Chapter 38 - A Special Guest

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It has been a few days now since that day

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It has been a few days now since that day.

We're at a restaurant that was reserved by Amado, but he isn't here yet. By we I mean me, my brothers, my friends and their husbands, and Nikolai and Vladimir. I'm still not sure why Amado asked us to come.

The past days I have spent at home with my brothers and Amado. He visits every morning and leaves every night. We aren't together but I really enjoy his company because I love him.

Everyone is conversing and the room quiets down when the handsome and beautiful dirty fed with the precious face finally shows up to his own dinner. I swear I can stare at that man forever and only fall more in love with him.

He is holding a familiar looking briefcase and then notices that I am staring at him. He sends me a small smile and a small wink of reassurance. I think I might die from loving him too hard.

"Thank you all for coming. Before you can proceed with ordering your dinner, there is something that needs to be returned." He speaks while walking toward the other end of the table where the Ivanov brothers are seated across from each other.

Amado places the briefcase on the table facing it to everyone, them in specific, and then he opens it. Shiny and prepossessing light blue diamonds are revealed and now that I am not feeling anxious as they're being shown, I would have definitely stolen those if I didn't know who the Ivanovs were.

"Boris Gusev had your diamonds. It was part of his plan to get Katya to marry him." He tells both men who look extremely relieved to see the pretty diamonds.

"Thank you, Amado, really." Leonid speaks looking up at the officer.

"Yeah, we will forever be grateful with you for this." Akim adds in as Amado closes the case.

Leonid takes the case and places it beside him on an empty chair. Amado briefly glances at me before walking back toward the entrance of the place.

"I also invited a special guest for the Markovs." He states and my brothers look at me in confusion.

The three of us then immediately stand from our seats when we see the woman who walks in. To my surprise she looks the same as she used to and it gives me so much hope that no harm was actually done to her.

"Tyotya!" Anton and Ilya say at the same time before practically running toward her.

I tear up a bit with a smile on my face as I make my way over to them. It feels so surreal to finally see her again. I actually can't believe it. I instantly join them in the hug that they are all sharing.

"Thank God you're okay." I tell her as she gives me a kiss on the head.

"I'm completely fine, dear." She states with a warm smile painted on her lips.

"We have so much catching up to do when we get home." Her words make me smile hard because that means that she is here with us for good.

"We missed you so much." Anton tells her and I let him and Ilya talk to her as I turn around to look at Amado.

He has a small smile on his face, and I don't think he realizes that it is there.

"Thank you so much." I tell him in full honesty, and he opens his arms for me. I don't even have to think about it before walking into his arms and hugging him tightly. I love him so damn much.

"I made sure that she will stay with you for good and you won't have to wait any longer." He quietly tells me and I pull back to look at him.

"How did you do that?" I question in curiosity because we still had a bit longer to go until she would be able to move over here.

"A few connections and calls." He shrugs and I only smile.

I would kiss him if we weren't in front of a lot of people.


This has been one of the best dinners I have ever had.

Everyone is getting along and talking with each other as if we were a huge family. I introduced my aunt to them all and she seemed to like each one of them. It makes me so happy to see everyone so happy and calm.

Amado is to thank for most of my happiness. He saved me from that horrible wedding nightmare, got back the jewelry that I was being accused of stealing, and found and brought my aunt to me. I don't know how I will ever be able to thank him for everything he has done for me.

"Would you like any dessert this evening?" The waitress gets to me and Amado.

He has been holding my hand in his the whole time he has been here, and he hasn't let go. He's either holding it, massaging it, kissing it, or playing with my rings. He isn't trying to hide it either and I've gotten so many questioning looks from almost everyone. I ignore the looks because we're not even together, so I don't know what to say.

"We'll have some tartufo." I instantly reply trying to hide a smile.

I saw it on the menu earlier and I'm guessing Amado did too because he slightly glares at me. "It's full of chocolate."

"Yeah, and I know how much you love chocolate." I state looking at him with a big smile. He glares harder.

I hear Morelia chuckle which only makes him shift his glare to her.

"I'm fine, thank you." He looks over at the waitress who nods before excusing herself. He is fine.

We're at an Italian restaurant that is owned by the Romanos. Dario let us borrow it for today and he seems to be enjoying himself the most with all the food and wine he has had.

"I love you." Amado suddenly whispers into my ear causing a shiver to go down my spine.

I don't respond because now doesn't feel like the right time. He takes my hand that is still in his and softly gives me small kisses.


"Katya." Leonid speaks from behind me and I turn around to look at him and Akim approach me.

"We apologize for badly accusing you of stealing the diamonds." Leonid speaks first looking serious.

"We hope that there isn't any negative feelings between us especially since you're like a sister to our wives." Akim speaks next also being genuine.

I nod accepting the apology and offering them a small smile. "We're good. I understand why you reacted the way you did and why you thought it was me who did it. I accept your apology."

They both look relived at my words and coincidentally stick their hands out for me to shake at the same time. I take each of their hands accepting that everything is fine.

Amado shows up at that moment from talking to Dario and the two other Russians.

"Amado, we'll see you tomorrow." Leonid tells him and with that he excuses himself with Akim following.

"What did they want?" Amado questions looking at me with soft eyes that make me melt.

"They were apologizing." I respond as he pulls me into his arms. It's also something that he does constantly now, hugging me.

"How did you know that Boris had my aunt and the jewelry?" I question because I have been wondering.

"Akim suspected that he stole the diamonds and your brothers told me he had your aunt." It's actually not surprising to hear that my brothers did that.

"Amado?" I speak up after a few seconds.

"Yes, ojitos?"

"Boris died right?" I can't stop thinking about it because I am not sure if he did since I shot him and didn't have time to make sure he was dead.

"Yes, I made sure of it." His words immediately make a big weight leave my my body.

"Thank you."


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