kept ignoring me." Luke said "Luke, I don't know how to say this but he's gone to Cheshire." Ashton said "Oh." was all Luke said "Yeah, he left just after you came here earlier." Ashton replied "When will he come back?" Luke asked "I don't know, he didn't say, he's staying there with our Grandma and Aunt." Ashton explained "Okay, I'll just go then." Luke said climbing out the window and Ashton exited the room "Is he gone?" Michael asked "He's gone, go back to your room and get some rest kitten." Ashton said ruffling his hair and scratching his cat ears and Michael put on his beanie "Night." Michael said and went inside his room, he locked his bedroom door and window and sighed as he plopped down the bed again, he closed his eyes and felt the bed sink in but he ignored it

 "Ha!" Luke turned on Michael's bedside lamp "Lu-" Michael was about to scream but Luke covered his mouth with his hand "Why do you keep lying to me?" Luke asked as he uncovered Michael's mouth "I'm sorry." Michael squeaked as a tear ran down his cheek "Shh." Luke ran his thumb over Michael's bottom lip "Why'd you lie?" Luke asked, his eyes staring directly at Michael's eyes "Guilty." Michael whimpered "Because of my fight with Calum?" Michael nodded "It's not your fault Baby, he was being an asshole." Luke said "Sorry." Michael pulled down Luke, hugging him "I'm sorry." Michael cried on Luke's shoulder "It's okay Baby." Luke whispered as he pulled away and his eyes lingered on Michael's lips "Close your eyes." Luke whispered, Michael did as told and Luke leaned down and Michael felt his breath "Luke, what are you doing?" Michael asked, eyes still shut

 "Shh." Luke said and pressed his lips on Michaels, Michael flinched but he accepted it. The kiss was shy due to the lack of experience from both of them. Luke pulled away and Michael was blushing like crazy "What was that?" Michael asked shyly "I-" Luke was about to answer but Michael cut him off by pecking his lips "I liked it."

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