"Topper, could you be any more obvious? Sarah's got you wrapped around her little finger!" Rafe exclaims in disgust. "Everyday it's how's she doing, where's she at, like damn!"
"He's right, Top, you're down bad for her," Kelce joins in. "But what I don't get is why Cameron's the one acting all big and bad..." he smirks.
A crooked smile replaces the annoyed look on Topper's face at these words. "Yeah yeah, as if you're not the same with Y/N, Rafe. We see how you get around her. All -- mushy, staring at her all the time and smiling like an idiot."
Rafe scoffs, "Please! You're both seeing things, I'd never get all soft like you fools. That's some lame shit right there."
Kelce and Topper shake their heads, almost in unison. "Whatever you say man." They knew it wasn't true in the slightest.
Later that night at the beach, a roaring party was taking place. There was a bonfire going, and as always, lots of booze. The ruckus had attracted quite a few tourons, and so it was particularly chaotic. Everyone who was anyone on the Outer Banks was there, swaying to the beat or making out with someone else.
Not ones to shy away from attention, Topper, Kelce, and the King of the Kooks himself, Rafe Cameron were at the very center of it all, getting absolutely wasted. They sat near the flames, in a little circle so exclusive that no one else dared to go within a meter of them.
That was, until a clear voice cut through the crowd. A voice Rafe would recognize anywhere.
"Hey boys!" you waved at them through the throng of people, a huge grin lighting up your face. You'd just come back from a huge shopping spree with Sarah, having seen the text your boyfriend sent you about the kegger.
Your friends waved back at you and Rafe beckoned you over. "I missed you guys," you add, giving your boyfriend a side hug as his hand found your waist and pulled you next to him. He smiled at you almost unconsciously, taking in how the light from the bonfire bounced off your hair, enveloping your face with a glowing warmth. You looked angelic, and Rafe's breath caught. You noticed him staring and gave him a little peck on the cheek, smiling.
Kelce and Topper glanced at each other and smirked, the show was about to start.
"Rafey, can you get me a drink? I'm a little thirsty," you ask, oblivious to what was happening.
"Yeah of course, babe," he nods, planting a kiss on your forehead and walking off in search of a cup.
You turn your attention back to Topper and Kelce. "So... Top! Kelce! How are you guys? I haven't seen you two in so long."
"Oh, you know, the usual. Dealing with Rafe and his shit," Kelce responds casually.
That draws a giggle from you, "thank you for your service, gentlemen."
Topper does a mini-bow, acknowledging their work.
"But enough about us, how have you and Rafe been, Y/N?" he redirects the conversation quickly, and Kelce nods his head fervently.
"...Okay I guess?" you respond, a little thrown off by the change in topic. "We're doing great, Rafey's a great person, and so so charming. You wouldn't think it because he acts all bold but he is such a sweetheart deep down." Lost in your thoughts of your boyfriend, you miss the identical smirks on your two friends' faces.
Just then, Rafe returns with drinks for all of you, and he pulls you down onto his lap as he takes a seat on the sandy beach. "Have you eaten anything today?" he asks you insistently, "we can take the car to grab some food if you'd like, I don't want you to be hungry."
"I'm fine, baby," you insist, turning to nestle your face into the crook of his neck and the boy nods.
A few hours later, most of the tourons had left and only the locals were left, chattering in their own groups around the fire. You found yourself getting drowsy as you took in the rhythmic sound of the waves crashing onto the beach and the crackling of the dying fire, and promptly fell asleep.
Rafe was never really a details type of guy, but when it came to you... he seemed to have a sixth sense. He noticed right away when you crossed that line between reality and dreamland; you relaxed a bit in his arms and your head drooped softly onto his chest. Sighing, he gently turned you around so that he could better support your weight, he knew you were probably exhausted. The fact that you had fallen asleep in his arms revealed to Rafe just how much you trusted him and this realization gave him a sudden boost of love for you. He swore right then that he'd protect you to the end of your days, no matter what it took.
Turning back, he was greeted by two shit-eating grins beaming at him from his two best friends.
"Not soft, huh... Rafey?" Kelce broke the silence, chuckling. "Wanna get some food? I don't want you to be hungry!! We're losing you, man, do you hear yourself?"
"Of course, I'll do anything for you, baby," Topper adds, "and you thought I was mad for Sarah."
"Admit it, you're a simp for her," Kelce finishes, "and you don't even know it."
Rafe's face burns, and he's glad the darkness covers up the redness climbing his neck that has nothing to do with your warmth on his chest.
"You're both idiots," he concedes, downing the rest of his beer and throwing down the plastic cup, ignoring the combined laughter of both his friends. "Idiots who'll be getting themselves home tonight. I've gotta drive Y/N back."
And just like that, the other two boys are silenced, but not for long. Then their laughter transforms into groans. "You're kidding, Rafe. Whatever happened to bros before hoes, huh?"
It's all jokes though, Topper and Kelce were happy that Rafe had someone to keep him on track. You were perfect for their friend, anyone could tell. And so they goodnaturedly began their own walk back as Rafe, ever so gently, picked you up and carried you over to his car.
As he buckled you in, you opened your eyes, dazed from the sudden awakening. "Baby where are we?" you prompt, the night was silent all around you two, and there was no sand between your toes anymore.
"Shh, don't worry Y/N/N. I'm taking you home. You can keep resting if you want, I'll wake you up later."
"Okay. I love you Rafe," you murmur, and then the tide of sleep washes over you once more.
Rafe stays silent for a bit, choosing to give you yet another kiss on the forehead instead. "I love you too, Y/N. More than you could ever know."
And I wouldn't mind being a simp for you, he admits in his head as he begins the drive back home.

rafe cameron tumblr imagines
Sachbücheri hate reading on tumblr so im putting all my favourites here