Chapter 14 - A Bracelet

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I stare down at the bright pink bracelet in my hand

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I stare down at the bright pink bracelet in my hand.

It's made out of yarn and plastic, and it doesn't belong to me.

I haven't stopped staring at it or carrying it around with me these past few days. It's incredible that a woman with an obsession for diamonds was wearing this bracelet.

I accidentally pulled it off her wrist when I ran into her at the grocery store when she tried to hide me. I don't know why I didn't give it back or why I kept it. She didn't even notice and I'm not sure if she has.

Something about her attracts me toward her, it's like a pull and I am trying to resist it. I feel like a moth, and she is the flame that I do but don't want to burn into at the same time.

It felt so wrong to point my gun at her, but what else was I supposed to do? I couldn't just stand there like a dumbass as she pointed a gun at me that she managed to take without me noticing.

I didn't realize she took it sooner because I was being an idiot. It's probably the third time that I have her so close to me and each time I seem to get lost in her in beauty and those damn eyes. It's to the point that I've noticed her eyes are the exact same shade as her long hair. They're both a brown color with a very tiny amount of red mixed in. It's in the light where the hint of red is noticeable. It's a unique and beautiful gene she has.

She has this thing to her that is affecting my brain to where I think about her constantly and at the most random times.

Too bad I just moved back here not that long ago so I can't escape her captivating effect on my dumb brain.


"Mi niño." Mama says in so much contentment the moment I walk into the kitchen with Akim behind me.

She pulls me into a tight and big motherly hug, and I return it with a smile on my face.

"I'm so glad you came." She informs me pulling back and grabbing my face to look at it.

"You're even more handsome by the day. I wonder when you'll bring me a daughter in law." She lightly slaps my cheek before going back to what she was doing.

She never leaves me alone about that. I don't think she ever will to be honest.

"Welcome, dear." My aunt tells me with a warm smile and gives me a side hug.

My mama is washing something in the sink, Akim is cooking something on the stove, and my aunt is stirring a big glass jar filled with agua fresca.

I'm about to ask if I can help with something when Morelia walks in with Alina in her arms.

"Amado, you made it." She offers me a small smile.

"Of course, it's not like I have anything else to do."

"Or like you have friends." She adds on making me furrow my eyebrows.

Alina smiles widely when seeing me and reaches out for me take her in my arms. I open my arms up to her and return the smile. Morelia hands her to me and I take her in my arms gently. I'm definitely her favorite uncle.


I'm rolling the sleeves of my shirt up when Morelia enters the kitchen.

I turn the sink faucet on and begin washing the dishes just as she puts another one into the sink right in front of me. She then stays standing beside me in silence. I glance at her for a second and she seems to be thinking.

"Amado." She speaks and I hum in response.

"I'm only going to warn you this once. I don't want you to hurt Katya in any way or I will hurt you myself ten times worse." She says in a tone in which you would think she was saying the kindest things.

I raise my eyebrows at her threat. "I thought the assassin in you was dead."

"I can always bring her back from the dead if necessary."

I nod at her because I'm not capable of hurting a woman either way.

"Amado." She speaks again after a few more seconds of silence. I hum response once more.

"I'm very sure she didn't steal that jewelry." She sounds convinced and it's not surprising that she isn't siding with her husband.

"I couldn't care less about that damn jewelry. I'm only doing my job and what I'm being paid for." I honestly let her know.

"Do more to prove that Katya is innocent. It's so obvious as well but I've come to terms that men are blind and stupid."

"If your friend is innocent then you and her don't have to worry about a thing." I assure her and she stays quiet once more.


I step out my car and go toward the front desk where the mailboxes are.

I forgot to get my mail this morning and I'm not tired enough to go to bed just yet, so I'll go get it now.

I immediately regret my decision when I see the blonde who has some sort of thing for me. She gives me a small smile and walks toward me. I pretend to not see her and I walk into the front desk where a guy is typing away on his computer. He only glances at me already knowing that I live here and then ignores me as he goes back to doing whatever.

I go toward my mailbox and unlock it with my keys, grabbing my mail, and then closing it and locking it back. I make my way back toward the door and walk out to be face to face with the woman when I turn a corner to head to my apartment.

"Can you stop pretending that you don't want me?" She asks in a seductive tone with that red smile of hers.

I don't have time for this shit, so I ignore her once more and walk past her. I feel physically irritated when I hear her heels clinking fast behind me.

"Wait." She basically runs right in front of me to stop me from walking any further.

She puts a hand up to my chest and gulps pressing a bit harder. The woman whose name I still have no fucking clue what it is, looks me back in the eyes with hers that are shining.

"If me being married is a problem then I'll leave him. I'll leave him for you." She has so much desperation in her eyes.

I sigh shoving her hand away from me. "I don't want you." I make it clear to her for the fucking millionth time.

"I never have wanted you and I never will." I add on and her smile slowly fades.

She looks hurt which is stupid because she is the one wanting to cause harm to her own husband. I've never even given her any motives to be acting this way.

"Leave me alone or I won't hesitate to give your husband a visit the next time you try anything." With that I walk past her once more and continue back to my apartment.

I just moved here thinking I would have peace since I'm living alone now, but I see that isn't ever possible. I soon walk into my apartment and close the door behind me before turning the lights on.

I head toward the kitchen and place my keys and the mail on the counter as I go to grab a glass of water. I begin looking through the mail as I drink from my water and then place the glass down when a specific envelope gathers my attention.

I furrow my eyebrows opening it and then pulling out an invitation. An invitation to a gala that takes place every year to raise money for charity. All the corrupt and secret criminals go to these to keep a good image while fooling everyone to think they're innocent people of good.

I'm about to throw it away when I decide not to. I stare at the invitation for a few seconds before deciding that I might go.

Something is telling me that I should be there.


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