Fantasy - Lover

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He was a workaholic, never had any time left for anyone in his life (not even for himself at times), and a guy who doesn't know how to prioritize people but who knows how to love them unconditionally. He's the best when it comes to taking care of a person and oh should I mention how loyalty runs in his veins. It's a boon for any girl to have such a handsome & charming boyfriend, who's the center of attraction wherever he goes but doesn't give a fig about other girls. All he does is 'works all day' and tries hard to spend time with his girlfriend, fails miserably, goes back to work again, and tries hard to make it up to her and fails again. I know it's hard to be that girl, but I chose to be her, trusting in my compassionate and empathetic character, God knows how he pushes my limits to hell. 

It was a dull Sunday noon, I got dressed up in the morning to meet him, but as usual, he didn't pick up the call and I knew he was busy with his work, so I just laid down on my bed, all alone, dreaming what we'd be doing right now if we were together. Just when I was about to doze off I was startled by the doorbell ringing loudly, echoing in the empty house. I got up lazily to open the door, and he stood there smiling like an innocent kid. I wanted to shut the door over his face but that's not my character, it's the emotions brimming inside me, trying to make me act crazy, so I chose to walk inside silently instead. 

"Just listen to me please, will you?" He pleaded and followed me. 

I stopped midway, taking a deep breath, and spoke, "I'm not being the typical girlfriend and asking you to keep spending all day with me, I understand the way you function and I'm okay with you being a workaholic. To top this, I never even asked you to plan a meet-up today. 'You' made this plan, and just like how I know so well about you, you should know that I hate when people don't keep up with their words! So please save that explanation to yourself and leave." 

I know I was too harsh on him, tears brimming in my eyes as I turned around, walked straight to the balcony, and closed the glass door, seating myself on the joola, trying to console myself. He came and stood near the door, and I could feel his gaze over me so I frowned at him and looked away again.

He opened the door, slowly kneeled in front of me, took my hands into his, and started whispering "I'm never leaving you, not in this lifetime" kissing them while keeping my eye contact. "I'm sorry, I know how much you understand me, but please also understand that I'm trying my best to change, for you, just you, and I will make sure to never repeat this ever again. I know you have a big heart so please forgive me for today!" He kisses my hands again and again, until I move away. "Save your dramas too, I've seen a tonne" 

I pace quickly into the bedroom ignoring his pleas. I start to comb my hair, and I see him walking towards me in the mirror, with my favourite flower in his hands, slowly he gets the comb, plaits my hair, and places the flowers beautifully over them. After finishing, he gently kisses my head hugging me from behind, mouthing "sorry" to my reflection, as I try to move away, he catches me tight this time. With one swift motion he turns me around, pushing me into him, he cups my face, staring right into my eyes, he states "I'm so sorry baby, you could punish me if you want to, but please don't move away from me, that hurts, right here" he points his heart and hugs me tight as I lean over his heart, "You hear that, my heart beats only for you baby girl" I melt down in his gestures and start to weep in his chest. He immediately breaks the hug to wipe my tears, "Don't" he nods and starts to kiss my cheeks. I couldn't resist any further as I held his shirt collar and initiated a lip kiss, my tears slowly stopped as my mind was intoxicated by his love. He was surprised, he kissed my lips for a second and moved to look at my face. 

"I'm really sorry okay... I know you are..." I shut him up with an open-mouthed kiss, my lips sucking his, drinking in all the love he holds for me, as I slowly thrust my tongue inside his mouth, he smirks midway and pressed my hips, dominating me within a second, pushing me against the wall beside, catching both my hands in his one palm and tilting my head with his other arm, making me go crazy with his delicious kisses. 

"I'm yours, baby girl, always" he states breathlessly as I push him aside, making him sit on the bed, I climb atop him, take hold of his face, and start placing kisses all over, punishing him for all the time he made me wait. "I hate you, I hate you so damn much, I'm never forgiving you, ever..." I speak these few words between the smooches, as he laughs. 

He casually slid his hands under my top, whispering in my ears, "You look so gorgeous today, how do you always do this?" He starts kissing my neck, sucking a little, and simultaneously pinched my nipples as I jump slightly leaning back, his strong hands holding me in position, "Do what?" I puff and ask, "Seduce me instantly, just at the sight of you..." He spoke hazily, kissing my collar bone, and lifting my top, making me free of any clothing, as he laid me down to stand up, removing his. 

I watch my man undress his well-built body, those abs which are craving my kisses, his perfect V-line waiting to be touched by my tongue sensually, and oh his member, the perfect size to make me go wild and crazy, and fuck my mind. "Just like how you seduce me, even after fucking up every single time" I shrugged, teasing him. He growled in his deep male voice and pounded on me, pushing me hard into the mattress, and kissing me wildly, as I kept smiling through the kiss, he got even more triggered. 

He started twisting my nipples and pinching them hard, switching my similes to moans instantly, as I couldn't bear the painful pleasure he started kissing all around my boobs, purposely ignoring my nipple, as I arched in anticipation and pleaded for his mouth on them, it was his turn to smirk now. "You better place your mouth where it should be right now or else..." I gasp as he immediately starts eating my boobs and I held his hair tight, making scratches on his back. "Or else...?" He hauled, trailing kisses all along my curves, squishing my tummy which he loves the most, and biting playfully. 

I pulled him up, his hands on either of my sides, he was in the push-up position, and he started taking push-ups right there, giving me a kiss for each one, as he tried to kiss my lips, every time I turned, his lips hit my cheeks or the corner of my lips. I giggled as he did not give up, taking more and more push-ups, and I felt satisfied as it was like a punishment for making me wait. After about 12 or 13 I melted down in his perseverance and gave in, he kissed my lips, and smiled, admiring my face, tucking back my hair, when it was my turn to push him down, and I got on top of him. 

"Or else, I'll tease you until you beg me" I smirked sassily, as I placed kisses over his chiseled torso, playing with his man nipples, and trailing down his V-line, to stop at his manhood, as I slowly stroke it with one finger, he hissed as I drew circles over his balls, casually moving my fingers over his member he started groaning my name, which turned me on even more, as I moved up to push him down and kiss him hard, holding his firm jaw, simultaneously spreading my wetness over his member, moving my hips against his hard dick, stroking him slowly but not letting him in. 

It drove him crazy as he growled and pushed me down, dominating me, and got on top, spread my legs wide, and started savouring my juices mercilessly, as I kept moaning and shouting his name, he kept increasing his pace, sucking my clit and fingering my wet hole, as I shuddered to orgasm over his pretty face. He sat up, positioning himself at my entrance, stroking his dick over my pussy, without entering, and kept slapping it. I was trembling now, and begged him to come in, "Look who's pleading now?" He smirked and entered me in a rough way, thrusting into me mercilessly and pounding my inner walls so hard, as I propped up on my elbows, to look at his appealing face, his adorable expressions as he made love to me, and I kept admiring him. 

As he increased his pace I couldn't resist the pleasure any further as I lay down, my eyes rolled back and I held onto my pillow for life. He leaned over and held my face, "Look at me baby, I'll never repeat this, never make you wait, never make you plead, except on bed" he laughs, panting. "I know you'll always come for me!" I moaned in his ears, seductively, as he came inside me, filling me up with his juice and I laughed. I squeezed his dick in pleasure, and he hugged me tight, as we both climaxed. 

He rested over me for a minute before lying beside me and pulling me on top of his chest, he kissed my forehead and cheeks, hugged me tight and I lay on him, kissing his chest, all my worries vanishing into thin air, happily lost in his embrace.

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