rafe sighed opening his locker placing his bag in closing the locker and leaning against it as he pulling his phone out.
"rafe!" the boy looked up from his phone to see his two best friends.
"sup man" kelce grinned doing their usual hand shake.
"hey we gotta get to class" topper spoke after he greeted rafe after doing their hand shake.
"yeah yeah we know" rafe laughed along with kelce as they started walking down the hall towards their first class of the day.
"good morning everyone hope you all enjoyed your summer" ms. smith spoke as she looked as her class full of tired students the truly did not want to be here.
"now, i know that you're all tired from summer break..." the teachers voice was quickly blocked out of rafes hearing as he pulled out his phone.
after the the classroom phone started to ring the teacher stepped out of the class as rafe placed his phone down looking up.
only to see the girl i front of him turned around towards him.
"do you have a pencil?" she asked.
rafe being rafe sat there gazing at her completely in his own world.
"hello?" a voice snapped him out of it, he blinked.
"um yeah here" he spoke his voice higher then it usually is handing her the pencil that was in his hand.
"thanks" she smiled before turning around making rafe sigh at the disappearance of her face from his vision.
"hey do you guys know who she is?"
rafe spoke from the kook boys table as they all sat in silence who rafe looked at the table outside the large window where y/n sat by herself.
"who her?" topped looked where rafe had pointed.
"i think her name is y/n" the two looked towards kelce "i've seen her around but she never talks to anyone, not like they'd want too"
"what do you mean?" rafe raised an eyebrow.
"she's basically a pouge, but mr. whitemore is her grandfather do he pays for her to go here" kelce contented before drinking some water.
"so she's a pouge living off her grandfather" topper scoffed "pathetic"
"yeah" rafe spoke out of instinct looking down at his food to pick up a fry before looking back up at her.
the cameron boy now sat in his final class of the day, art.
as much as he hated it he didn't have a choice seeing as he needed to take at least one art class to graduate next year and he wanted to just get it over with even though most of his friends were going to wait til last minute.
he usually sat in the class on his phone and paid no attention to the class but since he barely passed the tenth grade with his marks he decided on leaving his phone in his pocket, actually putting an effort into trying to listen as he walked to his class.
now sitting in the back of the class at one of the many tables, the class was waiting for the teacher to start the class.
"is this seat taken?" a voice came from beside him.
rafe looked up from his hands he'd been staring at for the last 5 minutes trying to pass time, looking up he quickly recognized who it was.
"uh yeah" rafe quickly snapped out of it and corrected embarrassed himself "i mean, no but yeah you could sit here"
you're so stupid, rafe though about himself
"o-okay thanks" y/n smiled placing her bag on the floor beside her chair as the teacher walked into the class.
"good afternoon class, i'm sure you're all happy the days almost over, but it isn't yet so let's get started"
after y/n, rafe and the class had to through their art teacher for the semester 'ms. peonie' and her very long speech she assigned them to do a small sketch of something they had with them on hand.
rafe first thought was to draw the disposable he had sitting in his pocket but quickly reminding himself he was in class he pulled his airpods case out instead and started to sketch them on the peace of paper that he was given.
glancing at y/n out of the corner of his eye he watched as she so gracefully drew the beaded bracelet she'd slipped of her wrist apart from the hundreds of other ones she had on.
he watched as she gently drew the bracelet so skillfully like it was a stroll down the street, while rafe's drawing looked something along the lines of a beat up potato.
sighing he looked up at the clock the sat on top of the doorway.
seeing there was 5 minutes left before class ended, rafe placed his pencil down on the table and leaned back as he moved his gaze back towards y/n drawing again, which had almost been finished.
"that's amazing" rafe blurted without thinking.
y/n turned her head towards rafe timidly "this?" the girl laughed at her drawing a she locked back at it.
"yeah, i mean it least it do look like mine" the cameron boy chuckled as he watched y/n look towards him.
"you have the right idea.." y/n said as she took in the drawing "you just need to actually try" she giggled looking back at rafe.
"i tried?" rafe tried to reason with y/n.
"no you didn't" y/n playfully rolled her eyes placing her pencil down noticing the time.
"i did!" the cameron boy exclaimed lowly grinning completely forgetting about the clock he was watching a couple of minutes ago.
"you didn't, you took 7 minutes to draw it then stared at the clock" she chuckled.
rafe bit his bottom lip and looked back up at the girl surprising himself "yeah, i uh" he stuttered for once in his life "maybe"
before y/n could reply to rafe the school bell blushed through out the school.
"well maybe next es class you could actually try" y/n giggled before grabbing her bag and taking if before rafe come say anything else.
tomorrow rafe spoke to himself grinning for the first time in a long time.

rafe cameron tumblr imagines
Non-Fictioni hate reading on tumblr so im putting all my favourites here