Cross Birthday Stufff

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Cross didn't really have the best trust. Especially with a group of five muderuos psychopaths. But he had to push that side of him aside as he followed an excited Killer pulling him along the castle hallways with his eyes closed.

"Where are we going?" He asked warily.

"You'll see~" Killer smirked in a sing songy voice.

Cross groaned, not really trusting this.

Finally, after a lot of turns, and a ton of walking, and he's pretty sure they got lost at least once, he felt Killer stop, making him almost run into the other. He was confused and panicked a bit as Killer let go of his hand.

"Uh....Killer?" He spoke, keeping his eyes closed.

It was silent.

"Killer?!" He cried out.

yet again, silence.

"I'm opening my eyes!" Hesitantly, his eyes blinked open.

It was dark. He couldn't see anything.

"Killer? Guys?" Still nothing.

He narrowed his eyes, trying to see if he could see anything through the dark. He summoned a dagger in his hand, clutching it tightly.

"Two years, I swear. Just when I let down my guard. I thought I could trust them-"

Suddenly, the lights clicked on.

Cross turned around in shock, only to see all the Bad guys pop out behind him.


"AAHHHHHHH!!!" Cross screamed, firing hundreds of knives at them.



"I can't believe you guys did all of this." Cross spoke, still in disbelief about everything. 

"Yeah, though if we knew it would get half of us pinned to the wall, we probably would've toned it down a bit more." Killer chuckled, fiddling with a hole in his hoodie where a knife had pierced him.

"Heh, yeah.... sorry. I was just.... on edge." Cross muttered, laughing a little.

"What? Do ya not trust us?" They looked over to Dust who had just helped Horror down from the wall.

"Well, you all know I don't have the best trust in people. Especially since y'all are...."

"Psychotic blood thirsty villainous magical skeletons?" Killer finished.

"I mean..... I wasn't gonna say it.... but yeah..." Cross muttered.

Dust laughed, slapping him on the back. "Nah, don't worry about it. We know what we are, and it's what makes us amazing. Right?"

Cross snickered. "Yeah."

"I just, wasn't sure. I usually don't let my guard down, but I thought... y'know...after two years, I thought I would be able to trust you all. And... when you all just, disappeared. And I was left alone in the dark. I thought you all had left me. Or had decided to, kill me. Y'know. Earn my trust, just to take my life away." Cross explained, getting quiet as he spoke.

"I mean.... it wouldn't be the first time. How many times in the past did I celebrate this birthday? How many overwrites have I turned 31? Have I made it to 32? 40? Maybe even 50? Maybe I haven't even made it to 15. Maybe I wasn't even created. the first time where I'm with real people. Real friends. A real family. People who I know I can trust. Or, at least y'know. I think I can. I thought I could trust them but... turns out... I couldn't." It was silent as Cross kept talking. Everyone off the wall and listening to Cross. It wasn't often Cross talked about his AU. His old life. His old family. It was a sensitive topic for him. For all of them really.

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