10. School and Magic Tales

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Rhaine POV

Its finally Friday and I'm really excited to see this school. Kay reassured me that there is absolutely no bullying in the school and that I will be watched over at all times. But I can't help but feel like I'm in danger. I feel like there is an evil presence around, but I kept it to myself, he seems a little bit stressed out and every time he is around me he stays his distance. He said its because, he is thirsty and he drank from me before and he doesn't want to hurt me and he is trying to control his thirst around me, before he drinks again. I was still a bit worried so I asked Kacia and she said it was fine.

I'm starting to get use to the mansion now, although I do notice the increase in guards around. I know that Sarah and Jared are together now and I'm so happy for them. I also know about Glorious, I saw a statue of her in the throne room in a glass trophy case. I had opened it and touched it and I saw an image of her pointing to a book and she kept saying read it, its in the library. She was saying something else, but Kaston had interrupted me and asked what was I doing. Speaking of Kaston, I saw him and his little servant making out. I was in the library searching for that book when I saw them arguing I think, they were speaking a language I didn't recognize. Kaston was sitting in a chair while the servant boy was pacing around, looking quiet upset. I saw Kaston pulled him into his lap and started kissing him and I'm pretty sure the boy kissed him back before he stopped and looked in my direction, he could not see me from where I was standing and said something to Kaston and they both left. There is just so much romance going on this castle. When is mine going to happen, I wish Kay would feel the same way I felt for him. I don't even know how he feels. Its all just confusing to me.

Anyways I'm in the library again still searching for the book. I remember it clearly.

"What are you looking for?" I turned around and saw Kaston little servant looking at me. He was adorable with black hair and sky blue eyes, he looked really innocent too adding to his cuteness and he was the same height as me, finally someone in this entire mansion that is not taller than me.

"A book." I answered plainly, what else would I be looking for in a library. He rolled his eyes and rest one hand on his hip.

"Obviously, I meant which book are you looking." I thought hard about the name I saw and the cover and then I remembered.

"Magic tales." I said hopefully. He looked around thoughtfully before, he disappeared and reappeared.

"I thought they still had it, but it looks like they really did donate to the school. There is only one copy of it left in the entire world and its at Adeline Academy of Magic, so you have to wait till you start school to see it. But why would you want that book, no one has been able to open it."

"How comes?" I asked and he shrugged and then spoke.

"They say the books was written by the Gods themselves. They also say that only persons from the bloodline of the Lidal Sisters can open it. But that's not really possible, since one sister was killed because of her evil ways, one was barren a curse from the God for killing millions of children and the last one the good one had three children, but no one knows who they are, so witches, magic users and warlocks come from all over the world and try to open it."

"Oh, wow that's a lot of information, thank you so much." I said and smiled back at him. "Where are you going now?" I asked as I noticed, he was about to leave. He fought effortlessly to try and keep his blush down. He was about to answer when I heard Kay calling me, I looked in the direction of the sound and saw him coming. I looked back at the servant boy, but he was gone, I didn't even get to know his name, I'll ask Kay I thought.

"I'm ready now let's go." Kay said and pulled me on with him.

He took the limo this time and someone drive us. He had my head in his lap and he was playing with my hair. It felt nice almost putting me to sleep. Every time I was about to fall asleep he would pull on my hair hard and tell me not to sleep. But its his fault, he was the one that commanded me to do this. He also gave me a lot of rules about school. Some of them are do not allow any to touch me, because he will know about it and I'm not allowed to get intimate with anyone. The second was not going to happen anyways, I only like him, but he doesn't seem to notice that. I don't even understand what are we to each other. We sleep in the same bed. He is really nice to me, we kissed twice, I don't really remember about the second one anyways. I'm told its an effect of opening my magic, since I don't remember anything that happen between Sunday and Tuesday.

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