16. Kidnapped

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Rhaine POV

A Year Later

Looking down at my ring, before taking one last look in the mirror, I saw Kay standing behind me. Looking at our reflection I spoke.

"What did I ever do to deserve you." Kay chuckled before replying.

"I should be the one saying that to you. I love you Rhaine McLawrence."

"I love you too Kay." I said just as Kacia stepped in with a little child clutching to her leg.

"Marissa wanted to see her uncle Rhaine." Kacia said as I look down at the little blonde child. She was the definition of adorable and she already know how to turn her parents against each other. I bent down a little and picked up the child. Her little blue eyes shined so bright. She rest her head on my shoulder and went to sleep. For some reason she had grown attached to me. Maybe it's because I use to sing to her when she was in her mother's stomach.

"Where are my little trouble making nephews now?" I asked Kacia and smiled.

"Unlike stubborn Mar here, Kasla and Kaslam are already having there nap. I swear my daughter loves you more than her own parents." She said laughing a bit, "But as soon as your little twins arrive you will be too busy for Mar, Kasla and Kaslam." She finished while pointing on my swollen stomach.

I smiled at her, "I don't think I can ever be too busy for my niece and nephews. Plus don't forget that you are in the same boat as me. Triplet boys, your going to have a handful. I'm only having twins, one girl and one boy." I said laughing a bit. We talked a bit and sometimes Kay would make an input before, Kacia brought little Marissa to her room so she can continue her nap.

Kacia and I had both gotten pregnant in the same month, we tried to get Lam to join the party but he declined, he said he is food for now with his little twins. But I knew he wanted more kids at this time, but he is afraid of having another miscarriage. Speaking of Lam, everyone in the house noticed his children were a little different from normal vampire children. His children couldn't drink blood and that scared everyone but Lamoy and Kaston. Then Lam finally told everyone the truth about himself, he was half God and half vampire. His mother was not his father's mate, but because his father is a God he is not a forbidden child. His father only known as the doctor is Fanion Holiantic, the God of healing. He further explained that he was unable to drink blood until he was twelve. Although normal vampires need both food and blood to survive, they can only survive on blood alone, but that makes their craving for blood increase and it will increase to the point where they can't control themselves around anyone at all whether human or magical.

I was feeling a bit sleepy myself and started to drift asleep. But Kay woke me up about a minute later. Looking at me very serious. I know what this about.

"I'm only leaving for one week and if the job can be done in less time I will come home back as fast as possible. I don't even want to leave you here, but it here am going is dangerous so I can't bring you with me." I looked into his eyes and could see the worry in it. He was scared because both his parents won't be here, Steve and Kaston won't be here either, there has been alot of small wars going on and its there duty to stop them all and bring peace. Well I guess they aren't ruler over all vampires for no reason.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine, its not the first time most of left us alone before and we have lots of guards around the mansion to protect us." I tried to reassure him but he still looked worried. I kissed him and he kissed me back and deepen the kiss pulling me in his lap. We stayed like that in each others arm for a while before Kaston came to inform Kay it was time to go. He kissed my forehead and left and I decided to take my nap now and went to sleep.

I was awoken by a huge explosion and screams and shouts. I got out of bed and went to look for everyone else. I saw Kacia and a scared looking Marissa coming towards me.

"Rhaine, the mansion is under attack. I can't find Lam nor the twins anywhere. They are trying their best to keep them out of the mansion but, they can't hold them off for long. I can't feel anyone but the guards, not even Sarah." She said as there was another explosion and the mansion shook.

"Are all the servants dead?" I asked feeeling the bile ready to escape.

Kacia looked at me with a frown before she said, "the first explosion came from the servants building and the one that just took place was from the guard building. Rhaine, is there any way for you to use your magic to put a shield around the mansion to protect everyone and you can use your tracking magic to find Lam and the twins." She said looking hopeful.

I looked at her with a grimaced. "If I use my magic, I will hurt my babies again." Marissa hugged my leg. "I will protect you uncle." Marissa said, although I know she was scared. I looked down on her. Suddenly I felt like a presence was around me. I looked back and saw a group of persons standing behind me.

"Your looking the wrong way." I heard a voice say in a hard monotone voice. I turned around to Kacia and Marissa being taken away. My eyes went wide at the amount of persons dressed in all black clothing.

"Where are you taking them!" I demanded, but as soon as I said that I was on my knees.

"You don't to deserve to ask questions." The same man who spoke earlier replied. I looked up to him, because for some reason I could not get up. He held a knife at my stomach and I nearly used my magic to push him away but I remember that I would hurt my babies. I glared at the man and he smirked.

"Such pretty green eyes, no wonder that vampire brat wants you for himself. Too bad he is not here to save you and don't even try to talk or I'll end the life of your precious little abominations growing in your stomach." He spoke out loud in a hard voice. I looked at him confused, why did you call my babies an abomination.

"What do you want from us wolf." I spat out now very angry and annoyed.

"Well we want you and everyone in the household dead, but we don't want to upset the gods you see, so will simply remove your abominations and kill you all except for the kids. Enough with the questions and answers now, Coloon take him away." He said as he turned his back to me and I lost consciousness.

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