Fantasy - Birthday Gift

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I was startled by the notification sound, 'ting' just when I was seriously indulged in applying my winged eyeliner perfectly. I peeped to find his name pop on my screen as I smiled and checked his text.

"Remember you lost the dare and agreed to wear it for me, whenever I wanted" he sent this with a smirking emoji. "Wear it today!" He added a devilish grin emoji. My insides crumpled a little as a small gasp escaped my lips. "Anything for the b'day boy!" I replied coyly, stashing the phone aside and finishing my make-up.

After packing a couple of clothes and my sexy lingerie I opened the drawer and there it laid, stealthily, as I lifted it and felt its lovely texture against my fingers. I slowly pulled down my panty and inserted it in, stood up straight, feeling that bulge in my inner walls. I paced outside, locking the door back, as he had already reached my place by cab.

We both were seated comfortably in the back seat of a sedan, a small distance between us, he constantly kept checking out on me from sideways, and I sat there as if unaware, dreamily gazing out of the window, when he cleared his throat, "ahem ahem" and I smirked, purposely not giving him any heed. He then took out his phone and after a short gap, I almost bounced out of my seat for a second from the vibration, and it was his turn to laugh now. The driver quickly glanced in the rear view mirror, to check if everything was fine as I tried to maintain myself, and glared at him immediately. 

He smirked and wiggled his brows at me, looking down at his phone again as he slowly swiped his fingers on the screen and I started moving slightly from my seat due to the vibrating demon inside me. He controlled it with bluetooth and oh, did I mention how he loves to play with me in such inappropriate places by teasing the hell out of me. He kept stroking the screen and laughing and I kept squeezing my thighs, crossing over my legs, and tried to purse my lips, to shush myself, but he had other plans.

He stopped for a second and I turned towards him with relief, but as our eyes locked, he immediately started moving his fingers very fast on the screen as I started to tremble, gripping his hand, scooting closer to him, while the driver kept glancing back to check if we're okay. 

"Please babe, not here, please stop" I pleaded. "That's what you get for ignoring me" he didn't even reduce the pace of scrolling the screen and I kept wobbling in the seat, pushing myself into his manly body, as he side hugged me, whispering in my ears, "Come for me. Now!" he ordered and stroked the screen so fast, as I clenched the seat cushion on one side and his arms with my other hand, resting my face in his chest, as I shuddered with release. He slightly pecked on my cheeks whispering "I love you" as I hugged him tighter, taking deep breaths in.

We reached our exotic destination, a beach resort, which had an amazing view. It was his choice of stay and he never disappoints. I was too indulged in capturing the scenic views as he kept staring at me, "You like what you're seeing right?" He smiled. "Babe I love this place already" I carried my bag, and started to pace towards our suite, as he followed.

I went straight to the balcony, facing the beach while he locked the door and strolled to hug me from behind. I playfully hit him in the torso with my elbow, "You know how much I suffered in the cab?" I whined. He chuckled a little, "I love to tease you and you know that right? Now come here..." He turned me around and kissed me deep, as his tongue entered my mouth and started playing with mine, he sucked my lips and I was surprised, but caught the cue and continued to kiss him back with equal fervor. His thick lips were juicy and fresh as I sucked them hard and nibbled them little when he was smiling through it, as our hands roamed dreamily over each other's body. We broke the kiss out of breath, made eye contact, laughed and pounded back to give more juicy kisses to each other.

After that mini-makeout session, we got dressed up and left for dinner. It was late evening already, I wore white lacy bra and panty set, dark blue colour midi dress and left my hair open, with minimal makeup on. He wore a white shirt and dark blue jeans, his beard was perfectly trimmed, maybe it was the birthday charm, he looked extra handsome that night. Dirty thoughts invaded my mind, as to crumble his shirt, to mess his hair, to stain his lips with my lipstick and make him look like a disaster, but I controlled myself and saved that part for later, as first we had to celebrate 'his day'.

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