"Why does it have to be me?" You whine over the music, feeling ambushed by the request of your two friends.
Your friend Dina leans into your space with her hand landing on your shoulder. "You know him better than us, he was literally your lab partner in highschool."
"Know, is not the right word." You argue, laughing at how outrageous her statement was.
Your other friend Jess interjects "Fine even if you don't know him, he's always at your job, so you're still closer to him than us." You could tell that the shots she had taken were already affecting her brain.
"That doesn't even make sense" You retort.
Dina grabs both of your hands from your sides, clutching them together in front of you "Babes, would you please just do this for us?"
You wore your lip at her plea. Getting coke for them didn't really bother you much, they taught you that these parties were the easiest places to buy drugs. In all honesty, if they hadn't gotten assigned to dorm with you in college, you'd still be the timid girl you were in highschool. Thanks to them, you were more confident now but that didn't mean you wanted to interact with Rafe tonight, someone who had picked on you in highschool. He always did things to provoke you, like teasing you and pinching at your arms and thighs whenever he sat beside you. He even went as far as unhooking your bra from the outside of your shirt, which resulted in you having to uncomfortably excuse yourself to fix it.
"Is there anybody else selling tonight? He seems like the type to upcharge." You wanted to find a compromise. They didn't know that Rafe tormented you and you were sure if they did they wouldn't put you up to this. However, you didn't want them knowing because it was... embarrassing to you.
"It's Top's party so I doubt it" Jess mutters into her solo cup. You were trying to think of another excuse but the feeling of cash between your fingers signaled you were too slow. Fuck, you were going to have to do this.
You got a better grasp at the money and detach from Dina's hold. "Jess, what's in your cup?"
Her brows furrow at the irrelevant question, "Vodka and punch?"
"Can I have a sip?" you sweetly smile, and she reluctantly hands it over. You take a few gulps which earns you a groan from Jess when you hand her back the almost empty cup.
"Alright, I'll be right back" you look around in search for Rafe. Your eyes find him just outside the patio doors shuffling through cash. You set your pace moving around some people to get to him. When you eventually stop in front of him he doesn't even acknowledge your presence, just continues counting over his earnings.
Did he know it was you? Was he still trying to mess with you? You tilt your head in an attempt to make your presence known and it finally catches his attention. A large grin appears on his face once he realizes it's you standing before him.
"Oh shit" He straightens and rolls his tongue in his mouth before he speaks again "Would you look at who it is?"
You noticed his appearance was different, stray strands of blonde sitting on his forehead. He was also more built then you remembered.
"Can I get some coke?" You ask and look up at him resisting the urge to give him any sort of reaction. You hold the money out to him and he plucks it out of your hand.
"No hi? How are you?" he smirks and you take a deep breath. "What's a girl like you buying coke for, huh?" he asks as he counts over the amount. "Did college turn you into a little coke whore?" He watches your face in hopes of a reaction from you.

rafe cameron tumblr imagines
Non-Fictioni hate reading on tumblr so im putting all my favourites here