7. A Trip Down Memory Lane

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Keegan POV

In the past, where the world is full of evil supernatural creatures and the Gods instructed the McLawrence family to purge the world of them. Thus giving them their royal status and making them rulers of the vampires.

Breathing hard as I run through the last optical illusion the evil witch set up. That was only steps away from her door. As soon as I reached her door I kicked it down. The door now wide open I was immediately attacked by puppet dolls. I easily compelled the dolls to fight against each other and I continued searching for the witch. I sensed her in the basement and headed straight for it. When I came in there I saw her mixing a pot of something I don't know with a large wooden stick. She just stared at me with a blank expression she was very weakened because of her magic she has been using and the spell she has been casting to keep me away from her know she couldn't even defend herself I raised my foot and I landed at her neck sending her flying towards the ground with my foot still at her neck she began to shiver in fear trying to push me away.

"I already gave you a chance to change your evil ways but you decided not to, so I have no more compassion towards anyone of you evil doers."

"Amplius amator!" She crooked out, before I took off her head with my foot that's at her neck. I retrieve the lighter from my pocket and set her a fire. I left the house and it exploded.

"Amplius amator is the spell that was used to curse you. It is a spell that makes you love your first love more than you will love your mate. The curse will also let you find a fake mate that is a mate from the same bloodline as your true mate. If you were supposed to find your true mate in the 2000s, and you're in the 1600s you will find a fake mate from that same bloodline your true mate will be born from. You will believe that, that is your true mate. The curse will make you love your fake mate but it will make you love your first love more. It will cause you grave pain. Eventually your mate will try to kill your first love and you will have to stop them from killing each other and this will end up making you all kill yourselves. Now because you would kill your first love and your fake mate, this will cause you to kill yourself thinking you have killed your mate and your first love." I heard a voice say.

Then I was in the time, when I first met Jared. It was a time when the world was peaceful and the only corruption was the human population. But they were not our concern.

My parents were interviewing person, well vampires to be loyal guard to them for the rest of eternity. I was sitting in the back ground watching all the applicants. Thats when I first saw him. He was really tall, he had bright green eyes and jet black hair. He wore leather jacket, a white shirt, jeans and leather boots. I mind linked my parents, and told them he should be choosen and they agreed. After the whole interviewing thing, the guards were all asked to begin working immediately. they were given uniforms and a comfy rooms for themselves and there family if they choose to live with them in the guards building at the back of the mansion next to the servants building. Their building was separated from the back yard of the mansion by a gate. The gaurds worked on shift. The one that catched my eyes, Jared Kingsley was his name, I found out. He was working the night shift, so I waited until he got settled down and left the guards building. When I saw him he was more beautiful up close, I asked him to take a walk with me in the garden, he agreed. Walking through the garden was quiet. We reach the benches and I sat down beside him. I started to question him about himself. I learned alot about him. I learned, that he is originality from Italy and that's his mother stills live there. We begun conversing in random talk, when I noticed he's hand was on the bench, I put my hand over his and he began staring at me and stop talking, I started staring in his eyes until I moved my head closer and kiss him. He was shocked at first then he be gone to kiss me back. He pulled away and says that we can't do this, he is my guard. I remained quiet and looked away, he tried to touch me, but I just walked away from him and headed to my room. After years of him being my guard and eventually start talking to him back and making advances at him, I finally realized that I'm in love with him he was my true love.

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