Day 6-Afterdeath-Am I A WhAt NoW!?!?!

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Reaper and Geno were on their way to a nice fancy dinner date, deciding to take a walk since it was a nice night.

But as they were walking the streets, a person stopped them.

"Excuse me, but would you be able to take a short survey? It'll just be me asking you questions, and you answering honestly. Of course there will be a reward for you for taking the survey, we have connections with some places here if you have any certain places you want discounts, coupons, free stuff, a free dinner night for you two at a couple restaurants here. All for the price of answering a couple questions."

The person was talking, it seemed, to Geno. But the bleeding skeleton still spared a glance at Reaper, maybe looking for confirmation to do this. Would this take too much time? Did they need to get to their reservation there and then? Is this sketchy? It felt sketchy.

Even though he did, he responded without waiting for Reaper's answer. "Sure, though, we do have reservations so if we could make it quick that would be appreciated."

The guy just nodded and began. "I did have a couple easy starting questions, but if you want to make this quick, I'll skip straight to the important ones."

Geno nodded, waiting for the other to go on.

"First question, are you a virgin?"


"Back off, unless you want to feel the cold hands of death creep upon you as the dark pits of hell tugs you deeper down. You all have a couple months left to live, but there is no consequence in the grand scheme of things for cutting your lives a couple months short." Reaper had threatened, pulling out his scythe defensively, making it very clear to the group of people that had been hidden in the dark alleyway that he meant every word he said.

He was, in fact, the Grim Reaper.

The God of Death themself.

He held Geno protectively in his arm that wasn't holding the scythe to the others, seeing that after the seemingly strange and weirdly personal survey, the man had deemed Geno a perfect victim and sacrifice.

People had come out from the darkness, instantly grabbing Geno, tying his hands up, gagging him with some sort of cloth, and putting a bag over his head. The same was done for Reaper, seeing as he was a witness, they couldn't have any word of their illegal group spreading.

Though this was no problem for Reaper, he was stronger than he seemed, and he worked with stubborn souls all day long. He was quick to get out of the hold and binds, swiftly pulling out his scythe and swinging it at the others.

The group members backed off quickly, only to get back up and try again to go after Reaper, but without hesitation and seeming practice, the God ripped off one of his gloves and stuck his hand out to the group charging at him. The sudden action caused them to stop in their tracks.

"Just one touch, and it kills any living creature. People, monsters, plants, animals. You name it. One touch of a single finger, and they're out cold." He warned, making the others nervous. "And it is no painless death, for that is not my role as a God of Death, how unfortunate for you all to have angered me and not my brother."

"Now," He pointed to Geno who had managed to escape the grasps, and fought against the others still gagged with a bag over his head. His feet were freed from the binds, having not been tied well, seeing as Geno had been fighting back, but his hands were still behind his back. And honestly, he was holding his own. Not surprising Reaper in the slightest. Stars was Geno hot when he was moving like that. But he couldn't dwell on that. Geno was literally fighting for his life right now. "I would like him back now. I don't appreciate things of mine getting taken from me right in front of my eyes. And I don't think you'll appreciate taking from a God of Death, nor disobeying and angering one."

One of the members went to walk up to death, perhaps to challenge him, but he was met with a scythe wrapped around his neck. "Not another step forward, or you really won't like what happens next." Reaper's left eye glowed dangerously, flickering a haunting blue. (His left, our right? His eye- Y'know the one- shut up-)

The group, unsure of what to do in a situation like this, did as told. They stopped fighting Geno, stepping away from him and making a clear path to Reaper.

"Geno." Reaper spoke loudly enough for Geno to hear.

He had put on a facade, the one of a powerful fearless God of Death, to keep the crowd back and at a distance. Induce fear and show confidence and strength to off-put them. Show he was a true threat.

But when the simple yet special name slipped off his tongue and spilled from his mouth, there was a hint of such care. Pure concern. Nothing but sheer love. Relief. Desperation. The need to get the other out of this place, back into his arms. To his safety.

"Come." The assertiveness was back. He couldn't falter now. In all honesty, a lot of things could go wrong if he killed these souls sooner than needed, he really didn't want to fiddle with that and balance out everything again and make wrong right again, he just said that again, as a fear tactic. It had worked, but he didn't know for how long it would hold up.

He had to at least get Geno out of here.

Not wasting any time, Geno quickly broke the binds off his hands easily, yanking the bag off him and pulling the gag down and out of his mouth.

"Reaper!" Geno ran towards the God and eagerly jumped into his arms, not really knowing what to do in a situation like this.

And that's where we are now.

Geno in Reaper's arms, Reaper looking out at the crowd, scythe drawn in a defensive like manner.

"You truly are the God of Death."

"The one and only." Reaper responded. "Besides my brother of course, but to be fair, I don't think you'll be seeing him anytime soon. You'll probably be stuck with me for a very long time." He grinned sinisterly.

The shadows casted around them, making mocking pictures of devils and demons, lost and stubborn souls, dancing across the walls of the alleyway, surrounding them, taunting them, tormenting them. The moon behind the two draped a shadow over their faces and features, leaving only their eye lights to glare menacingly back at the group.

It got colder all of a sudden, the air becoming thinner, seeming as if they were suffocating and running out of air. They could see flickers and flares of fire from down under, and yet there was still a chill that ran down their spine.

You could practically see the pure fear dripping of the entire group as it seemed the end was near. They were stunned in place, unable to move. Some clutching onto each other, others holding weapons tightly, preparing for what comes next.

Reaper and Geno were expecting a lot of things to happen. Leave as a warning, the group to charge, laugh in their face, the group runs off in fear.

But what they didn't expect..... was for one of the men at the front to get on his knees and literally bow before them.

"God of death, we are the cult of exhumation, on a goal to raise demons and monsters from the land of the dead, the infernal regions, the eternal damnation." He spoke, oh so confidently. "I see you have heard our calls, you've seen our sacrifices, and heard our cries and pleas, we welcome you to our world and are ready to follow your command."

And slowly, one by one, each and every other member started to bow as well.

Reaper looked from the cult to Geno, who was also surprised at the reaction that they were given.

With a smirk, Reaper stepped away, bowed towards the bleeding skeleton, and held out his hand to Geno. "Would you accept the honor to join me in commanding and leading this cult, My Serenity?"

The was a moment before Geno took the others hand and pulled him up, putting his hand on the others waist, leaving Reapers hand to fall on his shoulder, in an almost waltz or dance position.

"It would be my honor, my love."

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