Inkmare Why don't we?

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Ink had ran to his favorite spot. No one else knew about it but him. He had to escape from Error again.

He sighed as he laid his head on the grass. Hearing footsteps he froze. Had Error followed him?

Nightmare sighed as he walked away from his team. They were just so annoying. And Cross was especially clingy today. He just needed a place to escape.

He walked to his favorite spot. No one knew it existed. And it gave him some peace and quiet.

But he was shocked at who he saw.

The artist rolled over and stood up. He looked tired. He looked like he couldn't careless his enemy was infront of him.

"Look Nightmare. I'm really not feeling up for it. So please, leave before I make you." Ink said tiredly.

Nightmare looked at the artist in surprise. He never really thought he would see him like this. He's always so energetic and excited. But to feel these emotions leaking off of him now, was almost strange and worrying then filling.

Nightmare sighed as he kept waking. Ink sighed as well as he summoned his brush. Getting into a battle stance. But before he could attack, Nightmare collapsed next to him and exhaled tiredly.

"Great, I'm not feeling up to it either." Nightmare mumbled, muffled out by the grass he fell face first on.

Ink looked at him. He would've been suspicious if he cared. Which he didn't. So he just fell as well and looked up at the sky.

He breathed deeply, smelling the scent of the grass and trees and outside air. Nightmare for some reason found the sound of the breathing calming and soothing. He relaxed as he turned over and stared up at the sky as well.

It was quiet between the two. But they felt talking would ruin the mood, so they both stayed silent. Enjoying the company of another soul without having to act up and waste energy.

"Hey Nightmare." Ink spoke breaking the peaceful silence.

"Hmm?" Nightmare looked over to the little artist.

"This is nice. Just hanging out with you. It makes me happy." Ink smiled slightly.

Nightmare was shocked. That wasn't really what he was expecting. But, he could understand the little skeletons feelings. He felt that way too. It felt good to just hang out with someone. In peace and quiet.

The two spent some more time together until Nightmare heard the soft heavy breathing of Ink. He looked and saw the smaller sleeping peacefully.

Nightmare smiled at that and closed his eyes as well. They should do this again.

A couple days, weeks, they didn't care to count, later. Nightmare sighed as he walked back up to his favorite spot. He saw the little artist as well. Sitting with his legs scrunched up to his chest. He smiled at the sight of him. He walked over there and laid down next to him.

Ink looked down at him and smiled. "Been awhile."

Nightmare hummed in agreement. It has been to long. He, for some reason, missed the little artist. He couldn't tell why he liked it, but it was nice. He sighed as Ink started talking.

"Mind if I complain?" Ink spoke.

"Shoot." Nightmare said looking at the stars.

"Error is a real pain in the ass! He can't leave me alone for one bloody minute! He's annoying in every way possible! And, I have to like him!" Ink sighed flopping down next to Nightmare.

"Yeah. I hear you." Nightmare nodded. "Same with Cross. He's so clingy and calls me "Sen Pie" or something. I mean, he's obedient which is very helpful but, god damn he's so fucking annoying! And he's always permanently attached to my side! It's so... UHG! FRUSTRATING!" Nightmare groaned.

Ink nodded understanding. "I honestly thought you two looked cute together. I don't think I've ever seen it as a love relationship though."

Nightmare sighed. Even Ink thought him and Cross looked cute together. Just great! And he started to actually like the little artist as well! Well, I guess he understands him and how he feels. He honestly could say the same for him and Error. You know, with the whole opposites attract thing. But, I guess he'd just be as bad as Ink.

"Wait," Nightmare started. "You said earlier you HAD to like Error, why?"

Ink sighed. "Because the creators think it's cool and fun and cute and, I need to help inspire them to create. So, I kinda have to like him for that reason."

"That's at dumb reason." Nightmare grumbled.

Ink nodded in agreement.

It was silent before Nightmare had an idea. "Wait, what if you don't love him. What if you love someone else, can't you love them instead?"

Ink was silent, not sure how to respond.

"Why can't we just love who we want! They can't stop us! Why can't we bend the rules to love the one we love!?" Nightmare spoke not understanding.

Ink looked at Nightmare like he was crazy and fought back his idea. "We can't. We can't bend the rules just because we like someone! That's, that's not how it works!"

"Why not! Who's to say I can't be a creater and create my own world where you and me can be together! And Cross and Error could just be really good friends. They aren't annoying, and we don't have to be forced to like them. We can like whoever we like! Wouldn't that make sense?" Nightmare argued back.

Ink was quiet. It did make sesne. It made a lot of sense. "Yeah. I guess it does. But, how are we actually going to do that!?"

"How do the creators create?" Nightmare asked.

"Writing, drawing, basically if you have an imagination then-"

"Then why don't we?" Nightmare stood up making Ink flinch. He was clearly worked up and filled with determination on this new idea.

"Let's make our own world where we could be together. Unless, you know, you like someone else." Nightmare spoke beaming with ideas. This was new for him. He didn't usually create or have imagination sparks. It was new to be anxious about how someone feels towards him.

"No. That's a great idea. Let's make a world where we can be together. You and me." Ink spoke softly looking up at Nightmare. He smiled softly at him.

Nightmare smiled back, holding out a hand to Ink. Ink smiled wider as he took the hand and lifted himself up. He looked up to the taller skeleton. Getting lost in his eye. Nightmare smiled as he slowly leaned down and closed his eyes. Ink subconsciously did the same. Slowly leaning together until their lips met. They shared a soft tender kiss. Enjoying eachothers embrace.

They pulled away after a while and smiled at eachother. They looked into eachothers eyes lovingly.

"Does this mean we're a thing?" Ink questioned.

Nightmare thought about it, then smiled softly and nodded. "I guess it does mean we're a thing."

Ink smiled as he sighed and fell backwards onto the grass. Nightmare laughed as he fell down with him. Ink snuggled close to him and closed his eyes. Nightmare wrapped an arm around Ink and held him close. Ink purred feeling safe in his arms. Eventually falling asleep.

Nightmare looked at the smaller in his arms and kissed his skull before he himself fell asleep as well.

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