back = broke - fandomxpreferences

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Rafe Cameron is the bane of your fucking existence. He's arrogant, crass, and, unfortunately for you, a mind-blowing lay. You detest everything he stands for, and yet you can't stay away.

You've had an on-again-off-again friends-with-benefits situation for almost a year now, but at some point, it progressed past that. You wouldn't call it a relationship per se, but along the way, you started sleeping over and cleared your roster.

You have your reasons for not making it official, primarily that you're both admittedly toxic. More often than not you're at each other's throats, projectiles being lobbed across the room at each other's heads before the two of you wind up tangled in sheets.

You break it off every few weeks, trying your damndest to stay apart. It never fails that one -or both- of you gets drunk or high and comes crawling back. He's an itch you just can't scratch, and as much as you despise it, he's infected you like an incurable disease.

There's always been an unspoken understanding that even when you're apart, and even though you're not technically together, you're off the market. It's a mind-boggling situationship, the two of you somehow committed while simultaneously not having contact names for each other.

Regardless of the circumstances, you haven't slept with anyone else since Rafe and you thought the same could be said for him. You're on another break-thats-not-really-a-break after having an explosive fight last weekend.

Initially, Rafe was drawn to your spitfire attitude; he's seen you in more fights than he can count and he just had to have a taste. That proved to be a bad idea because as it turns out, you're the only person he's ever met with a temper worse than his, and it's a recipe for disaster. It's too late though; he drank your poison and it's all but replaced the blood in his veins now.

You're standing with JJ at Tannyhill as the party rages around you. The alcohol coursing through you does nothing to quell your anger when your eyes land on Rafe's arm wrapped around none other than Amber. She's a past fling of his, and you know for a fact that she's been itching to get under him again.

You know what he's doing; it's not the first time. Hell, you're guilty of it too. This is the dance you guys do. You go your separate ways, one of you hangs off of a random person just to press the other's buttons, and then you hate fuck until you fall back into the same old pattern.

This time it strikes a nerve like never before because it's personal. In the past, it's always been a Touron being used as a pawn; but tonight is a whole new ball game. Amber terrorized you for years and Rafe knows this; at least three of those aforementioned fights were with her.

You momentarily reason that maybe, just maybe, it's not what it looks like. That thought is quickly erased when he leans down and nibbles on her ear, whispering something that causes her eyes to widen as she lightly slaps his arm.

Your blood boils, and all you can think about is settling the score. Two can play this game. You turn to JJ with a sinister smile and he gives you a pointed look like he already knows what you're up to.

He's well acquainted with your push-and-pull dynamic with Rafe and has expressed his disapproval until he's blue in the face.

"How do you feel about getting under Rafe's skin?"

JJ is Rafe's Amber, and you know this will cut him just as deep, if not deeper. It's a perfect scenario; you're close enough with JJ for it to work, but not so close that it'll damage the friendship.

"What are you thinking?" He asks with genuine intrigue, and you already know he's gonna be down.

"He's here with Amber, so I was thinking we can have some fun of our own. We don't actually have to do anything, we just need him to think we did."

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