It was hard for him to get you out of his head. His younger sister's annoying best friend. Expect you weren't annoying in the bratty kind of way. No, you were unbelievably kind, and that annoyed him.
At first it was because of your kindness but then over time it became annoyance at how people teached you because of it.
Rafe first experienced your kindness when you had been playing with Sarah in the garden. You spent most of your days at Tannyhill.
While you and Sarah were happily playing on the grass, looking at bugs and giggling. Rafe was sitting in a tree, having climbed it out of boredom. Topper and Kelce were both busy, leaving him to spend the summer day alone.
"Buzz off," He yelled at a bee that kept buzzing around him before swotting at it and grunting in frustration.
"Rafe," you called up to him after running over to find out what he was yelling at. "If you leave it alone, it won't hurt you!"
"It won't leave me alone!" He yelled and continued hitting at it. "I'm gonna squish it! Die!"
"No!" You yelled up to him, but it was too late.
He squished the little bee against the tree branch, but in return, it strung his hand. Crying out in pain, he lost his balance in the tree and came tumbling to the ground. You were immediately at his side, telling him not to move before running inside, calling for Mr Cameron or Rose.
Later that evening, Rafe returned from the hospital with Rose. His left arm was in a cast and a sad look on his face. You found out from Sarah that Ward had scolded him for being in the tree.
"Here," you said softly, holding out a glass of lemonade to him as he sat on the patio.
"Go away, Bug." He scowled at you, but you sat beside him with your own glass.
"You can call me that." You hummed, "If it makes you feel better."
"Bug, Bug, Bug!" He snapped at you.
When you didn't respond or get upset like he wanted you to. He actually smiled. It was small, but he smiled. "Thanks, Bug."
The nickname Bug just stuck after that. So much so that even people in your friend circles were calling you it. Over the years, no one really knew where in came, and you didn't mind.
After catching you crying over, a fight with Sarah. Rafe vowed to himself to make sure you were happy. His sunshine girl was not allowed to be sad. Not on his watch. So that day after ice cream, he became a little obsessed over he odd fuzzing feeling in his heart you gave him. He didn't want to lose that.
He took you to the beach, the main land, for lunches and dinners. To the arcade or the movies. Anywhere you wished to go, he followed.
Kelce let out a low whistle as he looked over at the doorway. They were sat on the patio of Topper's back garden. With his parents away, it was the Kook party scence for the night.
"Damn, Bug looks fine tonight." His eyes watched as you entered the garden, and Rafe's did the same.
"Shut up," He grumbled at Kelce. He was right, but Rafe hated him talking about you in that way.
"What, man? She's single again." Kelce shrugged, "I can admire beauty."
"I said, shut the fuck up" Rafe warned, leaning forward in his seat, ready to lunge at Kelce if he said another word about you.
That's another problem he'd been having lately, ever since you had broken up with your ex. He felt like he was fighting off vultures left and right. Anytime someone mentioned you, even his closet friends, his anger wanted to bury them six feet under so they couldn't be anywhere near you.
"Yo, Bug!" Topper called out, earning a glare from Rafe. "Come join us"
You flashed him a grateful smile as although you knew pretty much everyone there. You felt a little alone. You normally had your boyfriend, now your ex or Sarah, but after your fight a few weeks ago. She had been spending more and more time with the Pogues. Leaving you to navigate Kook party life by yourself.
"Hi" You stood beside Rafe's chair, holding a solo cup, Top handed you as you joined them.
"Hi." Rafe smiled up at you.
"We were just talking about crushes, Bug." Topper smirked
"Oh, really? Let me go grab another chair." You handed Rafe, your cup, before looking around the garden for one.
Just as you were about to walk away, you felt a gentle tug on your wrist before stumbling into Rafe's lap.
"You can sit here." He smiled at you. "I got you, Bug."
You raised an eyebrow at him before nodding and getting comfortable as Rafe wrapped his arms around you.
"So who's is who's, then?" You asked, sipping your drink.
Topper said a girl named Elena, but you all know he was still in love with Sarah. Kelce said Rosemary, not daring to say you as you were sitting in Rafe's lap. Making it perfectly clear, he wanted you to his friends.
"Well, um," you looked down into your drink. "He's tall, handsome as hell." You described yours making them frown.
"We gave you names!" Kelce protested "that could be a number of people. I'm tall!"
You laughed but felt Rafe tense underneath you. You glanced over your shoulder at him. "What about you? You've been awful quite"
You didn't want to know the answer, but you did at the same time. The time you had been spending together recently had been wonderful, and you just wanted him to be yours but didn't want to ruin whatever friendship you had going.
"No one in particular," Rafe shrugged "Anyway we sound like a bunch of pussys. Enough with the girl talk"
A few laughs, drinks, and smokes later, you were leaning back into Rafe more. Wiggling a little as you laughed at something Topper said.
"Stop." He groaned, stilling your hips
"Wh. What?" You glanced back at him before you felt it. The bulge in his shorts. You gave him a wicked smirk. "Oh, this?" You moved more, gaining another groan before he pulled you closer. Pining you to his chest.
"Stop that," He whispered. "god, baby, you feel what you do to me"
Your cheeks burned a little, but you nodded. "You know, you know it's you. Right?"
"What's me?" He frowned
"Tall and handsome as hell," you whispered before gasping as he kissed your shoulder
"It's you too, Bug," He whispered against your skin. "It's always been you, baby"
His nose brushed against your as you turned your head to face him. His ring finger cupping you jaw. His lips brushed yours gently before you crushed yours against his. You only broke the kiss for a second to move. You straddled his lap as his hands cupped your thighs.
It was a hot, messy kiss, and you tried not to moan as you felt him grow beneath you. Your hands tangled in his hair. No caring who was watching. They would soon learn, you were Rafe Cameron's, and he was yours.

rafe cameron tumblr imagines
Sachbücheri hate reading on tumblr so im putting all my favourites here