The Stag and Dragon

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                    Daenerys walks into the courtyard of Highgarden, passing dead Lannister men scattered everywhere. She climbs to the top of the tower. In Olenna's quarters, Lady Olenna is sitting alone at a table, wearing all black. She is a small woman, the size of a child, with white hair and appears wrinkled and wizened. She has soft, spotted hands with gaunt, thin fingers. Olenna stares out at the fields, "Wise choice allying with The Stag of Blackwater. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, I say," Olenna said.

                    "If it wasn't for her, I'm sure we would have found you dead. She was the one that pointed out the truth that Casterly Rock isn't worth much anymore and that the Kingslayer would attack Highgarden instead," Daenerys explained and sat at the table as Missandei walked to the wine and poured two glasses, then walked to where Olenna is seated and places both wine glasses on the table.

                    Olenna takes a sip of her wine, "Of course she did. The child isn't as idiotic or incompetent as her father or uncle's. She knows aiding you gives the North a better chance at separating from the seven kingdoms, but I understand her. I did unspeakable things to protect my family or watched them being done on my orders. I never lost a night's sleep over them. They were necessary. And whatever I imagined necessary for the safety of House Tyrell, I did," she explained.

                    Back at Dragonstone, Tyrion sat at his niece's bedside, where she lay unconscious on her stomach as bandages were wrapped around her entire back. "I'd be lying if I said losing you was something I could handle.....please my little doe, fight," he pleaded, then gulped down another cup of wine, hoping it would numb his pain.

                    "Care to share?" Jon asked as he took a seat a few feet from Tyrion. Jon looked just as downhearted as Tyrion did.

                    "I assume you have finally written to your sister," Tyrion said as he poured wine into a second glass and handed it to Jon, who gladly accepted it.

                    "I promised Sansa I would keep her safe," Jon admitted, then took a large gulp of his wine.

                    "You can't blame yourself for this. No one can stop my niece once she puts her mind to something," Tyrion explained.

                    "How can I not blame myself? If she dies, I not only lose a sister, but my niece or nephew will grow up not knowing their other mother," Jon said sorrowfully.

                    "If anyone can defeat the god of death, it's my niece, but even if I'm wrong... she will live on in the stories we tell," Tyrion said, then poured himself some more wine.

                    The next day Daenerys and Missandei are walking along a path outside of Dragonstone, followed by members of the Queensguard. "Your Grace, there's still no word from the Unsullied," Missandei explained.

                    "Soon. They will come back to me," Daenerys said confidently.

                   "He better," Missandei said, causing Daenerys to stop and turn to look at Missandei in surprise, then continues walking.

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