20. The War

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Keegan POV

It didn't take us long to prepare our army for the upcoming battle. After everyone was returned safely to us and we checked them just incase.

When they arrive back they were all unconscious and they woke up a few hours later. With the help from Lam's power, we could see everything that happen, I could barely stand when I saw what happened to Rhaine and our kids, but luckily Rhin did a time zap. Even though she did those horrible things, I still felt sorry for her.

Lam and Kaston haven't left each other side, that even their twins got jealous and then all four of them were attached together like glue. We got help from my parents old friend who is the alpha of the pack of fourty wolves. They agreed to help us and we had tons of armies to our disposal. Rhaine and Kacia seemed to be a bit out of it, the children weren't all that troubled about the experience. We were glad for that. Mom wanted revenge more than any of us, for using her children and grandchildren to do their evil will.

We were all ready and prepared, our children and our mates were in a time loop portal, thing created by Lam to keep them safe until the fight was over. Rhaine had to pitch in some of his magic also, since most of their magic was absorbed to recreate the witch, so they were all weak.

Our army lead by my parents begans its march to the place of the battle. Upon reaching the battle field the witch stood bold and full of confidence as stood infront of her army.

"Am going to enjoy killing you Keegan, but most of all I get to kill your family also and your allies who do your every bidding." She said as a round of cheers emerge from her group.  Before she and her army charged at us. She came straight towards me throwing fire balls at me, I dodge them as jump back from her. I used tge power of my mind to cause her pain, but instead it bounced back at me.

"Tsk, tsk, you should know the same trick doesn't work twice." She said as she cast another spell summoning a huge black spirit with multiple eyes, six hands, and a well buff body. The spirit thing stunned me with its eyes as its six hand beat on my body. I thought hard, the only way to break this is to clear my mind and listen to my surroundings. I did that as I heard bodies being ripped apart, blood splattering, cries, fist and kicks against bodies and metal hitting metal. The wolves howl and snarles were mostly present on the field. I could now feel my body loosen, as my nails turned dark and grew longer, my hair fell to the middle of my back and my eyes are now blood red. I grabbed at the spirit infront of me and sank my nails into it's neck ripping its head off, I ran after the witch who was busy trying to kill a member of my army. I sinked my nails into her chest ripping it out and throwing it behind me, but the witch only laughed as her wound started closing, this can't be good I thought as I moved back from her and prepared for the witch's next attack.

Unknown POV

I could not stop thinking about the battle that is  going on and its my fault, especially since I know the witch can't die and they are gping to be fighting her for a long time and unlike the witch they can actually get tired and that wouldn't end well for them. But sitting in this cabin in the mountains, thinking whether I should get involved or not. I mean I want to be good not evil, but will what I do consider good. Will they accept my help or will they try to attack me once I rid of the witch. Ugh! I guess again I rather go down to the battle than to be stuck here surrounded by snow leopards. I rather be surrounded by wolves, they smell better to me. Thinking about it the vampire brat mate did call me a wolf, did he think I was a wolf or was he describing my actions to be wolf like. He was the second person I kissed to heal and it still felt strange to me. I guess allowing that witch to kill my parents wasn't such a good idea, even if I thought they deserved it for causing that witch to take over my mind, now I don't understand these basic reactions feelings or nothing. I just feel like a empty void. Should I really go to the battle field, they could really use my help.

I open a projector infront of me using my mind, well the battle didn't look that bad, they seem to got rid of most of the witch's undead army and most of their army members were still alive. Maybe I should stop this now, atleast I will be doing a good job, I hope.

I transported myself unto the center of the battle field but no one gave me the time if day and were still battling it out. Already tired of this situation, I focused most of my magic into my hand before fisting the ground, freezing everyone in place except for the queen of course, the one that has killed more than half of the witch's army. She ran towards me gearing up to give me the fist of a lifetime but she stopped and stared at me, I could feeling the pressure of being hit but I knew she didn't hit me.

"You don't seem like a treat, go on with your plan." I looked at her surprise as I could clearly seen in her mind that she new what I was doing. I activated the spell on the ground killing off all the witch's army, leaving only the witch to stand. Her army disappeared and everyone could now move, the royal family all attacked her at once.

"Hold her down!" I shouted as I made my way towards them. I touched her head and began the chant and soon the witch was covered by green chains that held her to the ground and the royal stepped back. I bit my hand and use the blood from my hand to write some ancient words into the ground. The witch kept screaming as I had fried her brain so she wouldn't be able to cast spells. The ground drank the blood as the goddess of death appeared before me looking quite irritated and I point towards the witch and the goddess smiled as she opened her mouth wide and ate the witch. She chewed on the witch for awhile before she swallowed and disappear.

The one name Kaston, spoke first. "Remind me never to get on your dark side, ever." He finished with a serious expression.

"It's the least I could do for you guys, its my fault this all happened."

"No its not, Lunan, Lam told me, your mind was being controlled before you were even born." Kaston said to me.

"Well I guess it's time for me to go now." I said about to leave.

"What are you wolf or snow leopard?" Keegan asked me. I smiled at the question.

"Neither, I have no idea what I am, I've always used the term unknown, since I killed my parents before I even got the chance to ask them." I replied.

"Where will you go?" Kaston inquired.

"I don't know, but some where there is no snow leopard, their scent bothers me." I replied and Kaston chuckled at me.

"Why don't you come live with us? Kaston I asked.

" I don't-" I was cutted off as the queen spoke.

"It would be an honor having someone of your power living with us, you can be apart of my family and give me grandchildren and as the head if the house, I approve you living with us and that's final." She said in a dominant voice.

Water started running from eyes as I looked up to the queen and king both hugging me. "What is this happening to eyes? Are they melting or something." I asked in a crooked voice.

"Your crying its okay, we understand. You are probably just happy to now be apart of our family. Welcome Lunan Bolitona!" She said she squeezed me tighter and I looked up at her shocked as she knew my name.

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