Fantasy - My lunch

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It was 45 minutes past 11 o'clock on a lazy Sunday. Surprisingly we both woke up early so had chocos for breakfast, yes you read that right. Being fully grown adults doesn't mean we should not give into our cravings, both of us love chocos, especially the chocolatey milk at the end. So after savouring it we laid down back tired.

Now, after an hour of chattering how each of our weeks went, I stood up. "Okay, I better get going to cook now or else we'll starve!" "Noo.. Lie down pleaseee..." he was pleading like a little boy, "Nope, you are also going to get up now and get your ass clean, have a nice bath, go!!" I assert.
He made his puppy dog face & stood up searching for his navy blue towel, which I pointed towards the rolling chair.

"Heyy, before that, what do you want for lunch?" I block his way towards the bathroom quickly, raising my eyebrows.
He points at me, smirking. "Yes, I'm making the lunch, but what do you want?" I repeat but he has other ways.

He pulls me into an embrace out of the blue, the towel on his shoulder falls down, as our bodies collide. "I want YOU for lunch" his eyes turn dark as he inches closer and closer. "Oh really, will that be enough?" I mock. "NEVER, my hunger for you is never gonna be satisfied" with these few words he slides his fingers into my thin night dress and squeezes my hips on both sides.

A small moan escapes my lips. "As you wish my darling, but first..." I whisper these words into his ear softly and slowly stare at his lips for few seconds and then into his eyes, I can feel his erection now. "Go take a bath idiot!" I tap his butt, laughing, partly feeling proud of how easily I can turn him on.
He gives me a death glare, shoves his fingers through his hair in dismay before picking up his towel from down and marches to the bathroom. I was chuckling to myself when he interrupts "Remember, I WANT what I ordered for lunch, so better get ready fast okay!?" he shuts the door.


After really preparing a simple lunch I slipped into the bathroom with nothing but my towel and his T-shirt. I washed my hair with his favourite shampoo followed by body wash, after which I applied my regular body lotion which he loves more than me. I quickly got into his big blue T-shirt and opened the bathroom door to find him already on the bed with the AC on, he was scrolling through his phone.

When my mixed scent hit his nostrils from the other corner of the room, he immediately gawked up, throwing his phone away. He gave me a wicked grin, "Here's your lunch sir, HOT and FRESH, enjoy your MEAL" I bow like a typical server and he hopped out of the bed, walking in front of me.

"Alright, looks better than I expected" I punch him playfully in his tummy. He laughs, "Hope it tastes as good as it seems"
Fine, I'm not letting him mock me, instead I'm gonna make him aware of how much really HOT his lunch is.

I slowly lick my full lips before bitting the lower one and move my hands through his hair. A moan escapes from his lips. Yesssss I did it!

"Let's get started with the APPETISER..." he ravished my lips without warning but guess what, I responded with equal energy. The gentle romantic kiss turns violent and deep, hungry for more, as if he has never tatsed anything like this before. After running out of breath, he starts placing hot open mouthed kisses on my neck, shoulder and nibbling my earlobe a little. He inhales the shampoo smell sharply giving me goosebumps, as he moves beind me and starts kissing me again, I tilt my head back, giving him more field.

As his appetite has grown more now he slips his hand into my t-shirt for the main course. He gets excited after noticing that I didn't wear anything inside. He removes both his and my t-shirt in a single stroke and carries me bridal style to the bed.
"Too hungry for the MAIN COURSE huh!?" I mock him "VERY HUNGRY" he groans after placing me on the centre of the bed, removing his shorts, turning me on.

Now he's all over me, digging into his main course, savouring both of my fluffy breasts. He's pinching and squeezing and sucking and doing magic on them that I'm completely lost in his act. He goes down, sucking and licking around my belly button, making me soaking wet already. I squeeze his hair and gesture him to lie down. Now I go on top of him kissing and licking all over his torso, he squeezes my ass and I start riding on him. He gently gets into me but after a few thrusts, we make it fast.

He takes the lead, getting on top of me midway and thrusts harder and harder, "You know I have a LARGE APETITE right?" he manages these few words in between. I nod and moan, uttering his name, making him reach his climax, he sustains for a few seconds after which both of us cum together. He plops on me, kissing my lips one last time and settles at the crook of my neck, hugging me.

After a few minutes he gets up, "I didn't forget my DESSERT!" he travels down and starts sucking my pussy making me more hot than ever and I start moaning again. He thrusts his tongue again and again, tingling my clit, so hard that he gave me another orgasm. I moan his name very loudly as he sucks in all my juices, completing his MEAL.

He lays down next to me now, spreading his arm out. I hug him tight, resting my head on his right arm, our legs intertwined.
"So did you like your LUNCH sir!?" I chuckle, looking into his mischievous eyes, "LOVED it!! Can't wait to have MORE! " he leans in kissing me again...

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