Fantasy - The Topping

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"Honey, come here & taste this batch of muffins, I've tried your favourite flavour this time..."
After few minutes of no response, I yell again impatiently, "where on earth did you..." before I could complete my sentence, he was standing right there, hot & fresh out of shower like freshly baked warm muffins.

His manly scent mixed with the sweet chocolaty aroma around kitchen, just turned me on!! The way his wet hair was dripping down little drops of water like the icing, wrapped up in nothing but his white towel, like the cake wrapper just increased my appetite suddenly.

"Oh, they taste amazing! Just like you always make & that's why I love you more!" he was totally clueless of the effect he had on me, standing there half naked & munching on those muffins so cutely, unaware of the dirty trail of thoughts running in my mind.

"Actually wait!" I blurted out little loud, all of a sudden, which caught him half-way biting the centre of the muffin, when he stopped & stared back.
"I, um, forgot to add the topping..." I was smirking now, clearly picturing what to do next. "Which is?" this got him curious now.
I removed my apron & paced towards him with the hershey's chocolate syrup.

As I opened the bottle, he was showing his muffin but I had different ideas.
I dribbled the syrup over his chest, from left to right, travelling down with a naughty grin. He got startled, "hey what are you..." I started licking & savouring my man slowly yet intensely, making him complete the sentence with a few moans.

I trailed my tongue all the way through his bare body, mercilessly licking & sucking each & every inch of his skin topped with chocolate syrup, moaning & enjoying it myself.

He dropped the cake back to the tray & pulled me up & kissed me open mouth. As our tongues intertwined, I realised my muffins tasted better than last batch. He was passionately kissing me & eventually removed my top, whispering "my turn now" in a husky  voice.

He poured some lavish amount of syrup onto both my nipples & oh my god, it felt so damn delicious to have him sucking & nibbling them.
He was making eye contact, smirking back, which increased my urge to tease him more. I drizzled syrup over his V-line & eventually over his male member & went down on him. I licked vigorously over his skin & started sucking him slowly, playing with my tongue, tasting & teasing him. He groaned with pleasure & I increased my pace, over his sloppy dick. He was clearly out of his mind by the time I finished licking up all the syrup. "Don't stop babe...pleasee..."

'woah girl, you got him pleading now, good job though' I smirked to myself.
And I completed what I started, & I was lucky enough to taste the cream coloured glazing of 'my' muffin as well...

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