18. Helpless

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Keegan POV

It has been five months since the attack and destruction of our home and disappearance of our mates. I had felt something wrong the minute I could no longer here my mates voice, and so had Steve and Kaston. I had contacted Mariel, Rhaine best friend to go visit him at the mansion to see what's wrong. I also told her to bring back up with her and she said she was bringing Scott and Olivia with her. I had dropped the phone when she had said that the the mansion had been burned down about a day before they had arrived. Kaston had finished talking to her when he saw I had dropped the phone. We all decided that we would leave and go investigate what happened and our parents stayed and continue dealing with the problems occurring.

All three of Rhaine's friends pulled their magic together to transport us to the mansion where they were. My face widen when I ran over to where I smelled Sarah's body and I was suddenly pulled back by Kaston.

"What are you doing?!" I screamed at him.

"Keegan I know you are angry and want to go near Sarah, but you can't. Smell the air good, other than the burned bodies, ginta is in the air. We might not be able to die but remember we can still get sick and you don't want to be sick, and not be in top shape when we put the bastards who did this to us, to their knees." Kaston said and I calmed down and he let me go. I stepped away from Kaston and relaxed my body and only listen to the wind around me and try to see what happen using the power of my mind. I saw that they had started by knocking out Lam and his twins before they had started their attack and kidnapping them and his children, Kacia and Marissa and finally my precious Rhaine. I saw everything, but I did not recognize the man that was in charge and I couldn't sense them when they left the mansion. In fact none of us could smell or sense anyone other than the persons who were here that day.

After that day five months ago, we still had not found them, we had buried everyone properly and that's when we noticed that Jared was missing also. We rebuild back our mansion and got new guards and servants. The problems stop all together, and we all came to a conclusion that we were baited away from our home, leaving our vulnerable family at home, while some master mind kidnapped them and seem to disappeared from the world. We had tried to ask the doctor/God/Lam's dad for help in tracking them but he told me he cannot get involved with this situation even though it involved his son and grandchildren. He did tell us that they are all alive, except Jared he was dead. He even told me that Rhaine had successfully delivered his twins three days after Kacia gave birth to her triplet boys. I was really sad that I missed both their deliveries, but Kaston had been taking this harder than everyone else. He locks himself in his room and cries for hours and sometimes our my mom would go in and try to cheer him up, but Kaston feels like he has failed him because he wasn't there to protect him again. Kaston and Lamoy has had a weird friendship turned in to Kaston realising they were mates. Well even the blind could see they were meant for each other. Speaking of Kaston he just passed me looking angry and heading to his room. He has been trying non stop everyday to get the doctor to tell is where they are even a little hint. But the doctor said that he can't talk about it or get involved. But we are all feeling the same way that he is feeling, helpless.

Kaston's POV

Another failed attempt at trying to convince my father in law, to help me find my mate and our children and the others. I can't believe I failed to protect him again. I can even remember the first time we met and that irritated look on his face as he was talking to me. I smiled to myself as I remember everything.

Kaston's Memories of him and Lam.

I was invited to a business party by this obnoxious business tycoon, so that he could try to impress me so that I would approve him to merge with my company, but what he didn't know was that I was going to merge with him and take over his company and basically kick him out of his own company. But he had other companies to rely on. I am just doing to him what he did to other people, this is how he got successful.

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