Fantasy - After Shower

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I felt fresh, steeping out from a nice warm shower, wrapped in nothing but my favourite red towel. It was late evening so I decided to wear my super cute night dress, which only came upto my thighs. It was his favourite light blue one. I had always denied to wear it as it was too short. I'm not very comfortable in short clothings, but today I really wanted his attention over me so why not!? ;)

Usually it's a bun, but today I left my curls down. I wore no make up, just the thought of what we could do together made my cheeks redden with blush.

I went to the living room where he was sitting on the sofa, watching some random TV show. As I entered, his eyes lit up immediately. He had that surprised and excited look plastered over his face.

Before he could speak anything, I walked straight to him and sat on him spreading both of my legs over his sides. His eyes turned darker and as he caught hold of my hips very gently. Slowly I leaned forward and whispered into his ears, "how does it suit me?" and nibbled his earlobe a little, placing small pecks over his neck, inhaling his manly scent. His sudden gasp made me chuckle, as he didn't see that coming.

He held my face in his hands and looked into my eyes with lust and desire. "too hot to handle my girl! Come here.." & starts squeezing my butt. I moaned a little and couldn't wait more so initiated a hot open mouthed kiss, which he deepened and dominated.
I kept massaging his torso and pinched his small nipples teasing him. I broke the kiss and started kissing over his chest, sweet yet naughty just the way he liked me. I now reached his V-line, licking and kissing him, lifting up to wink.

He pounced back, his hands were now travelling over my hips to my breasts, kneading them a little, with just the pressure I needed. My hands were around his neck, holding his hair and massaging it, tilting my neck to kiss him better. I was already wet and when I felt his erection over his shorts, my mind became dirtier.

I then slipped one of my hands into his boxers to massage him but he was faster than me, his fingers went into my pussy. I couldn't think straight, and started to take deep breaths, as his fingers did magic over my pussy. He started kissing the crook of my neck, going down. I removed his shorts and he took off my night dress. I was left only in panties and seeing his huge erection made them soaking wet.

I bent down to lick and suck his popsicle, slowly massaging and devouring it. He tilted his head back with the pleasure and muttered my name. Ahhh, the satisfaction of hearing my name in his hazy voice turned me on even more. I worked faster giving him the pleasure he deserved and when he could no longer take in, he lifted me up and kissed me hard.

We walked swiftly to the bedroom and before I knew he was on top of me, ravishing each of my breasts like a hungry man, but with passion. He sucked one and pinched the other, smirking at me the entire time. As he placed smooches all over my tummy, his hands travelled thorough every part that ached to be touched. I couldn't take in soo much pleasure. Moans escaped from my mouth and when he reached my pelvis giving butterfly kisses, I swear I couldn't resist more. "make love to me, right now, pleassseee.." I pleaded.
"not so soon my love.." he replied removing my underwear.

He started licking and sucking my clit, slowing gliding one finger inside me. My breaths deepend and I was holding the bed sheets so tight as if my life depended on it. He was no longer slow and gentle, he increased his pace and Oh my gaaawwwwdddd he always gives just want my body needs, the best ever in eating my pussy. I felt like my entire body just melted down like ice cream, with his hot licking and sucking. My mind was so hazy to recognise whether 2 or 3 of his fingers were inside of me now.

The room now echoed with his name in my voice, pleading him to get inside. He now lifted up only to kiss me so fiercely, positioning himself and entered me. I held his face and kissed him back so passionately, with each thrust pleasure became immense. My legs were completely surrounding him and I held onto him so tight, muttering these words in a very dreamy tone, "never let me go, neverrrrrr..." his face was buried in the crook of my neck, as he hugged me and replied with even more breathlessness, "I promise my love, I'll always come with you..." and yes he did stand by his words. He was thrusting inside me, so deep that after few seconds we both came together.
Relief washed over me as we both lay down on the plush mattress. He kissed my forehead and placed his head over my chest, hugging me, our legs intertwined and we laid there happily lost in each other's embrace...

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