13. Marissa and the proposal

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Keegan POV

This was the first time, I've ever seen Kaston cry in my entire life, I've been around for a long time. Everyone could sense it, except for Rhaine, but Lam was gone. The mansion started shaking and blinding gold light was shining all around the room, if I'm not mistaken, I think this is a God present here, but I couldn't see anything, even with my vampire vision. The light disappeared and so did Kaston and his mate. I looked over at my mother and she was just frozen not moving at all and my dad started to hug her and lead her away. I looked at Rhaine, "what happened?"

"We were just talking, when I noticed his face looked like he was in pain and next thing I saw was Kaston's servant on the ground." He said sounding sad. I took his hand and lead him towards our room.

"Rhaine, his name is Lamoy and he is Kaston's mate. But only my family and Sarah knows that, he doesn't want anyone to know that Kaston is his mate, because of a personal reason that none of us knows but Kaston. But I do know one thing about him, he doesn't think he is worthy of being Kaston's mate."

Rhaine just hugged me close to his body and didn't let me go. We stayed like that for a w, before we heard screaming from Kacia. We both ran towards her room. With mother already there, calming her down.

"Call Steve, Keegan, Kacia just broke her water and is in labour. Then we have to move her to the medical room." My mom shouted, while trying to help Kacia breathe properly.

I quickly made the phone call to Steve, her mate. Mom and I lifted her up, while dad was already preparing the medical room for Kacia delivery, with a worried Rhaine following us.

We placed her on the bed and mother hooked up an Iv to her.

"Rhaine please sing to me, it will help me feel a little better." Kacia said in between pants. Rhaine reached over and touched her stomach and began singing a lullaby, that he always sang to Kacia's stomach. Kacia began to relax a bit, but she was still in pain. Finally her mate came and asked us to leave the room. We all excited the room and sat on the couches at the end of the hall waiting on the baby to arrive.

A few hours later, Steve came out of the room with tears in his eyes.

"It's a girl!" He shouted and junped for joy. We all ran up to him and he told us we could go in and see them for a little while, before she goes to sleep. We all went into the room and Rhaine took a seat next to the bed where Kacia and her little bundle of joy were.

Rhaine POV

"She is so beautiful, but unfortunately for Steve, she is the replica of Kacia." I said and everyone laughed. I reached my hand over to touch the little angel's cheek, but she opened her eyes and I suddenly felt frozen in her gaze, I somehow saw her running around with two little boys with jet black hair and blue eyes on her trail, she was older than them but they were giggling and having fun. I was brought out of the vision when Keegan was gently shaking my shoulders and asking me if I was alright.

"I saw something, a vision, its not bad but I have no idea, who they were except for Marissa." I said with a sigh.

Everyone looked at me weird. "How did you know I was going to name her Marissa." Kacia asked raising an eyebrow at me. I blushed remember how I came by that.

"Umm, I kinda promised not to tell about that." I said quietly. I moved out of the way, so Keegan's mother could get a chance to see her grandchild properly and stood beside Keegan. He kissed my cheek, that inturn made me blush.

"Baby vampires tend to give visions to person, so don'tworry about it." Keegan whispered in my ears.

A couple of minutes later, Steve made us leave the room. We all left and went our separate ways. Keegan and I were walking to our room, when we passed the huge ball room and I suddenly had an idea. I pulled Keegan with me into the ballroom.

I stood in the center of the room, with Keegan standing chest to chest with me, a blush was sure to spreading across my face as I stared in his eyes and he looked at me with pure love. Using my magic I closed all the doors, but it still was not dark enough, so I with the magic I learned at school I made the room pitch black. I took both of Keegan's hands and placed them around me and aboved my butt. I wrapped my hands around his neck and continue to stare in his eyes that seem to be glowing in the dark. I breathed out a breathe before I began.

You lift my heart up when the rest of me is down
You, you enchant me even when you're not around
If there are boundaries, I will try to knock them down
I'm latching on, babe, now I know what I have found

I feel we're close enough
Could I lock in your love?
I feel we're close enough
Could I lock in your love?

Now I've got you in my space
I won't let go of you
Got you shackled in my embrace
I'm latching on to you

I'm so en-captured, got me wrapped up in your touch
Feel so enamored, hold me tight within your clutch
How do you do it? You got me losing every breath
What did you give me to make my heart bleed out my chest?

I feel we're close enough
Could I lock in your love?
I feel we're close enough
Could I lock in your love?

Now I've got you in my space
I won't let go of you
Got you shackled in my embrace
I'm latching on to you

Now I've got you in my space
I won't let go of you
Got you shackled in my embrace
I'm latching on to you

I'm latching on to you

As I sang the last line of the song, I made fireworks all over the room in green and blue our favourite colour. Keegan pulled me up to his lips and glued them onto to his, the kiss was sweet and passionate and full of love and desire. I made the room back how it was, with all the lights and opening the doors and windows.

Keegan got down on one knee and held my hands. I could see his face and eyes properly now and they were full of unshed tears that hold so much love. I was busy staring at his face, that I didn't notice he was holding a huge gold band with a one central diamond and other small diamonds on both side of the central diamond.

"Rhaine Asfireno, we may not have met at good time. But from the moment I first layed eyes on you I knew you were mine. At first I was just confused about whether I really loved you or am I replacing Rhin with you, but after you got hurt, I realised that the way I feel for you is nothing compared to what I ever felt for Rhin or for anyone in that matter. I know we have not been together for long but I just want to be officially mine. Rhaine I love you more than anything in this world, would you do me the honor of being my husband and making me the happiest vampire in the world."

"YES, YES!!" I said as the tears rolled down my face and Keegan slipped on the ring. He stood up and I launched myself at him wrapping my legs and arms around him and he held me close to his body. I suddenly heard clapping and cheering and I looked up to see all tge guards, servants, Keegan's parents, Steve and Kacia and a little Marissa. Eveything was perfect, the love of my life and I were surrounded by ours friends and family.

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