➵ seven

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"I gotta go to class." Luke said, Michael nodded, it's been a week since their hugging session and Michael and Luke grew closer they went their separate ways. Michael walked inside his Home Economics class "Michael, why are you late?" Mrs. Leslie asked, Michael shook shrugged as if it was nothing "You can go sit by Calum." she said, it seemed like all of the blood drained from Michael's face, he was paler than usual and he awkwardly walked to the last table, where Calum was sitting "Hey Kitty Cat." Calum greeted with a smirk "I'm not gonna try anything because Luke will kill me if I do. It's a shame." Calum said sighing and the class began.

50 minutes seemed too damn long for Michael, he was anxious because at any second Calum could pull off his beanie or something, he would constantly glance at Calum trying to see what he's up to, it made him very anxious and he was sweating, when the bell rang, Michael immediately shoved everything inside his backpack and ran out of the classroom like he stole something, he ran as fast as he could until he collided with someone, he landed on the floor, his beanie nearly slipping off his head, he opened his eyes, clutching his head and he looked up, it was Luke

"Michael!" Luke dropped everything and helped him up "What is it with you and accidents?" Luke laughed and he helped Michael stand up "Hey Luke, hey Kitty Cat." Calum came out of nowhere "Why'd you run from me Kitten?" Calum approached Michael "Calum." Luke warned "Luke, I didn't do anything to him, he just ran off." Calum said touching Michael's cheek and Michael pushed him on the lockers, hard. Luke immediately held Michael "Kitten, just calm down." Calum said but that made Michael more furious and he tried to lunge at Calum but Luke held him back "Calm down, calm down Mikey." Luke tried to soothe him and he wrapped his arms around Michael and pulled him back causing both of them to fall to the ground, Michael in between Luke's legs "Calum, go. I'll see you later." Luke said "See you tomorrow Kitten." Calum winked at Michael which made Michael wiggle out of Luke's grip and he ran after Calum and grabbed him from behind, spun him around and slammed him on the locker, Calum let out a groan and Michael looked at him in the eyes "What are you gonna do to me? Scratch me with your kitty claws. Take your shot Kitten!" Calum taunted, Michael let go of Calum, Calum chuckled cockily and before he can face Michael again, Michael's fist landed on his jaw "You little fuck." Calum said monotone and before he can swing at Michael Luke held him "Enough!" Luke yelled "Calum, go to the clinic, Michael come with me." Luke was mad, he grabbed Michael's arm and they walked out of the school and to the gym "What the fuck was that?" Luke immediately asked once they got inside the gym, Michael didn't answer "Violence isn't the answer." Luke said, Michael sat down on the benches with his head hung low, he was ashamed of what he did, he just punched Calum, he never did that to anybody. Michael brought his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them

"Michael, I'm so sorry, I tend to forget you're sensitive." Luke sat beside him wrapping an arm around his shoulder "Why do you get so frustrated when Calum calls you Kitten?" Luke asked, Michael just rested his chin on his knees and pouted at Luke "You want a kiss?" Luke joked "You can kiss my ass." Michael mumbled, Luke's eyes widened, same with Michael "You talked! You talked to me!" Luke clapped his hand while he was smiling, Michael covered his mouth with his hands and ran off "No! Michael! Come back!" Luke ran after him but he just disappeared, Luke sighed and started to laugh when the first words he heard from Michael was 'You can kiss my ass.'. Michael was beyond embarrassed and he ran all the way home, he slammed the front door and locked it "Louis? Is that you?" he heard Harry ask and when Harry walked to the living room, there stood a crying Michael with a bruised nose and tears streaming down his rosy cheeks "Michael! What happened?!" Harry asked, really concerned about his son "Dad, I talked to Luke." Michael cried "And did he punch you on the nose?" Harry asked "No. I've had this bruise for a week and covered it with make-up. I talked to him and I'm embarrassed. We have to move. I don't want to see him anymore. Let's move back to Cheshire! Please!" Michael pleaded "Michael, no, we are not moving back to Cheshire." Harry hugged his son "Michael, isn't Luke your friend?" Harry asked "I guess." Michael sniffled "Well, what's so bad if you talk to him?" Harry asked "He's gonna find out I'm a goddamn freak once we communicate verbally." Michael pulled off his beanie "Michael for the last time you are not a freak." Harry said

"Ship me off to Cheshire! I'll live with Grandma and Gemma. How's that sound? I'll go pack!" Michael ran upstairs and put on his beanie and he pulled out his suitcase throwing random clothes inside and then out of nowhere Luke burst inside Michael's room from the window making Michael scream and run out of his room with his suitcase "Dad! Call the police!" Michael yelled as he ran downstairs as Luke followed him "Michael! What in the he-" Harry was cut off when Michael hugged him from behind and Harry was more surprised when Luke was there and he was really surprised to find Michael's suitcase "Michael, it's just Luke." Harry said "Are you going away?" Luke asked "Gosh no. Michael is just over reacting." Harry said, Michael whimpered, he was already crying "Luke, can you please leave, my son is probably having a mental breakdown." Harry said nicely "Of course. Michael, I'm sorry for scaring you." and with that Luke left "Michael, stop crying Love." Harry comforted "Sooner or later you were bound to talk to him."

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