You were laying on Rafe's bed, typing away on your phone as he roughly folded clothes and shoved them into the duffle bag by your feet.
Since Ward's death on the boat fire, you had been trying to console Rafe in anyway he needed. Most of the time he just needed you in his sight. Over the past few days he had become more paranoid.
You found him, muttering to himself often and he seemed jittery. Maybe he was on drugs again but you couldn't being yourself to confront him.
It scared you when he was in this state but you couldn't leave him either. He needed you as he'd told you many times.
Rose had told Rafe and Wheezie to pack and to tell Sarah the same once she came home. She had planned a vacation and it was non negotiable. She invited you along as you seemed to keep Rafe calmer.
Of course you were going to go with them. Your parents were happily yachting around the world, it wasn't like they would care if you travelled with the Camerons.
"Rafe," Wheezie said softly from the door way "can you help me with my suitcase?"
Rafe took a deep breath "I'm not your slave, Wheeze" He glanced from you to Wheezie "I'm busy ok?"
"I can't get it to close" She looked nervous, not making eye contact with you as Rafe groaned, facing away from her. "Can you just help me?"
"Can you not do it yourself?" He sighed, trying to desperately not snap at her.
"No" She looked at you and then to the door "Please?"
What was she up to? Wheeze was never normally nervous around you. Most of the time she treated you like another sister. Always smiling at you, telling you about her day and often helping you tease Rafe when times were better. When Ward was around.
"Babe, jus-" You started softly as you caught his eye but he suddenly stopped you.
"Fine. Fine" He clutched his fists and unclutched them "Alright"
"Don't go anywhere" He told you as he threw a set of keys on the bed before leaving with Wheezie. You could hear them as he followed her up to her room.
"Oh my god Wheeze, we gotta make this quick ok? I got other shit to deal with right now"
He had been distant all day, spending time with a random woman and two men that appeared soon after Ward's death. When you asked about them, he snapped at you, telling you it was none of your goddamn business, which he quickly apologised for.
Hopefully this vacation would bring your Rafe back, the one helping Wheeze right now.
After they had been a while you decided to see if they needed help. Rafe wasn't the best at packing. As you left his room, you bumped right into Sarah.
"Shh, please" She quickly stopped any response from you. She looked like she'd been through hell over the past few days. Her clothes were covered in dirt and grim.
"Where the hell, have you been?" You whispered, glancing up the stairs "Rose has been asking for you. She planned a vacation"
"I know Wheeze said" She looked to Rafe's room and back to you.
"You got her to distracted him?" You raised an eyebrow and crossed your arms. The last time you saw each other things hadn't ended well. She'd tried telling you it wasn't John B who killed the Sheriff and you hadn't believed her.
Best friends since kindergarten and in her eyes you were choosing her murdering brother over her. Not that you knew it was him, she couldn't break your heart like that. It was Rafe's place to tell you, she had more problems than trying to convince you that her brother was a bad guy.
"I need to help John B" she whispered, her eyes pleading like they had done not so long ago. This was your chance to help her again.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breathe, before nodding. She loved John B, the way you loved Rafe. No matter what, he was yours.
"Make it quick," you sighed, silently praying you wouldn't regret it. The hope in her eyes were enough to make you smile before fear crossed her face as heavy footsteps started down the stairs.
"Figure it out!"
"Wait, Rafe! Don't go down there!"
"Go" you whispered to Sarah before hurrying up towards Rafe.
You met him half way "Doesn't sound like things went to plan" you teased with a smile
"I don't have time to deal with this" He sighed, trying to move passed you. "You deal with her shit"
You raised an eyebrow at him "Come on, five minutes. I'll sit on the case"
Taking his hand, you managed to lead him up the stairs to find poor Wheeze, still scooping up the clothes he'd thrown around the room.
"You really didn't help, did you?" You laughed, helping Wheezie out and throwing a shirt at him. You kept chucking items of clothing at him to stop him from realising that you could easily help her on your own.
Once the suitcase was packed with everything Wheezie wanted, you carefully climbed on top. "Come on, handsome. Zip it up"
Rafe rolled his eyes before moving around you to close the over-filled case. "That was fucking painful" He complained before going to leave again.
You grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards you "Thank you for helping baby," you smiled as he naturally stood between your legs "you're a good big brother"
He gave you a small smile, you learned early on that he loved praise. You hugged him close as he slowly melt into you, giving you the chance to mouth 'Sarah' to Wheeze who was a little confused.
She nodded as Rafe moved back and you cupped his cheek before kissing him.
"Ok, ok" Wheezie had enough "Get out of my room! No making out in here!" She grimaced, making you both laugh.
"Sorry Wheeze" you said, hopping off the bed before leading Rafe out.
You prayed that you'd brought Sarah enough time as you made your way back to Rafe's room. "Do what you need to later" you said pulling him with you towards the bed.
He nodded as you ran a hand through his hair. He melted into your touch, whatever was playing on his mind seemed to disappear until his hand hit the bed.
With the spell broken, he blinked before frantically looking around his bed and room.
"Keys, keys, keys" He muttered over and over
"What keys, baby?"
"The fucking keys! They were right there!" He snapped and you tried to the flinch as he pointed beside you.
"It's ok, we'll find them" you tried to calm him down as he nodded
He desperately ran his hand through his hair before the front door closed loudly. Looking from you to the door when the realisation crossed his face. Shaking his head, backing away from you, he bolted out the room.

rafe cameron tumblr imagines
Non-Fictioni hate reading on tumblr so im putting all my favourites here