➵ seventeen

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Michael woke up to the sound of the crashing waves, he had fallen asleep with Luke on the beach, his head was laid on Luke's chest, he listened to Luke's steady heart beat and hugged him, pressing his body closer to Luke. Michael was surprised Luke had stayed even after he revealed his ears "Morning." Michael mumbled resting his chin on Luke's chest, Luke squinted his eyes "Morning my sweet kitten." Luke's morning voice made Michael smile 

"Didn't notice we fell asleep last night." Luke said sitting up "May I?" Luke asked referring to Michael's ears, Michael nodded and Luke touched Michael's ears softly and Michael purred, closing his eyes and falling into Luke's shoulder "You like that Kitten?" Luke asked "Yeah." Michael said in a soft voice "I should probably drive you home, your dad might kill me." Luke said "Harry'll be okay with it." Michael said crossing his legs "I meant the other one." Luke said "Oh. Louis." Michael mumbled and he got up putting on his beanie and he locked hands with Luke as they walked back to the car together with their belongings. They both got inside the car and Michael took the opportunity to open his phone and he went pale 

"Mikey, Baby, you okay?" Luke asked holding his hand "My dad is going to kill me." Michael said "Want me to talk to him?" Luke offered, still holding Michael's hand as he drove the car "I'll explain, he's probably gonna kill you first if he sees you." Michael said "Okay, if that's what you want Kitten." Luke kissed his hand and Michael blushed.


"See you at school." Michael said "I love you." Luke said, Michael bit his lip "I love you too and pray for me." Michael pecked his cheek and he got out of Luke's car and he jogged inside his house and Louis was there, standing by the couch with his arms crossed in front of his chest "Hey Dad." Michael greeted with a nervous laugh "Where have you been all night?" Louis asked raising his eyebrow "With Luke, we lost track of time and fell asleep." Michael said "Did you do something else?" Louis asked "And by something else you mean..." Michael trailed off "Did you have sex?!" Louis screamed "No! God! We were at the beach Dad!" Michael said "I'm just worried about you my sweet boy." Louis hugged his son "I'm fine Dad." Michael rolled his eyes

 "Can I go upstairs now?" Michael asked "Go ahead." Louis said and Michael ran upstairs to his room and he bumped into Ashton "How was your-" Ashton was cut off when Michael immediately went inside his bedroom locking the door behind him. Michael had a smile on his face and he just, he didn't know what to feel. He was so happy and he felt complete and his phone rang "Hello." Luke's voice made Michael's heart flutter "Hi. I'm alive." Michael said "Good to know." Luke chuckled "We're missing something." Luke said "What?" Michael asked lying down on his bed touching his lips "We don't have a song." Luke said "Is that necessary?" Michael laughed "Of course it is!" Luke said "Who picks?" Michael asked "You pick." Luke replied, Michael opened his laptop which was beside him "The first song that plays when I shuffle my playlist will be our song." Michael said 

"Okay." Luke said and Michael hit shuffle and Cherry Bomb played on his laptop "Definitely not that." Luke said "Can we deal with this later?" Michael whined "Fine! We'll deal with it later." Luke mimicked his whiny voice "Michael, can I ask you something?" "Anything." Michael said "Why are you a hybrid? Like, how did it happen?" Luke asked, Michael let out a sigh and it was quiet "Michael, I'm so sorry I asked, we can forget about it if you-" "It's okay, I wanna talk to you about it but can I come over, I want to talk to you about it in person." Michael said "Of course you can come over." Luke said "Okay, I'll be there in 30." Michael hung up and proceeded to his bathroom to take a shower.

After he showered, he faced the mirror, he was shirtless, only wearing his skinny jeans and he was staring at his pale body, his hair and fluffy ears were still damp and he ran his hands over the faded scars right above his hipbone, he closed his eyes and remembered all those bad things, the cutting, the depression, always hiding in the dark, hidden. 

He shook his head and tried to forget all those bad times and he put on a shirt and his beanie on. He walked downstairs and ate some breakfast with his Dad, Harry. Louis and Ashton are probably at the store 

"So, you didn't come home last night, got us all worried." Harry said as Michael fixed himself some breakfast "Yeah, I arrived earlier today. We lost track of time and fell asleep, so yeah.." Michael trailed off as he sat down on the dining table "How was it?" Harry asked "It was great, we went to the beach and we just talked all night and I told him." Michael said looking down at his bowl while smiling "You did? How'd he react?" Harry asked, quite surprised because Michael was starting to break out of his shell

 "It was dead silent and I thought he left so I started to cry but he actually stayed, he stayed Dad." Michael looked up at his dad with a smile "I remember my first date with Louis, he prepared his very first meal." Harry dazed "Chicken stuffed with mozzarella wrapped in parma ham with a side of homemade mash." Harry and Michael said together "You told me this story a billion times Dad." Michael laughed "But it's pretty romantic, I mean, he actually tried to cook, I'm surprised he didn't burn down his house. Dad can't cook for his life!" Michael said referring to Louis and he put his bowl in the sink and put his hood up "Off to somewhere?" Harry asked "Yeah, just gonna talk to Luke." Michael said 

"You guys are inseparable."

Michael isn't Talking ➵ Muke [Hybrid]Where stories live. Discover now