Ever since your first date, Rafe didn't let anyone in the front seat. He would happily feel like chauffeur if it meant that the front passager seat was always yours.
"In the back, man," Rafe told Topper as he opened the passenger door.
"Wh. What?" Topper frowned, looking into the car and finding Kelce already sat in the back, who shook his head.
"Get in the back." Rafe looked at him like he was stupid.
"You can't be serious. It's just us three"
"It's my girl's seat"
"She's not even here," Topper protested and looked to Kelce for help.
"I tried, my dude. Just go with the crazy, " Kelce shrugged.
"She will be later, and I don't want you musty ass on it." Rafe was deathly serious as Topper stared at him, like he'd grown two heads. "Get in the back or find another way,"
Rafe had offered them a lift to the main land as he was going to pick you up from a night out.
"Jesus, girl got you pussy whipped" Topper grumbled as he climbed into the back.
"How's that whiplash from Sarah feeling?" Rafe immediately shot back with a smirk as he glanced back in the rear view mirror.
The front seat of his car was truly yours. The glove box held your favourite hand cream and lip gloss, along with a few snacks. Which you happily munched on after Rafe picked you and Sarah up from the club.
You had been on the main land, celebrating a friends birthday. You had texted him that you were done way before the night was planned to be over. The crowded club, the music, and the lights all too much without him there. Even when Rafe arrived with Topper and Kelce, you just wanted to go home and what his girl wanted, she got.
"You good, baby?" He asked, glancing over at you as you had made yourself comfortable.
You nodded as you sat curled up his jacket while his hand rested in your thigh, his thumb gently stroking your exposed skin.
As Sarah slept in the back, you gently ran your nails on the up the back of his neck, lovely that his buzzcut gave you better access to his scalp. Your nails made him hum and smile.
"Thank you for getting us, handsome," you said softly and kissed his cheek as you leaned over the centre console.
"Of course, I would come get you, baby." He took your hand and kissed your knuckles as he watched the road.
"Rafe, why are we at a car showroom?" You asked, as you sipped on an ice latte he brought you on the way.
He just smiled at you as he pulled into the parking lot. Every expensive make of car you could think of was there, all brand new and ready for Rafe to buy.
"Honestly, baby. Why are we here?" You asked, getting out of the car as he held the door open for you.
You felt very undressed in your crop top and shorts, while Rafe looked perfectly in place with his checkered shirt, chinos, and designer shades over his eyes.
"We are getting a new car, baby girl." He smirked and wrapped an arm over your shoulders as he walked you towards the showroom doors.
"Good afternoon, Mr Cameron. It's a pleasure to see you again. How may I help you?" A middle-aged man, in a perfectly ironed suit and tie, greeted Rafe.
"Help my girl with whatever she wants." Rafe politely shook his hand before resting his hand on your lower back.
The salesman was a little taken aback but quickly recovered and nodded before happily showing you to any car you liked the look of.
You loved Rafe's new car. It had all sorts of amazing controls that you happily played with every time you were in the car.
You loved the led lights on the floor and the way the speakers sounded. The heated seats and air vents were set just right for your comfort. It was so perfect that for the first week, you asked Rafe to go for a drive almost every day.
On a very hot day, you found a fault with it, but you didn't want to tell Rafe. You desperately tried not to wince every time you moved.
"What's wrong, baby?" Rafe asked, noticing how tense you were. You hadn't moved to play with the studio or grab your drink for a little while.
"Nothing." You smiled at him and played with his hand that had been in its normal place on your thigh.
Rafe looked you up and down before humming. Once it was safe to pull over, he did, turning off the engine and facing you.
"Something is wrong. What is it?" His tone was gentle but demanding.
You sighed, looking down at his hands. "You know. You know, I absolutely love this car, right?"
He nodded and gave you an encouraging look to continue, "But? I feel like there's a but there"
"But." You sighed. "The leather seats aren't the most comfortable with shorts on"
Most comfortable was an understatement, with the leather having been in the sun and you in shorts. It felt like the back of your thighs were on fire.
Rafe frowned before getting out and coming around to your door "Get up, baby"
You shook your head, scared you would leave a layer of skin behind.
"Babygirl, I can't fix the problem if you don't get up," He said softly.
Moving off the seat was just as painful as you imagined. You winced in pain as you took Rafe's hand before looking to see the damage. Surprisingly, the seat was clear of skin, but damn, did you thighs burn.
"Jesus, baby," Rafe squatted down and gently touched your sore skin.
When you whimpered, he placed a gentle kiss on both before standing up. "Stay there"
He quickly opened the boot and grabbed the hoodie he always kept in the car for you. He placed it on the seat, making sure every bit of leather was covered before letting you back in the car.
Your plans for that afternoon changed there and then. Rafe drove right back to the showroom and demanded fabric seats in any pattern and colour of your choosing.

rafe cameron tumblr imagines
Nonfiksii hate reading on tumblr so im putting all my favourites here