Chapter 12 - A Stalker

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"Stay together and behave, please

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"Stay together and behave, please." I softly tell my brothers who simply give me big smiles before walking away.

We're grocery shopping and they want to go look at the snack aisle. I purposely skipped it but I see it was of no use.

I turn back toward my cart and continue down the aisle we were just about to walk down of. They'll be gone for quite a while and they're all the way on the other side of the store so I won't be bothered for a bit. They can get kind of annoying when they're following me around while asking over and over again if I'm almost done. They'll be entertained for a while and I'm fully going to use that to my advantage.

These past few days have been hectic. My biggest problem at the moment is still the situation with my aunt. It pains me so much knowing that I'm not able to do anything and I don't know why Boris hasn't said a word. All the dumb fuck does is send me pictures of her.

My stomach churns every time I look at them because I can see how scared she is. She doesn't deserve to be put in such situations when Boris's problem is with me and not her.

From what it looks like Boris hasn't hurt her to an extreme. It seems to me that he has only hit her on the face and that still makes me sick to my stomach. I'll never forgive myself if I lose her too.

All the pictures are sent from burner phones, so it is only making things harder for me.

I haven't asked for help either because of my more minor situation. Gianna and Morelia's husbands still have that stupid idea that I stole from them. They're wasting so much time on me by being stubborn that I'm sure their precious jewelry and the person who stole it are long gone by now.

They're the only people I know of that could help me. It's just that it's not the time for that and I also would have to tell them about my past with Boris. I'm still not able to speak to anyone about it. The only two persons who knew literally took that secret to the grave.

It's the same problem if I were to ask one of my Bratva acquaintances. I also don't know any of them well enough to know they wouldn't betray me and get bought by Boris.

I erase my thoughts when I see the bread I was looking for. I lightly sigh when looking up at how high they put it up today.

I walk toward it and slightly get on my toes, reaching up for it. I'm about to get it between the tips of my fingers when a big hand suddenly easily grabs it from behind me and I feel a heavy presence. I stand right when the bread is placed in front of me for me to take. I gently take it from the hand before turning around.

"Thank you." I'm about to lightly smile at the kind person from gratitude but I don't when I see who it 'coincidentally' is.

I suddenly realize how close I am to him but more specifically how close our faces are.

On accident I stare into his eyes, and I end up in a trance and feeling a force of not being able to look away from them. They're a very dark color. I'm sure they look black from afar but up close it's easy to tell that they're only a very dark brown color. They're quite nice like black coffee.

He smells very great too.

I have to force myself from continuing to stare any longer. My eyes accidentally land on his lips where there is a faint smirk and I take that as my sign to stop with the staring. I roll my eyes at him knowing that he probably thinks I'm flustered by him or something stupid like that.

I step out from in front of him and go back to my cart to put the bread in it.

I've now just realized how handsome the officer actually is. He's annoying though. I guess he is annoyingly handsome, very fucking handsome, and annoying...

He is so annoying and handsome that I want to throw a brick at his head.

I decide to ignore the very good-looking man by pushing my cart and continuing grocery shopping as if he doesn't exist and didn't just hand me my bread. I came here to buy food not to be staring very closely at a handsome sort of stranger's face.

It would have also been very irritating and awkward if my brothers would have caught me like that. They would never let go of it or leave me alone for it.

"Stalking me isn't going to make the jewelry suddenly appear in front of you or on me." I lowly speak when feeling that he is following me and hearing the soft noise of his footsteps.

"And you telling me that you're not the thief isn't going to stop me from thinking you are." Another one.

I roll my eyes at his stupidity. Men are so dumb and stupid ninety percent of the time. I don't know how they manage to survive in life.

"You're wasting your time." I state as we turn the corner to the next aisle.

"I'm sure the actual thief has already traded in that jewelry for money and is now laundering that money in a different country." I inform him what I'm sure he already knows but it's obvious he isn't using even half of his brain today, so I'll remind him.

"How would you know that?"

I shrug my shoulders at his question. It's obvious on how I would know that but I'm not actually going to admit this to him. He already knows what I am. With enough proof of everything he could send me straight to prison.

I'm actually not worried about that happening ever. I know a very good lawyer and she would take me out of there in such a short amount of time.


I freeze in my steps at the sound of Anton and Ilya calling out for me. They can't see me with this man or else they'll ask questions, and it will only add on to my list of problems.

I suddenly see them turn a corner, but they don't see me when I push the officer back so that he stops being so close to me.

It fails because the officer takes me by the wrist and pulls me with him. He only is holding a basket with his groceries, so it isn't hard for him to get to me.

I pull my wrist out of his hold, and I'm suddenly caged between him, and my cart and I feel a bit of panic that I'm sure is evident in my eyes when I hear my brothers' voices getting closer.

I can't deny that there is some sort of feeling in me when this annoying man is so close to me. I kind of like it in a way but this is the last time I admit such a thing to myself.

He's staring at me, inspecting and taking in every detail and inch of my face.

"I'll see you around, Markova." He says in a low voice, and I now just notice how deep his voice actually is.

I notice the small faint smirk from earlier on his lips as he backs away from me and turns around to leave.

I stand there watching him and how good of a back profile he has. It seems that he has some nice back muscles and I turn off my brain before I can imagine anything that I'm not supposed to.

"She's over here." Anton sounds from behind me just as the officer has disappeared.


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