1. Saving a Human

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Kaston POV

After roaming the streets for hours, looking for criminals, for my dear brother to feed on, because he was about to be awaken after three hundred years of being put to sleep, I heard sounds of someone being beaten. I ran over towards the sound and sighed. "And I thought vampires were evil, but a werewolf beating up on a poor little defenseless human, now that's just sick," I spat out. The huge werewolf turned around full of rage until it saw who I was and his features changed into one that was fear. I sighed not looking for a fight and told him to leave, but as he passed me I gave him a jaw clenching fist to his back and he scampered off. I went over to his victim and looked at him, he was a very young boy. He looked quite familiar to me but I couldn't put my fingers on it. He was unconscious so I decided to carry him to one of the hospitals my family owned. I picked him up bridal style and ran using my vampire speed to the hospital.

When I got there I saw my sister and told her the situation and she immediately lead me to a room. I carefully layed him unto the bed. My sister has a special power. She can heal persons by either biting them or feeding them her blood. She grabbed the boys fragile little hand and sink her teeth into his soft pale skin. He immediately began to heal and I heard his arm crack back into the right place. "Ok, he will be good now, he just needs some rest. I wonder what a little kid like this was wondering the streets at this hours of the night," Kacia breathed out.

"He looks to be homeless, sis. Anyways maybe when he wakes up, I can bring him to one of the homes."

"Hmm, ok. I better get back to work now, saving lives and all." Kacia gave me a grin after saying that and headed out the door.

A few hours went by, when I saw the boy shot open his eyes. He pinched his self and then began crying. I tried to calming him down and that's when he froze and looked at me.

"Wh-oo are you?" He crooked out. I handed him some water that Kacia brought in an hour ago and began.

"I'm Kaston and I saved you from being killed by that beast. By the way what were you doing on the streets so late at night?" The boy looked away and started playing with his fingers.

"I live on the streets and that man was just angry that I tripped him and going to put me out of my misery. I did not want anyone to save me or I would have called for help. I want to die, there is no reason for me to be alive and I have no purpose in this world," the boy spat out sounding disgusted with his own self.

I looked at the boy in disbelief and shook my head. Then suddenly an idea came to my head. "If want to die so badly, why don't I make you the meal for a vampire prince."

The boy looked at me for awhile and then agreed. Now I only need fifteen more people for the awakening of my brother tomorrow.

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