11. Dealing with Feelings

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Rhaine POV

I looked down on the cover, 'Magic tales.' This was the book that Glorious was showing me when I touched her statue. I opened the book and everyone in the entire room gasp and everyone erupted in talking I looked around saw Kay walking towards me. He took my hand and brought me through the crowd of persons, well more like they moved away when Kay started walking towards the door.

"Kay, what's going on?" I asked shyly."

"Mr. Ryeback will explain everything to you." He breathed out calmly. We entered Mr. Ryeback's office and he looked up at us, he motioned for us to get in and close the door.

"As I thought you opened the book." He said looking at the book in my hand.

"Yes, it kind of came flying to me, after I found out I'm a magic user and Glorious told me to read it." Kay looked at me when I said the last part.

"Well go ahead read it." He said and I began to read it.

The book was about three sisters, The Lidal sisters. They were the most power witches in the world, not even magic users could come close to them in power. But two of the sisters where evil and misued their powers. The only good one was, hardly ever notice since she was not a threat to anyone. The most powerful of the witches used her powers to destroy kingdoms, clans, packs and other supernatural cliques. She was determine to kill everyone that was more powerful than her so she could rule the world. But her she didn't get the chance when she was killed by Kay. The other sister was killed by Kandice McLawrence, that's Kay's mother because she was killing off the children of the world. She either ate them or she used them to make spells and potions. The good witch ended up having children and then those children ended up having children. But the bloodline seems to be cursed as everyone from that witches bloodline end up getting killed. Until there was only two persons left, Rhin and Rhea Talinero. But later on Rhin died along with her unborn child. Rhea continued the family, but the magic in the family seems to deplete as the rest of the bloodline ended up having human mates. The book goes on and on until I saw something about me and it basically told me my whole life story like it did about Rhin. Until I reach the last sentence in the book, 'Rhaine Asfireno the only surviving member of the Lidal witches bloodline.' Then in bold at the bottom 'to be continued.'

I told Mr. Ryeback, what was in the book, in detail, since when I showed him it, he could not read, saying its in another language, but to me it was English. After I told him that I asked Kay to take me home. He kept on asking me if I was alright but, I just ignored him or faintly answer him the whole way home. When we got home I went straight to the bed and laid down, trying to fight the tears that I was trying my best not to shed. Kacia had came in to talk to me, but I just ignored her. I felt bad for doing that she looked really sad. I got up out of the bed to take a walk in the garden. Walking through the garden I really think about what's going to happen to me eventually. I was going to die, and I don't want to die anymore I want to be with Kay.

I finally broke down and started crying. Bringing my knees to my chest and rest my head on my knee and began the water works. I was not crying for that long when I felt someone sat beside me.

"Why are you crying?" The soft voice asked. I looked up to see who the vaguely familiar voice belongs to. It was Kaston's little servant.

"I'm going to die, but I don't want die anymore. I want to live and be with Kay forever. But after reading that book, I realise that I'm next on someone's hit list. I guess this is just my faith. I can't ever be happy." I said with tears in my eyes and voice.

"But, your not going to die. In fact you're going to have a wonderful life." He spoke out.

"How do you know that, I mean I'm the only one that's still alive everyone else is dead."

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