You CAN Be A Good Person

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Dust was always the lone kid. He was also always the mean kid. He would always bully Blue. Despite Blue always insisting he can be good.
Blue never fought back. He always talked to Dust. Saying he can be good. That even if he brings him down, at least It put a smile on his face.
Then one day, Dust had had enough.
"Why?! Why do you believe in me?! Why do you never fight back?! Why do you try so hard to insist I can change?! I can't! "
"Anyone can be a good person, if they just try! I know their is some good in you! I belive in you! I believe you can be good!"
"Why? Why do you care about me so much?!"
"Because I like you Dust. You're the kind of person who doesn't want any trouble, but will do anything if he's in it. You're the kind of person who just needs someone to believe in them. And I believe in you. You're the kind of person who's nice and sweet on the inside, but tough and mean on the out. To protect himself from others. From yourself. You-"
"Shut up. Shut up! Shut up ! SHUT UP! You don't know anything! You would never understand anything! Your loving a stranger! You idiot! You maniac! You ASSHOLE!"
Dust was furious. He punched Blue to the ground. It knocked the air our of him.
"You know nothing about me! Because you are just a nothing. "
Blue couldn't bare hearing these words come from Dust's mouth. He stated to breakdown

That night, Dust thought about what Blue said. He tried to convince himself that he should think nothing of it. That it wasn't anything really. Nothing was ever going to happen between them. But there was another thought. A thought that said something horribly wrong is going to happen. To him, and Blue. And that thought was taking over his mind.

The next day, he had thought about what Blue said some more, and felt guilty. Blue took punches and pushes and so many other things, just to see him smile. Blue would throw away his physical and mental state, just to see Dust have a sliver of satisfaction and happiness. He felt bad and wanted to apologize.

But was shocked when he overheard some news.

Dust raced to the hospital, the clock was ticking. He couldn't lose Blue, with his last words to him was "you're a nothing" He thought about all the times Blue got kicked, shoved, hit, abused, yelled at, all thanks to him. All the times Blue risked his life for his. All sacrifices Blue made for him. The thoughts kept running through his mind as he ran to the hospital.
He burst in, running to the lady at the front desk.
"I'm looking for someone. They go by Blue, they wear blue alot, and always has this blue bandana on around his neck. Can you tell me which room he's in" Dust said desperately in between gasps for air.
"I think I know who you're talking about. Take the elevator to the second floor, take a right, then it should be the sixth door to your right." The lady spoke.
"Thank you." Dust quickly said as he raced to the elevators.
When he got into the room, he saw Blue on a bed. Sleeping. His eyes closed. Deep, easy, slow breaths. Dust ran for the bed quickly to his side. Slowly taking Blues cold hand, into his shaky ones.
He knelt down, as he sobbed quietly to himself. " I'm sorry. I'm sorry. This is my fault. I'm so sorry."
He heard the monitor that read his heart rate, as it got slower and slower. He suddenly heard a voice.
He looked up to see Blue. He's eyes barely open.
"What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to apologize. I wanted to say sorry. This is my fault isn't it?"
"No. Of course not. It was never your fault."
"It was always my fault. You always gave up your life for me. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be in this situation. Blue, I'm so sorry."
"Heh. See, I knew you could be a good person if you tried. " Blue smiled a soft smile. This just made Dust's heart break even more. After all he has done, after everything he has put him through, he's still smiling.
The monitor on his heart rate was so slow, you could possibly break of slowness. But that just ment Blue was also breaking, just as slow, and painful.
"Dust, before I leave, can you promise me something? "
"Of course."
"Can you, keep smiling for me. I always loved your smile. Almost as much as I love you. Can you keep smiling and be happy. And be a good person. And believe in those who need it most. Just as I did to you. Will you do that for me please?"
Dust didn't want Blue to leave just yet. He never wants him to leave. But he smiled and said.
"I promise. I will. Everyday, I'll smile, and tell someone they can be a good person, if they really tried. I will do it. For you."
Blue smiled.
"Thank you."

Those were Blue's last words, as the sound of one monotone note was played on the monitor.
Blue, was gone.
And it killed Dust, that he couldn't do anything.


To this day forward,

Dust smiles,

Even as tears roll down his face,

for the loss of the one he never knew,

and never thought he loved.

But Dust would have traded his life for Blue if he could've.

And now he has.

To see Blues smiling face.

And now,

they're happily together again

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