Fantasy - Home Alone

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The main door was left open, as you told you'd sneak in. I was home alone & you wanted to meet me, so without the neighbors suspicion you entered in, and locked the door behind you. It was now just the two of us, for the night, the thought of which sends chills down my spine & it doesn't stop there, creating a rippling feeling in my insides by just the thought of what all could happen next.

It was the first time we're meeting each other, though it didn't seem like that, but 'physically' its the first for us. You wore a dark blue jean & checked red & blue shirt, casual as always. I wore a red coloured dress which came upto my knees, light make up on & my curls were left loose.

You stood in front of me, with a smirk & I couldn't control blushing! Your ravishing eyes travelled upon me from top to bottom and I could feel them on me, making me even more conscious. As you started pacing towards me, and stopped just a few inches apart. The distance was just enough to drink in each other's scents, making us clearly horny for each other, even though neither of us showed it out.

I spoke up first, "what do wanna have? Juice or wine..."
"I came all the way to taste your juice, but I wouldn't mind wine" you smirked again, and I was becoming more wet.

As I served the wine, we both were silent, no words, no sounds, just exchanging stares. But I guess that was more than enough to read what was running on our dirty minds. You slowly got up from the cushion, and paced to sit beside me, closing the distance between us.

As our arms & shoulders touched each others, I could feel the eccentric splash of sensations inside me. At that point, I didn't know which was more red, the wine or my cheeks. You slowly leaned into my ears, whispering these few words, "You look so beautiful my dear, I wish I could have you right away..." My pussy was dripping wet by the time you finished whispering, moving away from me again.

I did not like you shifting away from me, so I gently grabbed your collar, taking you by surprise, and pulled you closer, whispering into your ears, "Then take me right away, I'm all yours for the night" I smiled at you, as you reciprocated the feeling, I leaned behind the cushion as you started moving forward towards my lips, staring right into my eyes & I held back your stare. It was the dark desires & unspoken emotions taking a play now.

You came very close to my lips, only to peck on the corner, you were teasing me as always, as I rolled my eyes, you were laughing at me. "Ughh, I hate you!" I uttered these words as you laughed again. It was high time I irritated you, so slowly I lifted my legs up, crossing them over, slowly sliding the fabric of my dress up, giving you view to my very white thighs, as your attention was diverted, I slowly started to move my fingers along your legs, pacing up & up, stopping right where I shouldn't, in the middle region & moved closer just to kiss you on the cheek.
I could clearly hear the annoyance in your groan, as it was my turn to laugh at your hard member.

The smile over your lips vanished replaced by a dark emotion which I couldn't comprehend, you suddenly started kissing me furiously, as my hands held your face & my neck arched to give you better access, slowly the kiss calmed down to become more soft & sensual. As we broke the kiss out of breath, we both laughed out loud.

"Fuck you..." I cursed, "yes, we will now..." you got up from the cushion, holding my hands, pulling me up, with a sudden force due to which I collided into you. You wrapped your arms around me, smirking into my surprised face. I initiated the kiss this time, dominating your tongue, as our tongues interwined with each other, ecstasy filled our unclear minds. We both couldn't get enough of each other, as we dominated each other in the kiss. Your hands were now roaming around my curvy figure, squeezing & gripping upon the right spots, making me weak on my knees, as moans escaped my mouth in the kiss. You were full aware of the effect you had on me, and proud of it too.

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