Fantasy - Wet Wishes

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It was monsoon, where afternoons didn't exactly feel sunny as the clouds were dark and heavily loaded, just like her mind, waiting to pour upon at the right time. She reached the railway station and made a quick glance over the surroundings to find the familiar masculine figure but he was out of sight. She checked her phone once again, and started pacing towards the road, when he reached the place in his stylish Blue Enfield. He stood at the opposite road, waving at her, with helmet on, but she identified him and crossed the road to hop onto his bike. 

The ride to his place was quite short, only about 10 minutes but the cool breeze and chill climate left them both craving for more, and he kept strolling the area for sometime as she pleaded to roam around in her favourite bike. She hugged him from behind, slightly leaning upon him, as he held her hand with one of his and kept driving leisurely with the other. After a brief period of time, it started to rain as expected, not just a drizzle but pouring rain which made them both soaking wet too soon. They both giggled as he drove swiftly towards his home to park the vehicle.

She smiled sheepishly, as he got down and started inspecting her, from top to bottom, slowly, making her shiver from his stare. She nudged him, signalling to move in, as they both entered the empty lift. She was already smiling wide, well aware of what was going to happen next and as expected, he pounded on her as soon as the lift closed, he pressed the top most floor button and used the time wisely to kiss her lips, pull her hair away from her face and lift her legs up against his thighs, as she caught hold of his sturdy figure. The lift stopped in between, as they immediately moved apart quite normally, but he was adjusting his shorts by now and she couldn't control her laughter, as an old couple entered inside. They stood innocently, waiting to reach his floor, as he walked forward and unlocked his apartment. 

She stepped in, her eyes wandering every corner, as she kept roaming here and there, trying to figure out every space from where they have been talking to each other over phone. He went in to grab a towel and followed her behind, as she finnally reached the bedroom. He handed her the towel innocently, as she closed the distance between them, and started wiping his hair first, as he giggled and held her hips playfully. She then wiped her own hair, staring into their reflection in the bedroom mirror, when she paused as they locked eyes. 

His eyes were ravishing her wet dress, how it hugged her curvy figure, made her look more tempting and she noticed his wet hair dripping little drops over her top as he leaned forward, his shorts become even more fitter, and the bulge quite noticable from a distance itself. They stood still for a moment, taking in all the features, as both of their horny side got switched on aggressively.

He held her hips tight from behind, and started kissing her neck, quickly moving the wet hair aside, and started nibbling her earlobe, sucking the nape of her neck, without wasting a single minute, running his hands over her chubby body and gripping in all the right places teasingly as she was melting in the act, leaning behind over him. She kept gaping at him in the mirror which turned on her dirty side, as she swiftly turned around, and started sucking his full lips, which were thick and juicy as she enjoyed it herself and started biting it playfully. 

He smiled briefly but continued the play, kissing her in a deep sensual way, their tongues interwined, as he sucked hers and she tried to tease his tongue, as she sucked his lips again and again, which was her favourite thing to do, and he kept kissing her back, on her upper lip and saliva drooling out of their mouths, the kiss was long and deep, kind of nasty but both of them never minded as they were turned on to their peak levels. He kept cupping her chubby cheeks, and playfully pinching them, as she stroked his beard, both of them closing their eyes as their inner demons leashed itself out.

After a solid five minutes of kissing and burning many calories, they broke off, faces red, but didn't stop. He quickly pulled off her top and tossed it aside, as she herself removed her pant. He couldn't keep his hands to himself as he started squishing her fluffy tummy, her curvy bossom and moving his hands up and down, feeling her sensitive skin over his palms. She got goosebumps all over her skin, as she stood, left with only a black panty and bra set.

She interrupted her hands over his, trying to remove his t-shirt but, he overtook her, removing it in a single stroke, which made her bite her lips hard, as she placed her palm over his bare chest, making eye contact, quickly moving her hands over his torso, shoulder and nipples, stroking them playfully as she again initiated an open mouthed kiss, she dominated his tongue, and played with his hair and beard simultaneously, as she leaned over him, to feel his bulge hitting her lower tummy. 

She laughed and moved away, breaking the kiss, it was his turn to dominate, he caught her tight and pushed her towards the bed gently, as he was excited to witness her milky white thighs, long legs and her smooth skin, gliding effortlessly over his manly shoulders as his eyes twinkled and he became so excited.

He kept stroking her thighs many times, making eye contact and started kissing from her calf, travelling further upward, placing butterfly kisses over her legs, admiring her beauty, he kept sucking a little in between and reached her inner thighs, spreading them slightly to inhale her feminine fragrance, and pressing his face against her thick thighs, sucking and biting them playfully, lingering a little longer between her legs, and tilted his head up, to look at her pleading face, which was twisted in pleasure by then, her eyes longing for his face to be elsewhere, as she kept blinking at him innocently, he settled down at her pussy.

He placed his mouth over her entrance, licking and biting her panty slightly, teasing and quickly removed it. He separated her labia and started licking over her pussy from top to bottom, and again to top, pausing at her clit, moving his hands up towards her bra, cupping her boobs and moving his hands further up, to her mouth as she caught the cue and started to suck them slowly.

He kept savouring her pussy and increasing his pace, stroking her thigh with one hand, as she kept sucking his fingers hard and he sensed that she started to tense. He used the same fingers and entered into her pussy, fingering her, gently, without stopping the licking of clit. She was going frenzy from the pleasure as she caught hold of his bushy hair, pushing his handsome face further inside to an extent of suffocating him. But he didn't bother about his dear life and madly increased his pace, spreading her legs apart as she climaxed ecstatically.

She lay down still for a couple of minutes exhausted from the release as he used this time to remove her bra and shove her aside, making her free of any clothing, and started kissing her back, arms and turning her towards him, squishing her boobs, playing with her nipples, one by one, sucking and licking them like an hungry man, eating her out mercilessly and giving her a hickey right above her nipple as she screamed his name in delight. He kept playing with her thighs and tummy and stroking her nipples as his boner hit her thighs sideways. She rose up from bed, and made her hair up in a pony tail, as he lay on his back, becoming eager for the upcoming play, she removed his shorts to find him naked wearing no boxers, as he smiled naughtily. 

She placed herself in between his thighs, postioning her head and held his thighs apart with both her hands, as she was about to touch his dick with her palm, he caught hold of her, and nodded sideways. She understood the cue and smiled wickedly, resting her palms over his thighs and started to touch his dick head with her tongue, as she seductively swirled her tongue around his tip, he hissed her name. She slowly started to open her mouth and let him sink inside, inch by inch, as she swallowed his dick completely till she gagged and came up a bit, only to continue to suck him tight from bottom to top.

He kept grabbing her ass cheeks, massaging them and spanking occasionally, as she moved her tongue around the thin skin over the member, licking him like a popsicle, all along the length, enjoying the veiny texture, keeping eye contact simultaneously, which was enough to make a grown man tremble. He caressed her head and kept thrusting his dick into her mouth slightly. He was throbbing for her mouth as she increased her pace, sucking him full well using only her mouth and kept continuing the act as he stiffened vigouressly and pushed her away, to get up and let his juices ooze all over her thighs.

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