12. Love, Love and Love

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Rhaine POV

It took a little for the whole, book thing to go down. People started to call to me everyday, I greeted them all. Mariel, Scott and Olivia and I have gotten really close as friends. We spend every lunch time together. Kay even got me a phone, so I can communicate with them. Speaking of Kay, I am so inlove with him. He wants me to sing to him, but everytime I try I get so nervous around him and normally am not nervous to sing infront of people. I still have yet to find out the name of Kaston little servant and I hardly see him anymore and when I see him, he is with Kaston complaining that he is tired and Listen should carry him, because he did this to him. What Kaston did to him I don't know. Kacia is having her baby girl next month, she has gotten bigger but she still looks pretty.

I stopped caring about the whole me going to die thing, even with Kaston's little servant vision I still doubt that am not going to die. Already I know Kay won't let it happen to me, he loves me too much to let anything bad happen to me. He tells me everyday that he loves me and he'll do anything for me. We even had a first date where he brought me to a park and he packed food that he cooked for me. He is such a good cook and we spent the day learning about each other, he even told me about Rhin and I told him about Mason. We ended up kissing for a long while after he fed me chocolate cake, that he bake and we generally had fun together. Last week we went to a private beach owned by him ofcourse and I brought along Mariel, Scott and Olivia. That's when they finally realized that I was gay, I thought that it was pretty obvious. But they said they had no idea, but I think they were just messing with me. But those three are the best friends I've always wanted and I really love them.

After an exciting week of school, its finally Friday and I can be with Kay every second of the day till Monday again.

Keegan POV

For some reason, I am always so excited to pick up Rhaine from school. I love him so much and just want to be with him always. He is always showing me any new magic he learns at school, he is so excited about it. He made friends and we even invited them to the beach with us, but they were so shock when Rhaine kissed me. Speaking of Rhaine kisses, he has been doing that alot ever since we established that we love each other. He is not so shy and sad anymore and that's good. The driver finally pulled up at the school, just as it was over. I waited a couple of minutes before I saw my Rhaine coming towards the car along with his friends. He gave them a quick hug and the driver opened the door to the car.

"Good Evening Kay." Rhaine said as he leaned over for a quick peck on the lips as the car drove off.

"Good Evening to you too." I replied. Rhaine just leaned his head against me and just staring at my face. I can't read his mind anymore, since he learned how to block everyone using his magic. He started to move closer to my face and place kisses along my jaw and down my neck. He grabbed my head and smashed his lips against mine, pulling me closer to him while our tongues fight for dominance, with my tongue coming out on top. He moaned in my mouth as I started sucking on his tongue. He had in the back of my shirt running his hand up and down my back. We pulled apart and he was panting hard, he sighed as he realized we were home. He knocked on the window and the driver turned around and let us out. He hugged my arm as we walked up towards the door and went inside. We went towards our room. I went and sit on the bed, while Rhaine put away his stuff.

"How was your day at school today?" I asked, but he did not answer he just walked towards me and sat in my lap and started kissing my neck. He found my sweet spot and started sucking on it and a moan escaped my mouth. He kissed up my neck again and kissed my jaw then my chee and licked my lips. He stared in my eyes for a second then he started kissing me and I immediately kissed him back, I pushed my tongue in his mouth and he started kissing me harder and he wrapped his arms around my neck and he slowly began to unbutton my bottoms. He moved away from lips and attached his lips to my nipples, licking it and swirling his tongue around it. I moaned and pulled him back up in my lap and crashed my lips against his and he started grinding against me. He had one arm still around my neck and he was running his hand down my chest, he put his hand on top of my waist and started to unbuckle my pants. I grabbed a hold of his hands.

"What are doing." I asked him and his already red face went even redder.

"Don't let me say it." He said in a shy voice while he had his face in my neck. I let him continue what he was doing, but our intimate session was interrupted by Sarah barging in our room and holding down her head. As soon as she had done that Rhaine had removed his hand wrapped it around my neck. He breathed in my neck and then sighed and hugged me to him.

"What do you want Sarah? " I asked a bit annoyed.

"My apologies your highness, I came to tell you that you a required to be in the throne room immediately."

"I'll be there in a minute, and Sarah don't start that royal thing again, I prefer you to be normal around me." With that said she left the room.

"It's okay Kay, I'll just wait till you get back." He said as he got up off me and laid down on the bed. I fixed my self until I looked presentable and left the room.

Walking towards the throne room, I realize that this was a hearing and I went over to my throne next to my father and placed next to my father. I noticed Kaston looked a bit upset too, I bet he got interrupted too, and Kacia just looked pregnant as ever while my parents just held a blank expression.

The new born vampire made his plea, about why he killed one thousand one hundred persons in one day. He was only going to be put to sleep, which will kill him but slowly because new born vampires can't be put to sleep because they can't control their thirst. But we noticed he seemed possessed by something. My mother gave the signal and Kaston decapitated the newborn and immediately set him a Blaze. As the thing was burning we heard a blood curdling scream and Kaston face dropped as he ran towards the scream of his mate. We all ran towards the sound all worried, but I stopped to bring Kacia, away since she is pregnant and I didn't want her to stress and hurt the baby, because our family had a history of miscarriage from stressing to much. I got Kacia to her room and and assured her that I will tell her what's going on when I got back. When I finally reached the scene, Kaston was on the ground holding his mate, his mate looked to be on in pain and was sweating like crazy, which is weird for a vampire. I saw a terrified Rhaine standing there and I went to stand next to him. Kaston mate, right hand fingers started to glow and he placed them on the ground and a pattern appeared on the floor and he shouted, "father, I need you, it's happening again." After saying that he fainted and Kaston started to shake him, trying to wake him up, but he wouldn't move.

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